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How to Make Rum Cake: Yo Ho Yo Ho, a Pirate’s Cake for Me

Rum cake has been a holiday staple in the Caribbean for centuries. Having evolved from a mix of British and Caribbean traditions, the sweet, boozy dessert is perpetually a favorite of anyone and everyone who tries one (our money is on the fact that it has rum in it).

The thing is, we feel that rum cake can and should be enjoyed any time you want a boozy confection. You could just pour rum over a piece of sheet cake and technically have rum cake, but that’s cheating. Instead, you should learn to make your own rum cake – an easy and delicious thing to do. (As a bonus, you have nine months to perfect your recipe before the holiday season begins again.)

Need Rum?

Instead of teaching you a typical rum cake, though, we’re kicking it up a notch. This rum cake recipe, which comes to us from Runamok Maple, utilizes their Sugarmaker’s Cut maple syrup — the best of the best syrup that is usually set aside for family and friends. The rich maple syrup combines perfectly with the wood and vanilla notes of the rum to make a perfect cake for the holidays, for greeting spring, or for any time.

If maple syrup isn’t your thing, take it out to have a regular rum cake, but we suggest trying it with the syrup first.

Maple Rum Cake Recipe

Maple Rum Cake Recipe Runamok Maple
Runamok Maple

(Serves 10-12)


  • Rum syrup (see below)
  • 1 pkg instant vanilla pudding mix
  • 4 large eggs
  • .5 cup rum
  • .5 cup dark rum
  • .5 cup Runamok Maple’s Sugarmaker’s Cut
  • .5 cup butter
  • .5 cup butter, softened
  • 5 cups sugar
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • .5 cup milk
  • .5 cup vegetable oil
  • 2 tsp vanilla
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp salt

Method for the cake:

  1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Grease and flour a 12-cup Bundt pan and set aside.
  3. Combine flour, salt and baking powder in a small bowl. In a standing mixer or using a large spoon, cream the softened butter and sugar together. Add the eggs and oil and stir until blended. Mix in the vanilla pudding mix. Alternate adding the flour mixture and the milk. Lastly, add the rum.
  4. Pour the batter into the Bundt pan and cook for approximately 45 to 50 minutes or until a fork piercing the cake comes out clean.

Method for the rum syrup:

  1. Melt the butter and maple syrup together in a pan. Remove from heat and add the rum.
  2. Slowly pour the warm mixture over the warm cake (while it is still in the pan), letting the syrup soak in evenly. You may want to poke a few holes with a fork in the middle of the cake to distribute it. Let it sit for a few hours, then loosen the cake and tip it out of the pan onto a serving plate.
Sam Slaughter
Sam Slaughter was the Food and Drink Editor for The Manual. Born and raised in New Jersey, he’s called the South home for…
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If you’ve ever been to Hawaii and had breakfast, then chances are you’ve come across loco moco on the menu (unless you stayed ensconced in your hotel and didn’t go out and experience what the islands have to offer, of course). A staple dish if there ever was one, loco moco is a great mix of proteins and cereal grain, and more that allows you to have a hearty breakfast without feeling too full.

The fun things is that it’s also easy to make. We reached out to Eric Silverstein, author of The Peached Tortilla (and recent guest on The Manual Podcast) for his take on the classic dish. As you’ll see from this recipe in the book, he took the dish and ran with it, spicing it up with some dashi and other fun ingredients.
Loko My Moco

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How to Make a Cuban Sandwich, According to Chefs
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A South Florida creation dating back to the turn of the century, the Cuban sandwich (also known as the Cubano) is a flavorful spin on the classic ham and cheese. The Cubano often includes creative additions and ingredient swaps, but at its essence, this grilled sandwich involves Cuban bread, thin-sliced ham, roasted pork, deli pickles, and a hearty swipe of mustard. It’s a handheld masterpiece that appeals to all flavor centers ... and if you’re armed with the following seven useful tips from pro chefs, the Cuban sandwich can be easily re-created in the comfort of your own kitchen.
Pay attention to the marinades used for your pork and pickles.
The rich umami of roasted pork and the bright tang of pickled cucumbers are crucial to the Cuban sandwich’s appeal, so it’s important to get your brines, marinades, and cooking times right. Chef Lisa Toro of The Liquor Store in Memphis, Tennessee uses a “12- to 16-hour seasoned and roasted pork shoulder” for her Cuban sandwiches, allowing the slow marination process and gentle roasting to infuse the pork with as much flavor as possible.

Chef Julian Medina of Latineria in New York City tells us that “the key ingredients to an amazing Cuban sandwich are the pork and the pickles. Marinate the pork shoulder for two days in a mix of garlic, fresh herbs and olive oil, then slow-roast it so the meat gets a nice sear all around it. For the pickles, make [a brine] with rice vinegar, dill, and chiles de Arbol for a tart and spicy aspect."
Don’t skimp on the quality of cheese.
Look, we get it. The cheese counter is a notorious money vortex, and it can feel a bit silly to drop big bucks on a block of dairy that’s intended for a sandwich rather than a cheese board. But when it comes to a well-executed Cubano, quality cheese is a must-have. And according to culinary director Tom Berry of the soon-to-open Mariel in Boston, MA only one type of cheese will do: “Cave-aged Gruyere maketh a Cubano.”

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