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5 clever ways to use paracord on your next camping trip

Tie up the loose ends at the camping site with these 5 paracord uses

Purple and green twisted paracord
Ilgmyzin / Unsplash

Sometimes, the simplest tools are the most effective, especially when camping. I’ve found that paracord is one of those things that most people have at the bottom of their bags, but do you really know how to use it to its fullest potential? Originally designed for parachutes, paracord is lightweight, durable, and (in my humble opinion) essential for any camping trip. Like with a camping knife, using paracord does require some skill, but once you know the right knots, it will change your game. The next time you’re in the wild, try one of these paracord purposes.

How to use paracord while camping

A bundle of rope or paracord
robert zunikoff / Unsplash

Paracord ideas for shelter and weather protection

You never know when you’ll need a little extra length to your tent guy lines. Paracord is just the thing. Just cut the amount you need and use a taut-line hitch for adjustable tension.

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If it starts to look like rain or sun, paracord is the perfect ridge line for a tarp. Using a bowline at one tree and a taut-line hitch at the other, you can easily string your paracord over your tent or living spaces.

Paracord ideas for camping gear management

Chances are, you don’t have a drier while camping out in the wild. While a good dry bush can sometimes do the trick, a paracord clothesline will save the day. When not in use, you can string lights along the cord for a pretty campsite vibe.

On multi-day trips, you’ll need a food hanging system to keep your supplies safe from wildlife. Parachord is just the thing to keep your bear bag out of reach from nosy animals.

Parachord is also great for securing firewood or bulky items like sleeping bags for transport. Just use a clove hitch for this one.

Paracord hanging in bundles
Petrychenko Anton / Shutterstock

Paracord ideas for fun and games

Camping should have some fun and games, especially if you’re out and about with a big group. Paracord can be used for tug-of-war, cut down into jump ropes or rings for ring toss, or even create a tightrope a few inches from the ground. They can also be woven into bracelets for easy carrying.

Safety and navigation

Coming across a dangerous path in the road can be nerve-wracking, but paracord can save you from turning around. By stringing paracord along the dangerous path or steep incline, it can be used as a guide rope.

Brightly colored paracord can also be used as emergency markers. Just make sure to bring all of it with you in order to comply with leave no trace principles.

Using paracord in survival situations

While camping, things might not always go to plan. If something needs to be fixed fast, like torn gear, paracord could be your saving grace. By removing the outer casing of the paracord, you’ll see that it contains multiple inner strands that can be extracted and used as fishing lines, thread for repairing gear or even stitching a wound in extreme survival situations. With a lighter, it can even be melted down as temporary glue.

These are just a few of the countless uses of paracord. From building shelters to repairing gear, the versatility of this camping tool might just save your life one day.

Sarah Joseph
Sarah is a lover of all things outdoors. With a bright sense of adventure and a heart for the mountains, she is always…
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Easy preparation
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Weight and packability
I've made the mistake of packing a huge cooler with sandwiches. Not only do you have to lug the entire thing up the mountain, but you've got to bring it down, too. Plus, on a multiday backpacking trip, no ice pack is going to last that long. Be careful that the food you take is lightweight, and avoid foods that require excess packaging or bulk.
Caloric density
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Shelf stability
A lot of backpackers plan their trips for the summer, which means having to deal with the heat. This can definitely play a part in what kinds of foods you bring. Backpackers aim to bring as light as possible, so foods that don't spoil and don't need excessive cooking are going to be your best friend.
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