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Turmeric with ginger and black pepper: Science says taking these herbs and spices together will get you the best results

The benefits of turmeric, ginger, and black pepper increase when taken together

Ginger and Turmeric spices.
Ajale / Pixabay / Pixabay

Turmeric is an herbaceous plant used for centuries and is native to countries in eastern Asia. Not only is turmeric used as a spice in many classic Indian meals, but it’s also used by many people for its holistic benefits, such as helping decrease inflammation. The reason turmeric is thought to offer many health benefits is thanks to an ingredient known as curcumin. While curcumin does offer inciting health benefits, taking it alongside black pepper and ginger can enhance its effectiveness even more. This overview will explore this excellent combination of herbs and spices and why you should take them together.

Halved ginger.
gate74 / Pixabay

Why these are most effective together

If you want to get the most out of turmeric benefits, taking a mix of ginger and black pepper can help enhance absorption and help you get the most out of your supplements. If you’ve ever purchased curcumin supplements that contain black pepper – here’s why. Black pepper contains a compound known as piperine that helps our bodies more easily absorb curcumin. Consuming black pepper benefits your digestion, helping to block the metabolic pathway of curcumin and helping the body more effectively use the curcumin. The results of this research aren’t negligible either, with studies suggesting that the piperine found within black pepper can enhance the absorption of the curcumin in turmeric by nearly 2000%.

Another way to enhance the absorption of curcumin is with ginger. Consuming ginger can offer digestive support and also contains antioxidants that help support the health of our cells. Not only are ginger benefits enticing on their own, but taking ginger alongside curcumin can also help support absorption.

spices black pepper
Karolina Grabowska / Pexels

Methods of consumption

Since these three herbs work most effectively together, many brands also offer combination supplements that make it easy to take them all together. When shopping for turmeric supplements, be sure to read the label and ingredients to see the breakdown of each component. In addition, be mindful of the list of inactive ingredients, which may contain magnesium stearate and silica or other fillers that provide no benefit. Most research suggests that the average adult can benefit from consuming 500 to 1,000 mg of turmeric daily.

For those who have swallowing difficulties or prefer not to take supplements, these herbs can also be consumed in other forms. Many herbal teas offer ginger and turmeric varieties, which can be enjoyed with a dash of black pepper. If you don’t love the taste, try adding some lemon juice or a few drops of liquid stevia to add a touch of sweetness to your tea. Some companies also offer turmeric or ginger immunity shots, or you can try homemade varieties too. However, if you’re looking for the most benefits from these herbs, taking a supplement will offer the most concentration of turmeric, ginger, and black pepper.

turmeric tea
Tamanna Rumee / Pexels

Conditions these herbs can help

Now that it’s clear why ginger, turmeric, and black pepper are often consumed together, you’re likely to be wondering what this unique blend of herbs truly offers.

Anti-inflammatory benefits

Researchers have been exploring the health benefits of curcumin for many years, but most research has explored its anti-inflammatory benefits. Inflammation is thought to be the root cause of many chronic diseases (such as heart disease) — which means curcumin could play a role in helping to manage or prevent these conditions. Many people who have arthritis or other joint conditions found that consuming turmeric may help reduce inflammation and thereby provide natural pain relief and help to improve symptoms.

Regulating blood sugar levels

Maintaining regular blood sugar levels is an important component in helping to prevent Type 2 diabetes. As such, research has found that consuming ginger and turmeric may help support stable blood sugar levels and help fight against insulin resistance.

Brain benefits

Some research has also explored the ability of ginger and turmeric (with black pepper) to help boost brain function, such as improving memory and attention. These natural herbs might also help enhance brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) which is important to keeping brain function strong as we age. Many believe low levels of BDNF to be associated with conditions associated with cognitive decline, such as Alzheimer’s disease.

JAF Ginger Tea Cup with Lemon
Maria Tyutina / Pexels

Improving your health with this combination of herbs

If you’ve been consuming turmeric supplements on their own, it might be time to add some ginger and black pepper to your regimen to enhance their effectiveness. Both ginger and black pepper serve to enhance the absorption of curcumin found in turmeric, helping you to get the most health benefits. Whether you enjoy these herbs in supplement or tea form, consuming this combination of herbs can help you easily elevate your health and fight against chronic disease.

Emily Caldwell
Emily is a freelance writer with a special focus on health, fitness, lifestyle, food, and nutrition topics. She holds a B.S…
14 of the best prebiotic foods you should be eating – from apples to oats and lentils
Prebiotic foods to add to your grocery list
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There are constantly new wellness trends to try on a seemingly weekly basis. Some are better for you than others. One of the more popular recent trends starts with your gut. Your gut houses a broad range of bacteria and fungi that help digest and absorb nutrients in the food you eat.
These bacteria and fungi are also responsible for maintaining the integrity of the intestinal barrier, producing vitamins, reducing inflammation in the body, fending off pathogenic microorganisms, and signaling the immune system to produce more white blood cells. These resident microorganisms together form what is known as the gut microbiome -- a complex ecosystem that is susceptible to disruption and imbalance by things like antibiotics, a chronically poor diet, stress, and medications.
While certain habits can negatively affect the gut microbiome, they can also be improved and made to flourish with supportive behaviors and foods. Though probiotics get most of the attention and credit for being the go-to salve for the gut, prebiotics are arguably just as important. Prebiotics are compounds comprised of oligosaccharides, inulin, lactulose, and glycan, which are dietary fibers (carbohydrates) that are indigestible for humans but are the preferred source of fuel and nutrients for our good bacteria in the gut. In fact, prebiotics selectively feed the beneficial bacteria in the gut rather than any harmful pathogens.
A good visual is to picture the gut microbiome as a garden. Probiotics can be equated to seeds or seedlings, and the healthy bacteria are the plants. Prebiotics, on the other hand, can be pictured as fertilizer, offering helpful bacterial plants nutrients to support their growth. In this way, the prebiotics feed or fuel probiotics and the other beneficial microorganisms already inhabiting our gut.
Prebiotics are found as fermented fiber in many fruits and vegetables, as well as some seeds and grains. Adding them to your diet can help fortify the good bacteria in your gut, improve bowel regularity, and support healthy digestion. Here are some of the best prebiotic foods to stock up on next time you go grocery shopping.

Asparagus contains between 2 and 3 grams of inulin per 100 grams or a 20-calorie serving. This makes one of the least calorically dense sources of inulin, a type of prebiotic fiber known to aid digestive health, regulate the optimal levels of glucose and insulin, and fuel Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus species and other good bacteria in your gut. The inulin is more effective when asparagus is raw, so try incorporating thin slices into fresh salads or shaving spears on sandwiches or atop avocado toast.

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