- 1. PK Grill
- 2. PK Grill
- 3. Direct Cooking
- 4. Indirect Cooking
Football season is not even half over. If you’ve got grill envy every time you pull into your team’s stadium parking lot, you’ve still got time to find a decent grill for pregame burgers and brauts. The only problem with mobiel grilling is the size. Most tail gating kits are baby grills that are heavy on looks but light on cooking power. We discovered the PK Grills line up recently, and whether you’re planning a smoked feast or grill seared steaks, this mighty little aluminum grill is the solution to your problems.
Related: Innovative Tailgating Equipment | Liquor-fy Your Tailgate
Originally started in Tyler, Texas in the early 1950s, PK (Portable Kitchen) Grills cast aluminum design is both timeless and efficient. After a twenty year hiatus following a factory fire, PK is back and not much has changed. Each grill is still made by hand, and features vents to tune your heat and smoke to any meat.
Those vents are the secret to getting every last ounce of flavor out of your meat. Open them up above and below your bed of charcoal, and you’ll have a high temperature bed for burgers, dogs, and sausage while you’re tailgating or at the beach. Close a pair of them down, add in a tray of water, and wood chips, and your grill becomes a miniature smoker that can handle anything from pork ribs to a whole turkey (let’s see your wife’s oven handle that on Thanksgiving).
What’s really got us sold is the portability though. When it’s on the included cart, your PK Grill is at home on the back patio for summer barbecues. Go on the road though, and the body detaches and fits in just about any trunk or cargo area. We’ve already got visions of smoked ribs on the beach grilled steak at 10,000 feet at backcountry ski camp.