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Latest by Mark Stock

beat summer heat tips tricks jogging

Tips and Tricks for How to Beat the Summer Heat

Summer continues to swelter, which means heat stroke is a real threat and something you should know how to prevent or combat.
listening music isolation headphones

Everything You Need to Know About High-Resolution Music

High-res music is the audio equivalent of high definition, adding depth, premium audio engineering, and richness to your favorite tracks.
outdoor winemaking 1

What Exactly is Outdoor Winemaking?

Outdoor winemaking isn't exactly popular but it has a certain following among low-intervention, au naturale producers.
Sauvignon Blanc white wine on a table

A Guide to Lesser-Known Italian White Wines

Italy is chock-full of indigenous wine varieties and these five are some of the most intriguing and lesser-known within the white wine category.
north american indigenous breweries bow and arrow

A Look at Indigenous Breweries in North America

Indigenous breweries are a small but vital and growing element within the American craft beer landscape.
Jaisalmer Gin

From Colonialism to Craft: How India’s Gin Scene is Changing

Gin and India go way back to the dark days of British colonialism, but the spirit is being reinvented today by local producers.
best european pilsner beers pils 2020

The Best European Pilsners To Drink Right Now

No continent does a pilsner style beer quite like Europe and these easy-to-find options demonstrate just that.
man listening to music headphones

The 13 Best Film Soundtracks of All Time

The soundtrack is the secret sauce of any great film and these twelve may be the best of all time.
Young man playing tennis

7 Best Sports to Play With Friends While Social Distancing

It may not be the right time for football or baseball, but there are plenty of sports you can play with friends while social distancing.
Red wine pouring.

How Wine Professionals Are Moving Toward More Inclusive Wine Speak

In a quest to make wine more inclusive, some in the industry are pushing to change the way the stuff is described.
Red wine pouring.

Why Non-Pro Wine Lovers Should Care About GSM

Hailing from the Rhone in southern France, the GSM blend is one of the most famous and enjoyable trios in all of wine.
music for the dog days of summer guava island

Music for the Dog Days of Summer

As the days shorten and back to school ads start popping up, you need music that tells you that it’s still very much summer and everything is going to be okay.
rise fall riot ribs portland

The Rise and Fall of Riot Ribs in Portland

Riot Ribs grew into a bona-fide enterprise within the larger BLM movement, setting protesters up with free food at all hours.
White wine glass tip

Grüner Veltliner is the Star of the Austrian Wine Scene

Austria's number one varietal, Gruner Veltliner is a compelling counter to other white wines like Chardonnay.

Arashi is the Most Popular Band You’ve (Probably) Never Heard Of

Arashi is an extremely powerful force in the realm of international pop music, despite having no major presence in American music.
Red wine pouring.

Tannat May Be Your New Favorite Barbecue Wine

Tannat is a full-bodied red still coming into its own and great alongside summer barbecue, produced all over the globe.
the new california pinot noir glass

California’s Pinot Noir is More Than Just Sideways References

California was the first to plant Pinot Noir in the states and it continues to help define where the varietal is headed in the New World.
Lavender flowers

A Quick and Easy Guide to Edible Flowers

A lot of your favorite flowers are also edible and can be used in a number of dishes, from pastries to sauces.
why we should have less packaging in drinks industry carlsberg wood bottles

Why Less Packaging Should Be More in the Drinks Industry

The drinks industry continues to look for ways to trim down, often cutting unnecessary or non-reusable packaging.
sherry fortified wine glass

Spain’s Txakoli Wine is a Perfect Summer Sipper

There's hardly a more refreshing, summer-ready wine than Txakoli, a light and sometimes sparkling wine from Spain.
Hop farms.

This Road in Washington is Where All Your Favorite Beers Get Their Start

Lateral A Road in the Yakima Valley has one of the greatest concentrations of hop farms on the planet, fueling the beer industry.
what is montepulciano italian red wine

Meet Montepulciano, the Italian Wine That’s as Fun to Say as It Is to Drink

Two of Italy's great reds are built around the Montepulciano name, but made with different grapes and distinctive results. Here's what you need to know.
clear ice

A Brief Guide to Enjoying Better Ice In Your Cocktails

Now's the time to pay more attention to ice, a staple in cocktail culture and a fun thing to experiment with at home.
best voices in music rihanna singing

12 of the Best Voices Across All Music Genres

There are plenty of good singers, but those with golden vocal cords stop listeners in their tracks. Queue the goosebumps: These 12 voices are sonically sublime.

