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What is a shaken espresso? The smooth, frothy coffee drink you need to try

How to make a shaken espresso at home

Pouring cream in cold brew coffee
Magda Patsogianni / Pixabay

I’ll be the first to admit I wasn’t sure what a shaken espresso was until recently. I’ve heard this drink ordered by others dozens of times on my recent Starbucks runs. But I hadn’t given much thought to its preparation or ingredients — I mean, it’s just an espresso shaken up with ice, right? I was wrong about this drink, and you might be, too.

There are so many cold coffee drinks (iced coffee, cold brew, etc.) on the menu that, somehow, this one seems to get overlooked. Once you try it, though, you’ll quickly realize that it’s quite different from other espresso drinks on the menu. So, what is a shaken espresso?

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How to make a shaken espresso

Iced coffee with cream
zakiroff / Adobe Stock

To make a shaken espresso, you need to have the right tools handy. The most important component of the shaken espresso is the cocktail shaker. A Mason jar with a tight, sealable lid is also a good alternative if you don’t have a cocktail shaker handy. If using a jar, ensure it’s large enough to allow ample room for ingredients to move around during the shaking process.


  • Ice
  • Espresso (single or double shot)
  • Simple syrup or sugar
  • Milk of choice (milk, half-and-half, oat milk, almond milk, etc.)

The amount of each ingredient you use can vary based on preferences. Usually, about 1/3 cup of milk or milk alternative is used for every three shots of espresso. However, you can adjust this and the amount of simple syrup used based on your creaminess and sweetness preferences.


The name “shaken espresso” almost makes this drink sound complicated to make. In reality, it doesn’t take much barista skills to make this delicious, aerated cold coffee.

  1. Start by brewing either one or two shots of espresso. If you don’t have an espresso maker, an espresso concentrate could be substituted. Allow your espresso to cool if you’re using freshly brewed espresso.
  2. Fill your cocktail shaker or Mason jar with ice.
  3. Pour in chilled espresso, milk, and simple syrup or sugar on top of the ice. Close the lid tightly.
  4. Vigorously shake up all ingredients back and forth for about 30 to 6o seconds.
  5. Pour and enjoy.


A shaken espresso in its basic form contains regular simple syrup. But the fun doesn’t stop there. Like most espresso drinks, there are endless creations and modifications to spice things up. One of the most popular variations of the shaken espresso is an iced brown sugar oat milk shaken espresso, such as in Pact Coffee’s recipe.

Starbucks has its own version of this shaken espresso drink, too, made with Blonde espresso, brown sugar, and a touch of cinnamon and topped off with oat milk. Coffee drinkers who enjoy something more fruity than sweet might also like the Iced Apple Crisp Oatmilk Shaken Espresso. Again, these are just popular versions you can find at Starbucks. But any type of flavored coffee syrup can be used when making a shaken espresso at home, giving you the flexibility to craft your version of a barista-style drink.

What is a shaken espresso?

Cocktail shaker
Luana Cappon / Pixabay

With its vigorous shaking method, the shaken espresso sets itself apart from other cold espresso beverages. Unlike other cold coffees like cold brew or iced coffee that are not shaken, the shaking process creates a uniquely frothy and velvety texture for this drink. After shaking, the shaken espresso retains a strong espresso flavor that is smooth and slightly frothy. I can’t really come up with a similar drink to compare this to, as it’s pretty unique.

In terms of taste, the shaken espresso is a good choice for any coffee drinker who likes bold, strong, cold coffees but still enjoys a creamy texture. If you’re used to the bitterness and non-creaminess of an iced Americano, you might not like the shaken espresso. But if you like to add cream to your iced Americano, a shaken espresso might just become your new favorite espresso beverage order.

Origins of the shaken espresso

Iced shaken espresso
viarami / Pixabay

Many falsely believe that Starbucks first created the shaken espresso. While it may be credited for making the drink so popular, the shaken espresso is inspired by an Italian coffee called Shakerato. A Shakerato is made with one or two shots of espresso, ice, and some sweetener, such as sugar or simple syrup.

But this drink is unique because it is prepared using a cocktail shaker. Vigorously shaking the drink’s ingredients creates a light and frothy texture. The shaking creates a foam-like texture on top, where the dose of sugar helps enhance the drink’s viscosity to allow it to hold more fine air bubbles.

The traditional style Shakerato drink may have inspired the shaken espresso, but there is one major difference between these two drinks. The modern-day shaken espresso contains milk to add creaminess and balance out the espresso’s bitterness. Shaken espresso drinks do not necessarily need to be made with dairy milk. Starbucks offers various modifications for shaken espresso, including non-dairy milk like oat or almond milk.

Emily Caldwell
Emily is an accomplished freelance journalist with over seven years of experience in food, beverage, health, fitness, and…
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