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4 types of coffee beans every enthusiast should know about

Which of these four types of coffee beans is your favorite?

Coffee beans
Lukas / Pexels

While some may say “a cup of coffee is a cup of coffee”, true coffee connoisseurs know there’s so much variety between individual cups of coffee. Just head to the local grocery store and you’ll see for yourself the overwhelming number of coffee options there are to choose from. From light roast to dark roast — the number of coffee bean options can quickly become too much. Luckily, most coffee can be broken down into four main categories, which makes it more easy to comprehend. Below, discover the 4 types of coffee beans to know about and what makes each bean variety unique.

Roast of coffee vs. origin of coffee

cup of coffee
Elizabeth Tsung / Unsplash

Before diving into the four types of coffee beans, one important thing to understand is that coffee is often classified by two major factors: its roast and its origins.

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Roast of coffee

The roast of the coffee refers to how much heat the beans undergo during the roasting process. Each roast of coffee begins with the same coffee beans (meaning there is no “light roast bean”, however, it changes based on the roasting process. Light roast beans are subject to less heat than dark or medium roast coffees. In turn, the heat exposure changes the taste and aroma of the final cup of coffee you drink.

Origins of coffee beans

Coffee is also categorized based on where it originated. Although certain types of beans typically come from the same regions, the origin of the coffee bean does not refer to what type it is. Rather, it just refers to where the coffee was grown. For example, you may have heard “Colombian coffee beans”.

4 types of coffee beans

coffee beans
Oskar Kadaksoo / Unsplash


Arabica coffee beans are the most commonly known variety of coffee beans and almost the most prevalent, making up about 60% of the world’s coffee beans. You might have even ordered a cup of coffee at a shop that boasted their coffee is made with 100% “Arabia” beans — but what does this mean? This type of coffee comes from the coffea Arabica plant, which requires high attitudes, lots of shade, and steady rainfall to grow. As such, they are often grown in nations with these high elevation conditions (at least 2,000 feet), such as Brazil, Columbia, Peru, etc. These beans produce smooth, high-quality coffee that has very little bitterness, producing the solid cup of coffee you know and love.

Arabica beans are particularly prone to disease, which can make farming these beans a challenge and ultimately drive up the price across the global market. However, this bean remains the most popular because it has a soft, sweet taste that has just the right level of bitterness.


Robusta coffee beans are the second most produced in the world, right behind the Arabica bean. This coffee bean variety grows best in very warm climates with irregular rainfall and can grow at several altitudes too. Robusta beans come from the coffea canephora plant, which is first in sub-Saharan Africa.  Most of these beans today are grown in Southeast Asia or Brazil.

These beans are a bit trickier to grow than Arabica beans, however, they do produce greater yields for farmers. Robusta coffee beans are known for having a higher caffeine content and a deep, robust flavor profile. This type of coffee bean is bitter, harsher, and more acidic when compared to Arabica beans. Additionally, Robusta coffee beans are often used when blended with other types of coffee or used in instant coffees.


Liberica coffee beans are not found as commonly as Robusta and Arabica beans. This variety of coffee beans comes from the coffee liberica plant, which originally came from Liberia. Today, this variety is grown in Malaysia, the Phillippines, and Indonesia.

To grow Liberica coffee beans, conditions must be hot and humid. Each plant produces low yields which is why it’s not found as commonly as other coffee bean varieties. Coffee from liberica plants contains less caffeine than other varieties and features a slightly nutty and floral aroma. Visibly, these coffee beans look different from other varieties with a large and irregular teardrop shape.

Coffee beans in hands.
Partners Coffee / Partners Coffee


Excelsa coffee beans are the rarest types of coffee beans that are similar to the Liberica bean. Although similar in shape, these beans grow exclusively in Southeast Asia on plants that are about 20 to 30 feet high (which look more like trees than coffee plants). Only about 7% of coffee beans around the world are the Excelsa variety. Excelsa coffee beans are known for a tart, fruity flavor that is sometimes mixed in blends with other coffee beans to create a more full, complex taste. These beans are tough to find, so you’ll have to go searching if you want to try a cup of coffee made from Excelsa beans.

Emily Caldwell
Emily is an accomplished freelance journalist with over seven years of experience in food, beverage, health, fitness, and…
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