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7 essential things you have to do now so your ski gear is ready for winter

Top tips for getting your ski gear ready to hit the slopes this winter (yes, you should start now)

Winter is just around the corner and I don’t know about you, but the thought that we can soon be tearing down tree-lined groomers and pounding through powder makes me want to unpack all my snowboarding gear and get ready to ride. Okay, so there’s a little time to go before we’re shredding, but that doesn’t take away the fact that now is a great time to start thinking about unpacking your ski gear.

Your ski equipment has most likely been sitting in storage since the end of the winter season. Sure, you noticed a few issues when you packed it away — your edges had a few burrs on them, and your jacket wasn’t quite as waterproof as it could be — but these were problems for next winter. Well, that time has come. It’s time to get your snow gear winter-ready so that when the snow starts to fall and the lifts start to roll, you’re not left behind fixing up a broken binding or still trying to find a pair for a lonely mitt.

A man puts in a deep powder turn near some pine trees that are covered In snow. In the background, the sun sets over some mountains.
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Examine your skis and snowboards

The most important part of your setup is your planks

Whether you’re a skier or a snowboarder, you want your gear to glide and carve as it should, so you’re flying, not fighting. Give your gear a clean with a microfiber cloth — let it dry thoroughly before you proceed — and scrape off any storage wax. Always remember to scrape from the front to the back of your board and take your time to avoid gouging your base. Don’t stress if you didn’t storage wax your gear; just grab your tuning kit and wax your snowboard or skis.

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Check your edges

Sharp edges grip the snow to help you carve long sweeping turns, while blunt edges… well, they don’t. Test your edge by lightly running the back of your fingernail across it — a sharp edge will scrape off a little of your nail. Check your edges for burrs from hitting rocks or skittering on icy sections at the end of last winter. Large burrs will need professional attention, but you can use an edging tool to sharpen out smaller burrs and sharpen your edges. Detune the tip and tail — slightly dulling the front and rear portion with a file — to prevent them from grabbing the snow.

Check your bindings

Bolts on snowboard bindings have a habit of coming loose, so check that they are all still tightened and that your ratchets are working properly. Skiers, check your DIN setting is correct, and that the forward release is set properly — check the guidance for your specific binding, or ask a professional for help on this — so that you will release as intended.

couple on snowboards
Ryan Tuttle / Getty Images

Check your boots

Hopefully, you stored your ski boots loosely buckled over winter to prevent them from losing their shape. Your feet change with time, so check that your boots still fit properly. Stood up straight, you should be able to feel your toes gently touching the end of your boot. As you squat into your riding position, your toes should move away from the end of your boot slightly, giving you space but not moving around. Check all the moving parts on your boots — laces, straps, buckles — for wear and tear that you may have missed.

best ski goggles smith.
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Make sure your helmet is in good condition

Most skiers and snowboarders nowadays wear a snowsports helmet when they ride to protect their heads. Helmets come with a manufacturer-recommended lifespan, so check that yours isn’t getting too old to protect you and if it is, think about hanging it up and replacing it. Give your helmet the once over, checking for cracks, wear points, or any degradation from a summer of storage. They’re not cheap, but helmets protect your head, so don’t take any chances.

Two figures look at the camera wearing ski gear as snow falls on them.
Fezbot2000 / Unsplash

Does your snow gear still fit?

It’s been a few months since you packed your snow equipment away, so check that it still fits you and that a summer of grilling and chilling hasn’t left it a little tight around the edges. It’s never a bad idea to re-waterproof your jacket and snow pants before the season starts. Just throw them in the wash with re-waterproofing treatment — like Nikwax TX Direct — and they’ll keep you dry.

Snow gear isn’t just about function though. What you rocked the slopes in last year might not get the stoke going this year, but there’s still time to grab yourself a new ski jacket or snow pants before the season starts. Don’t forget to check your goggles too. Make sure the lenses aren’t scratched from your tree lines, and that they fit over your new helmet. It might also be time to ditch the thirty-year-old sweater and invest in some new lightweight merino wool thermals, to give you better movement and freedom on the hill.

A skier and a snowboarder ride a ski lift with mountains and trees below in the background.
Johannes Kroemer / Getty Images

Get the early bird passes

You don’t want to be paying over the odds for your lift passes, right? Most ski resorts offer early bird ski passes at discounted prices. These often run until November, but this differs from resort to resort. If you know when you’re going to ski, get in early on the pass-buying to save yourself a chunk of money. The biggest saver here is on season passes, so if you’re local to a ski hill, what are you waiting for?

sugarloaf ski resort
Jamie Walter / Sugarloaf

Start training

Skiing and snowboarding are physically demanding sports. With just a few months to go until winter kicks in, now is the right time to get in shape for the season. Leg exercises — like squats and lunges — are essential for you to have the strength for a full day of skiing, but don’t neglect the full-body workout if you want to have a full week on the slopes. The more you do now, the less likely you are to get an opening day injury that puts all your hard work back on the sofa, so try to fit in a few training sessions each week.


