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NBA’s Grant Williams reveals his game day diet (and more fitness tips)

Grant Williams shares his fitness secrets

Grant Williams playing basketball
Grant Williams / Instagram

Basketball fans know the nutritional needs of intense athletes like NBA players differ from those of the average person. Yet the fundamentals of healthy food choices and eating a well-balanced diet remain the same. Ever wondered what a day-to-day diet plan looks like for a basketball player during the season?

The Manual has chatted with NBA star Grant Williams to find out. Grant is currently part of the Charlotte Hornets’ line-up but was initially drafted by the Boston Celtics in the 2019 NBA draft. From our chat with Grant, we’ve learned that he is passionate about making smart nutrition choices and prioritizing his protein consumption. We’ve gathered the inside scoop on what Grant Williams eats on game day.

A look at Grant Williams’ game day diet

Grant Williams
Grant Williams / Instagram

Breakfast and lunchtime

Starting his day with enough protein to fuel his workout and training is key for Grant. During the season, Grant strives to maintain a regular schedule, which helps his body adapt to a routine. His day begins with breakfast around 8:30 to 9:00 a.m., where he aims to eat a well-rounded meal with lots of healthy protein.

Some examples of healthy breakfast items he might choose include protein pancakes or an omelet. From here, he typically heads to practice or to the gym. Since Grant enjoys a bigger breakfast, lunchtime usually consists of a lighter meal, sometimes, which includes Quest Nutrition’s protein bars and snacks.

We asked Grant about his flavor (so we know which one to try) and he noted that the Cookies and Cream and Birthday Cake bars are his personal favorite. He also mentioned he will grab a Quest protein bar or protein shake as a snack in between breakfast or lunch if needed, or if he feels like he needs some more fuel for his workout. Choosing protein bars or shakes allows him to closely monitor how much protein he consumes, but he does not track strict macros at this time.

Dinner time

Grant’s dinner time will vary depending on what time that night’s tip-off is, but he gave us an example based on a standard 7:30 p.m. tip-off. Grant’s pre-game dinner usually happens around 4:30, allowing him to digest enough and prepare for the demands of the game. The options for dinner vary quite a bit, as Grant noted he is a big advocate of eating a wide variety of foods and colors.

He noted that it is “important to get color in your meals from a variety of fruits, veggies, and grains” and that he actively tries to “expand his palate” by trying new things. Though he loves Brussels sprouts (but hated them as a kid), he tries to switch up his dinner-time vegetables with lots of variety, such as broccoli, asparagus, mushrooms, etc. Alongside vegetables, he also chooses many different protein options for dinner time, such as chicken, steak, salmon, or halibut. In our interview, Grant also noted that he is a huge fan of Asian cuisine and loves to have teriyaki salmon as a go-to pre-game meal.

Paying attention to his nutrition choices not only allows Grant to crush the game but keeps him focused on maintaining long-term health. He actively tries to eat at least one vegan meal per week, guided by his trainers and nutrition staff.

Grant’s approach to nutrition

Grilled salmon
amenic181 / Adobe Stock

Despite all these healthy choices, Grant, like everyone else, cannot eat healthy 100% of the time. When asked about the “everything in moderation approach,” Grant fully agreed, stating “that you simply cannot punish yourself by eating the same thing every day.” When on the road with his teammates, Grant allows himself to indulge in fast food and sweet treats now and then. One of his favorite “cheat day” meals is Popeyes. With a moderation approach, he limits consumption of unhealthy foods, alcohol, and sugar — but doesn’t eliminate these things from his diet.

Paying attention to your body

Grant Williams
Grant Williams / Instagram

For Grant, maintaining awareness about what he puts in his body helps him stay on track. This includes becoming more aware of appropriate portion control and also paying attention to the quality of foods he consumes. He noted that he strives to eat organic foods whenever possible and also takes a mindful eating approach to maintain a generally healthy and well-balanced diet.

To conclude the interview, we asked Grant about his #1 takeaway tip for nutrition. He replied: “Understanding your body is critical, so pay attention to things and educate yourself.” This includes popular holistic health approaches too, such as taking turmeric to help fight inflammation in your joints. Grant’s whole approach is all about living the happiest, healthiest, and longest life possible while still enjoying the occasional treat.

Emily Caldwell
Emily is a freelance writer with a special focus on health, fitness, lifestyle, food, and nutrition topics. She holds a B.S…
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