If IBS is a part of your life, here's what the experts say about what causes it, if there's a cure, and how to live with the disorder more comfortably.
Kombucha is a fermented green or black tea with numerous health benefits. Much like a sourdough bread starter, kombucha uses a starter culture called a scoby.
Though our hair naturally gets thinner as we age, a healthy diet can help prevent hair loss. Learn what to chow down on in this list of foods for hair growth.
Eating a few servings of kale a week can lower your LDL cholesterol levels, help with inflammation, provide your body with numerous nutrients, and more!
We've chatted with some experts of the food world to find out which of trends they're most eager to see go, and we have to admit — we couldn't agree more.
Niacin, or vitamin B3, is a crucial vitamin that helps boost brain function and reduce hypertension. Check out the tasty foods that are high in niacin.