Get backcountry savvy

Like to get off-piste and hit the backcountry? Me too, but don’t neglect the safety gear that comes with it. Check your skins are in order and re-glue them if they’re prone to peeling at the edges, otherwise you’ll be collecting snow all the way to the summit. Replace the batteries in your avalanche beacon — even if they’re showing a good charge — and get out and practice. Take a friend and brush up on your backcountry skills. Lastly, check your bag and repack it so it’s always ready to go — complete with a shovel, probe, first aid kit, and spare layers.

The best ski and snowboard racks secure and protect all your most precious winter gear.
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Bonus tip: get your vehicle winter ready

If you’re planning to drive yourself to the ski hill this winter, check that your vehicle is winter ready. Are your snow tires in good condition and ready to be put on when the flakes start to fall? What about your snow chains? Remember how to fit them? Even if you were a slick expert last winter, have a practice before heading out; there is nowhere worse to have to remember how chains fit than at the side of the road. Check your ski rack is ready to go so that you can hit the slopes as soon as possible.

Tom Kilpatrick
A London-born outdoor enthusiast, Tom took the first ticket out of suburban life. What followed was a twelve-year career as…
If you like skiing or snowboarding, you need to update your iPhone immediately – here’s why
Apple fixed a major issue for skiers and snowbarders
Skier in Austria

Skiing and snowboarding are all about the escape. Escape from work. Escape from obligations. Escape from stress. As you glide and turn down the mountain, the present moment is all that matters. But if you have an iPhone 14 (or newer), its crash detection feature can throw a wrench in that experience. 

Apple’s Crash Detection feature summons emergency services in the event of an auto accident. Using sensors to detect collisions, the software is a valuable tool when time is of the essence. But sometimes, skiers and snowboarders trigger the feature, creating a conundrum for first responders. Here’s what’s been happening, and how to prevent it by updating your iPhone.

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Are you a park rat, powder hound, or all mountain ripper? We have a ski for you
The best skis no matter what type of riding you love
Best Skis for All Types of Skiers in 2021

The ski season is in full swing. Hopefully, by now, you've managed to get to your local ski resort or have a break planned to get some much-needed skiing this year. Perhaps you've pulled out those old faithful skis from the garage or started looking around at which rental package is right for you this year. But isn't it time that you updated your ski gear a little or stepped out of those rental skis and into a setup of your own?

For most people, their setup starts with ski boots and then moves to skis and poles. But whether you're still making the shift to parallel turns, or you're a honed carver or powder nut, you're going to get more out of your time on the slopes if you have your own setup. The right skis feel like an extension of your legs, making skiing intuitive and fun rather than a lesson in endurance. These are the best skis for all types of skiers this winter.

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Think you know the best campfire wood? These 7 wood options might have you thinking twice
Stay away from green wood, of course
A smoldering campfire heating up an iron pot in the dusk

Knowing how to build a fire is an essential skill in both recreational and survivalist situations. But if you want to make the most of your fire, considering the type of wood you're using can help you optimize it.
This is useful if you have a small amount of wood, are in an extremely cold environment, want to practice fire safety or plan on cooking meals outdoors. The wrong wood could be too smoky, burn out quickly, or even explode into sparks.
On the other hand, using the wrong wood might not give off enough heat, only produce smoke, and take forever to cook things.
You don't need to be a tree expert to figure out which wood is best for you. Rather, it's best to stick to these top options. They all offer a consistent hot burn, but they also come with unique features that you may find more helpful depending on what you plan on doing near the fire.
So here's a list of the best wood for campfires to use the next time you're warming up under the vast night sky.

Understanding hardwood vs softwood
I know I said you didn't have to learn everything about trees to understand firewood. But you do need to understand one fundamental difference, and that's the distinction between hardwood and softwood.
Softwood is a faster-burning, lighter wood that ignites at a low temperature. This makes them easier to get started and means that you'll get lots of bright, fast-catching flames.
Hardwood logs come from deciduous trees and tend to be much denser than their counterpart. These heavy logs will take a while to heat up and give off more smoke in the process. With patience, hardwood will create a tremendous amount of radiant heat due to its long-lasting burn.
As you can see, these types of wood can make a huge difference in how your fire burns. If you know you want your fire to burn quickly so you can enjoy a quick outdoor meal, go with softwood. If you want to stay by the fire for over an hour, hardwood will work best.
It's a good rule of thumb to go with hardwood if you can't decide. This is because hardwood tends to burn more efficiently, and although it may be harder to start, it can withstand winds, light rain, and even snow.

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