Not sure how to properly pack a carry-on for a long weekend? Need to know what the best deals are for Super Bowl weekend? We’ve got all the best travel advice and tips, as well as how-to guides for the casual and avid travelers of the world.
Discover what to pack in a carry-on for stress-free travel. From must-have essentials to comfort items, this guide ensures you're ready for anything mid-flight.
A report by AAA shows that while gas prices keep dropping, the rate at which they do has slowed. Increased Labor Day demand and lower production play a role.
Summer 2024 has brought record air travelers, and Labor Day weekend will bring even more. That's according to the TSA, which is preparing for the busy holiday.
There’s still confusion around the REAL ID Act, particularly when it comes to flying. Do you need a passport to travel in the U.S. once this goes into effect?
You needn't look far and wide for bucolic routes, as the best road trip routes in the US are captivating enough to offer you an adventure of a lifetime.
Some subscription services make sense — and cents — for travelers. These are the best travel memberships and subscriptions that are worth the money in 2024.
There's an app for everything, and they have come up with the best packing apps, so you don't have to cry while putting things randomly into your suitcase.
Whether you just love nautical-themed vacations or fancy yourself a salty maritime soul, you’ll love an escape to these amazing U.S. lighthouse hotels.
Puerto Escondido, Mexico is rapidly becoming one of the most popular destinations in Mexico. Here's our guide to the best places to surf, eat, stay, and more.
Before you book your next trip, know which cruise ship offers you pristine conditions so the only thing you'll need to worry about is which activity to do next.
The flight industry is facing shortages and other challenges, and there is one pilot that wants us to know some things before our next time flying on a plane.