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These are the best coffee alternatives if you’re just not feeling that cup of joe

man sitting at table drinking coffee
Andrew Neel/Unsplash / Unsplash

For many, there’s nothing quite like the first sip of hot coffee in the morning. Whether you need it for a caffeine kick or just to savor the flavor, a cup of joe has become almost necessary for many. And while there’s nothing wrong with your favorite cup of coffee, experimenting with alternatives is always a good idea. For those days you simply want to skip the coffee maker, change your diet, or are merely looking for a different taste, these alternatives will give you a similar jolt of energy as your coffee. These coffee alternatives can also help keep you pumped for the day if you’re looking for a refreshing changeup to your hot coffee in the morning during the hotter days. Regardless of your reason, these coffee alternatives are well worth setting down that mug every once in a while. 


iced matcha drinks
Frank Zhang/Unsplash / Unsplash

One of the most common alternatives to coffee comes in the form of matcha. Known for its unique taste, matcha can keep you awake during your morning meetings without relying on your coffee. Matcha is a Japanese green tea powder sourced from dried tea leaves. Typically, matcha is made by mixing in the powder with either water or hot milk, depending on your preference. Besides giving you an energy boost, matcha also gives you plenty of health benefits you simply can’t find in coffee. Coming from dried tea leaves, matcha delivers high amounts of antioxidants, which can help lower blood pressure and boost your metabolism. Unlike coffee, matcha gives you energy in a less physical form, helping you keep focused and calm throughout the day. 

Lemon Water

lemon water in pitcher and lemons in tray
Mariah Hewines/Unsplash / Unsplash

For those looking to swap their coffee for something more hydrating and refreshing, there’s no better choice than a glass of lemon water. As simple as it sounds, lemon water involves adding a few squeezes of lemon into the water, along with a few slices if you wish. With some ice cubes, this refreshing drink can help give you an energy boost in an entirely different way. Lemon water can help deliver some much-needed vitamin C into your daily routine, which has a host of benefits on its own. You can also add other ingredients to your lemon water, such as mint or honey, which can help add even more health benefits to your drink. For those who struggle to complete their daily water intake, a glass of lemon water can help you achieve your hydration levels. In this way, lemon water can help keep you hydrated, which can help your body run optimally and without the assistance of caffeine. 

Mushroom coffee

man holding cup of coffee
Nathan Dumlao/Unsplash / Unsplash

Although technically it looks like and tastes like coffee, mushroom coffee is still considered an alternative based on the different benefits compared to regular coffee. Adding mushroom extract to your coffee can help give you antioxidants, reduce inflammation, and add caffeine. While mushroom coffee has less caffeine than regular brew, it can give you some energy kicks without the stress of feeling anxious or being up all night. Mushrooms are also known for helping reduce inflammation, which can be an advantage over regular grounds. Thankfully, mushroom coffee has become more mainstream and accessible nowadays and can be found in many variations. You can find coffee grounds and premade coffee brew with mushroom extract already added into the mix in stores at a lower cost than when it first became popular. 

Golden milk

golden milk sitting on table
Osha Key/Unsplash / Unsplash

For those looking for something entirely new to try, golden milk might be the right new obsession to try. Although golden milk sounds like a new dairy substitute, it’s simply a mixture of turmeric, milk, and other spices. This bright yellow drink is as healthy as it is interesting to look at. Like many of these coffee alternatives, golden milk provides plenty of antioxidants, can help reduce inflammation, aid in brain health, can improve moods, and has plenty of antibacterial properties. There’s no doubt that many of the claims can seem exaggerated, but the truth is that many of the ingredients in golden milk can provide benefits you can’t get out of a regular cup of coffee. Just as with coffee, golden milk can also be made early in the week and stored for up to five days, making it ideal for meal planning. 

Finding the right alternative

barista making coffee
Jennifer Bedoya/Unsplash / Unsplash

No matter which alternative you choose, these substitutes can help give you more benefits than your regular coffee order. These alternatives also offer different flavors and tastes for those who tend to get bored with the same type of coffee every day. Even though they differ in caffeine levels, each can get you through your day with plenty of health benefits you’ll see in the long run.

Leslie Leon
Leslie is a Los Angeles-based writer and content creator. She is always researching and finding the latest fashion trends…
9 best cold brew coffee makers to get your chilled buzz on in 2024
Cold brew coffee makers worth your time
Cold brew ice coffee

Not everyone wants a hot, steaming cup of joe first thing in the morning. Sure, many people might gravitate to something that warms the soul as much as it does the body, but some people want to stick with what they've come to know and love over the last few years: Cold brew coffee. This smoother and equally delicious version of java is good any time of the year.

Cold brew coffee is also shockingly easy to make at home — some might say even simpler than making hot brews, which are very easy to over or under-extract — provided that you have a good cold brew coffee maker. It will save you a lot of money, too, as it will minimize your trips to your local coffee shop. If your taste for cold brew has evolved beyond exchanging cold water for hot in your trusty French press, then read on: These are the best cold brew coffee makers to up your home barista game.
Best overall: OXO Cold Brew Coffee Maker

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Man pouring a cup of coffee

Coffee is the nectar of the gods, and through the years, we’ve come up with many ways to extract the sweet ambrosia. From using the more traditional French press to a cold brew coffee maker, there is a wide range of options. We can also percolate, pour over, steep, and even vacuum hot water through our roasty ground coffee beans to get the potent potion. Whether you prefer your coffee cold or hot, there's a method for you.

For the most part, we’ve relied on machines to do the work of brewing a large batch of our daily jolt juice. They’re perfect for those of us who need continuous large doses of coffee throughout the day to feel human and maintain productivity. Advances in coffee maker science have made choosing a drip coffee maker more difficult. Just like you, we take our coffee seriously. That’s why we’ve created this list of the best drip coffee makers to buy this year to make choosing a little bit easier — after all, is there anything more necessary to start your day than a cup of traditional drip coffee?
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A pot of tea with a cup brewing on a tray.


You are either a coffee drinker or a tea drinker — and they will fight each other over which is better. In an effort for us all to get along, let's focus on tea. Like with coffee, if you don't drink tea regularly, you don't know how many options there are. While that's what true tea drinkers live for, it could be confusing for someone brewing their first pot. Here is a rundown of some of the types of tea if you want to switch from coffee grounds to tea leaves.
Basic types of tea

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