The 7 Best All-American Pilsners For Summer and Always

The pilsner is one of the most popular beer types on the planet but it took a while for Americans to master the lighter style. These are some of the best.
White wine in a glass

Soave Used To Be The Most Popular Italian White Wine in The U.S. Here’s How It Has Changed

Grown in northwestern Italy, Soave is a versatile white wine that was once more popular in America than Chianti.
Sauvignon Blanc white wine on a table

How to Pronounce Scheurebe (And What Kind of Wine It Is)

Don't be fooled by its unsexy name, Scheurebe is an enjoyable, highly aromatic white wine hailing from northern Europe.

We Wanted to Know: Can Water Show Terroir Like Wine or Beer?

Water is rarely picked apart and given the terroir treatment to the extent that wine and coffee are but should it be?

Hold the Fava Beans, It’s Time to Get to Know Chianti

Chianti is so much more than easygoing red table wine fit for pasta, as the many styles and these options suggest.
the most creative restaurant re openings cicoria pizza by aj meeker

The Most Creative Restaurant Re-Openings During COVID-19

The restaurant industry is in the midst of a real reckoning but some places are reopening with creative new concepts and approaches.
The Best Quarantine Musical Performances

The Best Quarantine Musical Performances

The quarantine can keep us at home but it can't stop the music, whether it's an emotional new track or dance party mixtape.
what athletes drink after winning championships soccer beer

What Athletes Drink When They Are Crowned Champions

It's customary for a sports team or athlete to enjoy some celebratory drink after a big game, but what's in the cup?
Red wine pouring.

Exploring 4 Standout American Petit Verdot Wines

Long a small portion of famous Bordeaux wine blends, Petit Verdot is coming to the fore as a formidable standalone wine.

Beyond White Sugar: What’s Muscovado and How Can You Use It?

Muscovado is a great, molasses-driven example of the vast and intriguing world of unrefined sugars.
smart envinronmental drinking practices beer nature

The 4 Best Craft Beers From Alaska

The 49th state is home to long summer days, grizzly bears and moose, and some fantastic craft brews. Some of which have made their way to the lower 48.
what is considered essential in wine during coronavirus covid 2

Breaking Down What’s Considered Essential in the Wine Industry During the Pandemic

Wine is a complex industry facing major shifts as it adapts to the pandemic and pushes to survive.
blue raspberries

What Is Up With Blue Raspberry Flavor and Why Do We Love It?

As head-scratching as it is, blue raspberry has become a prominent flavor since its creation in the 1950s.

What’s Valpolicella? Exploring One of Italy’s Most Famous Wine Regions

Long loved in its native Italy but relatively unknown in the states, Valpolicella is your new favorite red wine for summer.
slow restart for professional sports sk wyverns v hanwha eagles  kbo league opening game

Exploring The Slow Restart of Professional Sports

Pro sports are slowly coming back to life to empty stadiums and eager fans.
Glasses of brandy or cognac on the wooden table

Understanding The Big Three Types of European Brandy

Brandy is hipper than you thought, based around three regional producers in Cognac, Armagnac, and Lourinhã.
drive in movie

Film in the Time of Coronavirus: The Return of the Drive-In Movie Theater

One of the unique by-products of the pandemic is the resurgence of the all-American drive-in movie theater.
Friends relaxing outside mini van at beach

Catch Some (Sound) Waves With An Intro to Surf Rock

Surf Rock is a sub-genre very much as advertised, created in the early 1960s as a fusion of rock 'n' roll and surf culture.

Why Now is the Best Time to Join a Farm Share Program

The farm share is an attractive option for getting fresh produce, especially as we enter the best of the growing season.
carbonic maceration

Why Simple Carbon Dioxide Is the Hottest New Ingredient in Modern Winemaking

More than just a cool phrase, carbonic maceration is a cellar style that yields fresh, vibrant, and immediately approachable wines.
roast chicken

Best Last Meals, According to Chefs and Winemakers

It's hard not to think about end times, so we asked a few winemakers and chefs about what their imagined last meal might look like.
blackout tuesday pauses music for justice

Blackout Tuesday Pauses Music for Justice

This June 2nd is now known as Blackout Tuesday by the music industry, a deliberate mic drop in the name of social justice.

The Pull of France’s Bandol Wine Region

Provence is deservedly known for its rosés but within the lauded region, Bandol may just be its brightest star, with its great pink and red wines.
wine sale

Why Wine Purveyors Are Having Fire Sales and Auctions During Quarantine

With the pandemic still in mostly full swing, restaurants are offloading assets like library wine to stay afloat.
Methode Ancestrale Winemaking

What You Need to Know About Methode Ancestrale Winemaking

There are multiple ways to make sparkling wine but the methode ancestrale is the oldest and perhaps most interesting, dating back to the 16th century.

How to Build Your Own Virtual Wine Tour on Google Earth

Thanks to the internet, you can peruse some of the most iconic vineyards and winery estates on the planet, right from home.