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Cream or sugar? New study finds adding one of these to your coffee is associated with weight gain

Making this one change to your morning coffee can help your weight loss goals

Whole coffee beans
Igor Haritanovich / Pexels

Every day, across the globe, billions of cups of coffee are savored as part of a daily ritual. Breaking this sacred routine is unthinkable for many. Yet here’s a question: Is your beloved cup of coffee slowly causing you to gain weight?

According to a groundbreaking study, the culprit might not be the caffeine itself but rather the sweet sidekick it often brings along – sugar. Shockingly, just a single teaspoon of sugar in your daily coffee could be sneakily adding on those pounds. And if you’re a two or three-cups-a-day kind of person? 

Man sitting next to a cup of coffee on step outside with phone in one hand
Ketut Subiyanto / Pexels

Does coffee lead to weight gain?

It would be helpful if we cleared the air – coffee, in its pure, unadulterated form, isn’t to blame for the extra pounds that you may be carrying around. As a matter of fact, studies have shown that black coffee can be a helpful ally when it comes to weight loss, reducing overall calorie consumption, and aiding physical activity. Several other studies have also found that coffee can have beneficial health effects, such as reducing the risk of certain diseases, improving cognitive function, and providing antioxidants.

What’s to blame, then? It’s the extras we throw into our coffee that can turn a guilt-free treat into a cause of weight gain. Caffeine serves as both a stimulant and an appetite suppressant. Not only does it enhance alertness and energy levels, but it also has the power to curb hunger and cravings. Also, caffeine has been linked to improved focus and productivity, making it more than just a morning pick-me-up. However, too much caffeine can lead to anxiety and jitteriness, as well as dehydration. Moderation is key when it comes to consuming caffeine.

Black cup of coffee next to pastry.
Brigitte Tohm / Pexels

What is the best way to enjoy coffee without gaining weight?

The best way to enjoy your daily cup of coffee without adding extra calories is by drinking it black. That’s because the real villain lurking in your coffee is sugar. A recent study revealed that it’s not coffee or caffeine per se that leads to weight gain, but rather the added sugar. 

So, you may be unknowingly sabotaging your weight loss efforts with those seemingly innocent coffee flavorings and sweeteners. Therefore, if you’re looking to lose weight, it’s important to read labels carefully and limit your sugar intake. This can help you avoid the hidden sugars in your coffee, which can sabotage your weight loss efforts without you even knowing it.

There seems to be an abundance of sugary beverages everywhere you turn. Even coffee, a centuries-old ritual, doesn’t seem to be safe anymore. So, the next time you find yourself contemplating cream or sugar, remember that the real art of enjoying coffee lies not in what you add to it but, rather, in savoring the pure essence of this beloved beverage. Your waistline will even thank you for it in the long run.

Brittney Bertagna, RN
Brittney is a graduate of California State University, Chico, where she completed a Bachelor's degree in Business. Her…
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Coffee pouring over the sides

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Most people start to experience the effects of coffee in about 10 minutes, and within 45 minutes of consuming your cuppa, your body will have processed 99% of the caffeine. And with an average of 150 milligrams of caffeine, such as with a good, strong cup of black coffee, you will continue to have caffeine influencing your system for about five hours.

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You need to start adding beer to your waffle batter – here’s why
Add beer to your waffle recipe (it's delicious!)
Waffles on a plate

Belgium is something of a headliner when it comes to cuisine. So many of the most glorious foods we love to indulge in originate from this beautiful little European country. Some of the world's best chocolate and most exquisite beers come from Belgium, making it one of our favorite countries. But then you throw french fries and waffles into the mix, and Belgium very quickly becomes the mecca of the most adored foods world. While we can go around for days about which of these culinary contributions we love most, there's room to adore them all. But on a lazy Sunday morning, there just isn't anything better than a perfectly golden, light, fluffy, crispy, buttery Belgian waffle.
True Belgian waffles are unique in a few ways. Firstly, they usually call for the added step of beating egg whites separately, then folding them into the batter in lieu of simply mixing whole eggs in all at once. This incorporates air into the batter and gives Belgian waffles their signature light and airy texture. They also tend to have a bit more sugar than other waffles, making them slightly sweeter. But our very favorite mark of an authentic Belgian waffle is that they're yeasted, often with Belgium's favorite beverage - beer.
Using beer in waffle batter is a stroke of genius for a few reasons. The bubbles in the carbonation, much like the beaten egg whites, will create a heavenly light fluffiness. The yeast in the beer will give the waffles a much more complex flavor and gorgeous texture.
This is our very favorite Belgian waffle recipe.

Beer waffle recipe
Every waffle iron is different, but these waffles are meant to be perfectly crisp and beautifully brown, so be sure to cook them long enough to see those golden edges.

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