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3 duct tape camping hacks: Why it should always be in your hiking or camping kit

Stick to duct tape while camping — here's how

Closeup of two friends setting up a tent in the woods.
Kamaji Ogino / Pexels

One of the most useful scenarios for duct tape is out in the wilderness, but it can be tricky to figure out how to store it. One of my go-to ways is to simply wrap several feet of duct tape around an old credit card or a sturdy piece of cardboard. I’ve also seen people wrap duct tape around their water bottles, but that’s never appealed to me since it can be a bit of a mess to clean. Regardless of how you do it, taking some duct tape with you might just make or break your next camping or hiking trip. Here’s how.

3 uses for duct tape while out in the wilderness

Tent camping in the rain
Y S / Unsplash

Patch repairs with duct tape

Sleeping pads pop and nylon tears. We’ve all been there, and duct tape can save the day! It’s great to have duct tape on hand to patch a hole or close a gap in my tent. If you happen to accidentally tear your sleeping bag, a patch of duct tape will get you through it. Reinforce broken straps, seams, zippers, or even sole separation in your shoes and you’ll make it home all right.

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Duct tape in first aid

When thinking about duct tape, first aid might not always come to mind. However, duct tape is great in a jiffy for splint support if you or someone in your party ends up breaking or spraining something. With a piece of clean cloth or gauze, you can create a makeshift bandage in an emergency. You can also use a small square as blister protection if your shoes start rubbing your feet raw.

Using duct tape as an organization tool

While masking tape might work a bit better in this case, duct tape can still be used to label and tag gear or mark items. That said, nothing is better than duct tape if you want to seal an open liquid container. Duct tape can also be used to keep loose cords, tent poles, or stakes bundled together in a pinch.

Duct tape is certainly a camper’s best friend, so next time you go on a journey, bring plenty with you.

Sarah Joseph
Sarah is a lover of all things outdoors. With a bright sense of adventure and a heart for the mountains, she is always…
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