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WatchOS 10 will make the Apple Watch a true cycling smartwatch

Apple is finally making the Apple Watch compatible with cycling sensors, among other things

Apple watchOS 10 zones
Courtesy of Apple

At its annual World Wide Developer Conference, Tim Cook and the developers at Apple unveiled some exciting new features for its upcoming software updates. While the spotlight might have been on the Vision Pro, don’t miss out on the biggest Apple Watch updates ever, and see if they line up with our predictions. Cyclists especially should pay attention to these game-changing watchOS 10 upgrades. Let’s take a closer look at the watchOS 10 and what it will mean for cyclists.

Apple watchOS 10 workout details.
Courtesy of Apple

Apple’s newest features for cycling

See new metrics with compatible Bluetooth accessories

Bluetooth connection to cycling sensors is long overdue, and Apple-enthusiastic cyclists are breathing a huge sigh of relief. In previous watchOS versions, Bluetooth connection to cycling sensors has been nonexistent, except for heart rate straps. Well, that will all change with watchOS 10. Automatically connect to Bluetooth-enabled accessories to add cadence, speed, and power to your Workout View.

A new Power Zones Workout View

With the new update, Apple Watch automatically detects your power meter and estimates your Functional Threshold Power (FTP). Using the FTP, which is the highest level of intensity you can maintain for an hour, Apple has created Power Zones, a brand-new feature that indicates your workout’s level of intensity. During your workout, you’ll even be able to track how much time you’ve spent in each zone. By analyzing your performance data, you can fine-tune your training routine and optimize your cycling experience.

Your cycling metrics, optimized for iPhone

Cycling workouts with watchOS 10 will now seamlessly sync with your iPhone’s Live Activity display. This makes cycling workouts way more accessible. Start a cycling workout from your watch, and it will automatically show up as a Live Activity on your iPhone. With a single tap, your metrics take center stage on the iPhone screen, providing a larger and more convenient view while you’re on the go. This eliminates the need for a dedicated bike computer, offering a cost-effective solution for cyclists at any level. 

watchOS 10 workout update
Courtesy of Apple

What these features mean for cyclists

The advantages of these features are substantial. For starters, there’s no need to invest in an expensive bike computer when you can harness the capabilities of your existing Apple Watch. The option to use your watch as a cycling companion not only saves you money but also opens the door to advanced workout tracking and performance analysis.

This is particularly beneficial for beginners and those looking to monitor their stats during shorter rides, commutes, or indoor training sessions without the burden of carrying additional equipment like headgear. It presents a convenient and accessible entry point into the world of comprehensive workout tracking within the already costly realm of cycling.

Apple watchOS 10 cadence

Do competing brands offer these features already?

The production version of watchOS 10 will be available for download in September 2023. However, it’s worth noting that Apple did not announce compatibility with the ANT+ protocol commonly used by Garmin sensors. Whether this feature will be included in a future update remains to be seen. If you currently rely on Garmin sensors and are hesitant to switch, the watchOS update may not be revolutionary for you.

Nevertheless, with the introduction of Bluetooth connectivity, the absence of ANT+ compatibility may not be a deal breaker if you opt for alternative Bluetooth models like Zwift.

With this new update, the Apple Watch has definitely become an enticing choice for cyclists of all levels. If you’re on the edge of your seat, the watchOS 10 release date is currently set for this fall for those with an Apple Watch Series 4 or later. 

Sarah Joseph
Sarah is a lover of all things outdoors. With a bright sense of adventure and a heart for the mountains, she is always…
Apple Watch study shows pickleball now more popular than tennis
Its popularity has made it the fastest-growing sport in the U.S.
People playing pickleball outside

One sport has become increasingly popular in the world of paddle and racket sports in recent years, and it’s known as pickleball. So, what is pickleball? Pickleball, in simple terms, is a racket or paddle sport that combines various elements of badminton, tennis, and ping-pong, and people play it indoors or outdoors. In recent years, it has been officially recognized as a sport with organized tournaments, leagues, and dedicated pickleball communities worldwide. 
Pickleball facts to know
Pickleball participation has grown by 158.6% in the last three years and is the fastest-growing sport in the U.S., according to the prestigious Sports & Fitness Industry Association. In fact, despite its unusual gameplay, it has surpassed tennis in terms of popularity, according to a new Apple Watch study.

This rise in popularity that surpasses tennis is due to its simple rule system, easy accessibility, and ability to improve health alongside catering to all skill and age levels and encouraging engagement in social interaction. Pickleball has also been proven to help with mental well-being, cardiovascular and metabolic health, and improve overall physical fitness. 

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11 killer 10-minute workouts to transform your fitness routine
Only have a few minutes to squeeze in a workout? Here are some of our favorite options
A man using a kettlebell to exercise in the living room.

Regular exercise serves so many benefits, including those that are physical and long-term as well as impactful mentally. Just checking off this self-care item from your to-do list can feel accomplishing. The best part is that you only need a 10-minute workout to reap the mood- and health-boosting benefits!
Unfortunately, between hectic schedules and limited energy, it’s not always possible to get in a solid 30- to 60-minute workout every day. However, when your schedule is jam packed, and you don’t have a sizable chunk of time to hit the gym or go for a run, rather than abandon ship and nix your workout altogether, you can do a mini 10-minute workout.
Some exercise is always better than none, especially the shortest most effective workout. A quick 10-minute workout can be surprisingly beneficial for your health and mood while still being easy to squeeze in, even on the busiest of days. Keep reading for some ideas and inspiration for the shortest workout routines that will get your heart pumping and body moving on the days that you're short on time and energy for exercise.

1. 4-minute Tabata workout
When you don’t even have 10 minutes to exercise, you can do a 4-minute workout. Tabata is a specific style of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) that involves performing eight rounds of all-out exercise for 20 seconds, followed by ten seconds of recovery or rest for a total of just four minutes. You can do any type of exercise for a Tabata, but a few ideas include squats, pushups, burpees, mountain climbers, spinning, sprinting, or high knees.

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10 effective quad exercises you can do at home
Strengthen your quads with these great workouts
Man doing quad exercises at home

Whether you prefer running, skiing, hiking, shooting hoops with friends, or simply chasing your kids around the yard, strong quads are required! The quads are a group of four muscles that run from your hip to your knee on the anterior part of your leg. You use your quads for so many activities, and luckily, there are numerous quad exercises at home you can do to strengthen the muscle group.
Most people assume that the best quad exercises require access to a gym filled with fancy weight machines, squat racks, and barbells with heavy weights. While you will want some form of resistance (dumbbells, kettlebells, etc.) for hypertrophy training to build larger quads, there are plenty of effective quad exercises you can perform at home with minimal equipment.
That said, if you plan to do the bulk of your leg workouts at home, you might want to invest in a good set of adjustable dumbbells and resistance bands to give your muscles the stimulus they’ll need to get stronger. In the meantime, we’ve got you covered with the best exercises you can perform at home with just your body weight or a few resistance bands. Keep reading to get started sculpting and strengthening your quads.

How often should you train your quads?
If you can find time to do each of the exercises we recommend below on a weekly basis, then great! However, you never want to overdo it, as this can lead to injury and overtraining that will actually slow down your progress. As with any other muscle group, the quads need at least one day in between training sessions. Therefore, you could maintain a training schedule of two to three days per week of quad work. If you can only get in one workout session per week, try to do at least five of the exercises below to maximize your results.

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