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Do you know about these 5 benefits of drinking lemon water?

Add lemon water to your diet and you may reap some great health benefits

Lemon water with whole lemons
Ali Pli / Shutterstock

A glance at the title would probably have highlighted the word “lemon” to you. And you perhaps have a dislike for the strong sour taste, but today, you will learn about the many benefits of drinking lemon water ways lemon water. That tart flavor has the capability to be turned into something light and refreshing while serving as a source of numerous essential nutrients for your body.

As the name suggests, lemon water is the juice of the lemon fruit combined with water. It is packed with key vitamins and nutrients with additional fresh flavor and health safety. If you have decided on a healthy lifestyle, lemon water is a healthy option compared to other flavored drinks like juices or non-diet soda packed with sugar.

Cut lemon sitting on the counter.
Nikkikii / Shutterstock

5 reasons you should drink lemon water

Lemon water is perfectly healthy to drink every day for many people. This doesn’t mean you should add lemon to every cup of water you drink, because it is highly acidic, and too much acidity can cause adverse side effects. Studies recommend one or two glasses with meals and one glass in between meals. Taking one glass first thing in the morning is an absolutely perfect way to begin your day. Keep reading and to learn about the advantages of drinking lemon water.

1. It is an excellent source of antioxidants

Lemons are a good source of vitamin C, a primary antioxidant that helps protect cells from damaging free radicals. It also helps reduce the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system and stroke, promotes a healthy immune system, and fights off infections.

Citric acid is naturally found in citrus fruits like lemons. That is what gives them the tart, sour taste, but it doesn’t end with that. Lemon water also contains salt citrate, a compound that supports the preventive mechanism against developing kidney stones.

In addition to its vitamin C and citrate content, lemon water contains other beneficial substances like plant compound flavonoids. These possess properties that help protect the cells from damage and are linked to benefits for metabolic health, such as improved blood circulation, glucose tolerance, insulin sensitivity, and modulation of lipid metabolism.

2. It helps you stay hydrated

Hydration is necessary for the optimal functioning of the body. The cells, tissues, and organs in our bodies need water to work. The healthy habit of drinking lemon water is a great way to stay hydrated. It quenches your thirst, gives some healthy buffs, and helps your body function properly!

3. It promotes clearer skin

If you want naturally smooth, clean, and healthy skin, this citrus goodness has got you covered. Lemons can completely change your skincare game by offering you a range of benefits, including detoxification, providing a natural antibacterial agent, brightening the skin, and improving overall skin tone.

4. It can help prevent kidney stones

Kidney stones can be common and tend to reoccur once you’ve had them, but the good news is that they can be prevented. Studies have shown that drinking ½ cup of lemon juice concentrate diluted in water each day or taking the juice of two lemons increases urine citrate. This, in turn, reduces kidney stone risk. It does this by assisting with the breakdown of kidney stones, and by the prevention of stone enlargement and formation because of its citric acid content.

5. It supports your digestive system

Lemon water serves the combined effect of water and acid during the digestive process, and this helps to break down food. The water aids in digestive enzyme transfer while the acid from the lemon supplements the stomach acid levels. Intake of warm or hot lemon water in the morning can help get your digestive system going, allowing you to digest food efficiently and prevent constipation and the buildup of toxins.

eggbank / Unsplash


Are there any side effects of drinking lemon water?

Despite its health benefits, excessive intake of lemon water can come with negative effects. According to the American Dental Association (ADA), consistent exposure of the teeth to the acidity in lemon water can erode tooth enamel. This can be avoided by brushing immediately after drinking lemon water, brushing and flossing twice a day, and using a straw while drinking.

If you’re prone to ulcers, you should probably minimize or avoid drinking lemon water. In large quantities, it may be too harsh on your stomach. Your stomach’s acidic environment is already causing you issues, and adding extra acid from this can worsen them.

Several studies suggest lemon water as a diuretic since it has a high ascorbic acid or vitamin C content. This could mean frequent visits to the washroom as it increases your urge to pee. It also has the potential to cause heartburn, nausea, vomiting, and acid reflux.

How do you get the most out of your drink?

To reap more benefits, you can infuse more flavor and add a boost of health to lemon water. This can be achieved by adding mint leaves, maple syrup, raw honey, ginger, cinnamon, and turmeric. You could also give it a citrus burst with slices of other fresh, flavorful fruits such as limes and oranges. You could also try cucumber slices after they have been thoroughly washed.

What do you do with the peels?

One good thing about lemons is that after squeezing out the juice concentrate, the pee; doesn’t have to go completely to waste! Its use ranges from cleaning to beauty, cooking, and much more. Here are a few perfect ideas on how to get those peels to use:

You can make a vinegar solution as a great lemon-scented all-purpose cleaner. This will be useful for disinfecting, leaving things smelling fresh and new. This cleaner can be created by adding peels of several lemons in a large jar of white distilled vinegar. Store for a few weeks and take out the peels before use.

Perhaps your house is being plagued by ants and pests — these peels can also help you put an end to that. Place slices of peels on house corners where they lurk, and they will be gone in no time. Lemon peels are also an effective air freshener, and they can leave and keep things smelling great. They could be a good fit for your fridge because the citrus scent the peels release absorb smells.

Another reason you shouldn’t immediately toss those peels is that they offer a collection of vitamins, minerals, and fiber that can give your dishes a boost of nutrition. You can take lemon peels on their own and add them to things such as drinks and baked goods, or utilize them as lemon zest, lemon pepper, candied lemon peel, lemon extract, lemon olive oil, lemon sugar, and much more. This packs your dishes with flavor, making them super yummy and good for you!

Lemon peels are also sought-after beauty products. This could be a natural replacement for most of your store-bought beauty products and an excellent way to save you some money. It can be used as a brightening scrub, nail whitener, skin toner, teeth whitener, and a lot more.

Can drinking lemon water help with weight loss?

Lemon water has become trendy for weight loss, but the truth is a bit more nuanced. It’s not a magic bullet by any means, as there isn’t strong scientific evidence that lemon water directly aids weight loss. However, its hydration benefits, like plain water, can help you stay hydrated, which is crucial for overall health and can indirectly support weight loss efforts.

Also, similar to plain water, lemon water might curb appetite by filling you up a bit before meals, leading to potentially fewer calories consumed and eventual weight loss. It’s a low-calorie alternative and replacing sugary drinks with lemon water is a great way to cut down on calories, which can definitely contribute to weight loss.

Sliced lemon
John Vid / Unsplash

Make drinking lemon water a habit

The saying goes, “When life gives you a lemon, make lemonade.” Well, you can also choose to make lemon water. If you make drinking lemon water a habit and stick with the right portions, you take one more step towards a healthier life that delivers many physical benefits!

Christine VanDoren
Christine is a certified personal trainer and nutritionist with an undergraduate degree from Missouri State University. Her…
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