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You know you should avoid poison ivy, but stay away from these 5 plants, too

Avoid these 5 poison plants like the plague

Poison ivy leaves of three
Tim Mainiero/Shutterstock / Shutterstock

Summer is a season of outdoor adventures and exploration. However, hidden amongst the foliage are plants that can cause itching, rashes, and discomfort. While poison ivy is notorious for its irritating effects, there are several other plants that can cause similar reactions.

Not sure what to avoid on your next hiking trip? Understanding what these poison plants look like, their common look-alikes, symptoms, and how to alleviate the itching can help you enjoy a rash-free summer.

Poison Ivy vines and leaves

Poison oak

Poison oak has a distinctive appearance. It typically grows as a shrub or vine, with its leaves arranged in clusters of three leaflets, similar to poison ivy. The leaves resemble the ones on an oak tree — hence its name.

Common look-alikes

Despite its distinctive appearance, poison oak can sometimes be mistaken for other plants. Two common look-alikes are boxelder and Western Virginia creeper, but both of these have leaves in clusters of five, so you can easily tell them apart from poison oak.


Upon touching any part of poison oak, your skin will become irritated by the resinous oil called urushiol. This oil triggers an allergic reaction in most people, leading to the development of red, itchy rashes. The affected area may also swell, and in severe cases, blisters may form, causing further discomfort. If left untreated, the rash can progress to oozing and scarring, so address it right away.


In case of poison oak exposure, first, rinse the affected area thoroughly with cold water and mild soap to remove any urushiol oil. Avoid using hot water, because it can open pores and allow the urushiol to penetrate deeper into your skin. Wear gloves to protect your hands.

After cleansing the area, apply calamine lotion or hydrocortisone cream to reduce itching and inflammation. These topical remedies provide temporary relief from the discomfort. Additionally, over-the-counter antihistamines can help alleviate itching and redness. However, in cases of severe rashes or if the symptoms persist, seeking medical attention is essential. A healthcare professional may prescribe stronger topical steroids or oral medications to manage the symptoms effectively.

Immature Sumac Plant

Poison sumac

Poison sumac is a shrub or small tree that can be found in wetlands and swampy areas. It can be identified by its clusters of 7-13 leaflets, which have smooth edges and a glossy texture.

Common look-alikes

While poison sumac may resemble harmless sumac varieties like the smooth sumac, the key differentiator lies in their habitat – poison sumac thrives in wet environments, whereas smooth sumac prefers drier locations.

Symptoms and treatment

Like poison oak, poison sumac also contains urushiol in the plant’s leaves, stems, and berries. If you find yourself exposed to poison sumac, treat it the same way as poison oak. Seek medical advice for severe or persistent symptoms.

Stinging nettle leaves
Patrick Daxenbichler/Shutterstock

Stinging nettle

Stinging nettle is a herbaceous plant known for its characteristic stinging hairs that cover its leaves and stems. It is easily identifiable with its serrated leaves and whitish-green flowers. While stinging nettle can have benefits when cooked, dried, or freeze-dried, fresh stinging nettle can cause irritation.

Common look-alikes

Stinging nettle can be mistaken for similar-looking plants like deadnettle and mint, except these two lookalikes don’t have the stinging hairs.


If you touch stinging nettle, you’ll know immediately. The stinging hairs on the plant act like tiny needles that inject chemicals into your skin, causing a burning sensation, itching, and redness. In some cases, the reaction may be more severe, leading to the development of hives or blisters. A person could also have an allergy to stinging nettle — in these rare cases, seek medical attention.


If stung by stinging nettle, don’t touch or scratch the area because you will cause the chemicals to spread. Instead, wait about 10 minutes and then rinse the area with cold water. Applying a cold compress can help soothe the burning sensation and reduce inflammation.

Leadwort flowers in a cluster


Leadwort is a beautiful tropical shrub with clusters of small blue or white flowers and oval-shaped leaves.

Common look-alikes

Unlike the other plants on this list, Leadwort has a distinctive appearance, so if you see this plant around, it’s probably leadwort. Many people actually garden with this plant, so watch out.

Symptoms and treatment

Although leadwort may not be as notorious or severe as poison ivy or stinging nettle, it’s still no fun to touch. If you happen to come into contact with leadwort and experience skin irritation, wash the area with lukewarm water and mild soap, and apply a cold compress to soothe the area. Additionally, you can try an over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream.

Wood nettle leaves up close

Wood nettle

Wood nettle leaves are deep green with prominent veins. While the leaves have some stinging hairs, the majority can be found on the stem.

Common look-alikes

Wood nettle shares a striking resemblance to its infamous relative, the stinging nettle, because of the serrated leaves and stinging hairs. This plant is commonly found in woodland areas, thriving in moist and shaded environments.

Symptoms and treatment

To alleviate the itch and discomfort caused by wood nettle, act promptly. Rinse the affected area with soap and water, and apply a cold compress to soothe the burning sensation.

A hiking trail through pine woods.
Paul Pastourmatzis/Unsplash / Unsplash

If you have trouble identifying these plants on your hike, there’s an app for that! And, if you suspect you’ve come into contact with any of these plants and experience itching or rashes, take immediate action to alleviate symptoms. If, at any point, your reaction is severe, be sure to seek out medical care. However, prevention is the best approach – wear appropriate clothing, use insect repellents, and stay on designated trails while exploring the outdoors.

Sarah Joseph
Sarah is a lover of all things outdoors. With a bright sense of adventure and a heart for the mountains, she is always…
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Don’t skip breakfast
Intermittent fasting is increasing in popularity, and if you regularly skip breakfast, that's fine. When it comes to hiking days, though, you need to start your day right with a breakfast that balances carbohydrates and fats. A blend of simple and complex carbs provides a shot of readily accessible fuel, so you’ll be ready to go. Fats are doubly good for slowing digestion and helping to keep you full. A mix of granola, oatmeal, and nut butter is an ideal way to start the day.
Stay hydrated
OK, so staying hydrated is important, but what's that got to do with food? Well, hydration goes beyond just drinking water. In fact, if you drink too much water and don't eat, you're likely to flush electrolytes and salts out of your body. If you find yourself lacking in these important minerals, you can experience cramping, headaches, and far higher levels of fatigue than you should be feeling. Sure, you can replenish these with specially designed tablets that you dissolve in water, but you can also get all you need from eating the right food on the trail.
Eat less, more often
It's not rocket science that eating more often will fend off hunger. The key, however, is eating the right nutrient-dense foods -- in particular, those high in fats -- at regular intervals throughout the day. Some thru-hikers suggest snacking every 60-90 minutes. It’s not as daunting as it sounds, and it rarely requires breaking your stride.

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How to gather firewood responsibly while camping
Yes, there are several "rules" when collecting wood for your campfires
Camping fire

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Here's how you can responsibly gather firewood. And help out your camper buddies by passing on these "rules" for collecting firewood, so they can also be good stewards of the Earth.
Check local campfire regulations
It’s easy to assume that because you’re in a remote area, campfires must be fair game. Long before you start gathering firewood, check the local regulations to see what’s allowed. In some regions, particularly those susceptible to extreme wildfires, the rules may change daily. Wind, humidity, local lightning storms, and a host of other factors come into play. Once you know where you’ll be making camp, check with the agency (e.g., National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Forest Service, etc.) that manages that land. They can tell you whether campfires are currently allowed in that area. Even if fires are permitted, check that it’s legal to gather wood and split the wood directly around your campsite.
Shop local
Invasive species are a threat to wilderness areas throughout the world. It’s tempting to bring firewood from home to your campsite, but this can threaten local ecosystems. Although it’s more expensive, the best option for “gathering” firewood is to buy it locally. The closer it’s purchased to your campsite, the better, whether that’s at the campground itself or a nearby convenience store.
Deader is better
Perhaps the most essential rule of gathering firewood responsibly is never to strip live trees. It’s bad for the environment, and it’s not sustainable. Imagine if every camper in that area -- dozens, even hundreds throughout a season -- pulled their firewood from the trees closest to their campsite. But, even from a selfish perspective, fresh, green wood is not going to burn well. Repeat after me: “Deader is better.” If it snaps easily under your boot, it’s ready to burn.
But let dead logs lie
Dead logs might look like great fire-stoking material, but there are two reasons to leave them be. The first is that they make great homes and hiding spots for smaller wildlife, including mammals, reptiles, and insects. They’re a vital part of any ecosystem. Second, the oldest logs are often damp or soaked completely through, so they make for terrible campfire wood.
Size matters
Gathering oversized pieces of wood is fine, so long as they’re cut to size before adding them to the fire pit. For front-country camping, consider packing a bow saw. Leave the axe at home, as it’s overkill for simply cutting logs to size. Backcountry campers concerned with pack weight might bring a hatchet, which is lightweight, compact, and incredibly versatile even beyond fire-making purposes. Whatever the tool, always cut firewood to fit completely inside your fire pit. This will help keep your campfire contained to a manageable size that’s less likely to get out of control.
Pay it forward
In some national and state parks, campers are not allowed to leave firewood behind. It must be taken with them or burned. Another option is to give any leftover wood to a fellow camper. It’s the right thing to do legally, environmentally, and for the simple pleasure of paying it forward.
Leave no trace
The idea is to leave your campsite just as you found it, for the next person to enjoy, so don't take more wood than you need for your campfires. If you accidentally collect more wood than you need, then refer to the above "rule" and share it with other campers.

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