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Not sure how to get over jet lag? A new report reveals Qantas has cracked the code

Tired of being tired after your long-haul flight? This airline is helping passengers to beat jet lag

The flight board to Sydney, Australia.
Photo by James D Morgan/Qantas

Delays, layovers, and long flights drive us absolutely crazy. Why? Not just the fact those dig into our vacation time, but they give us horrible jet lag. If you’ve ever tried to enjoy your time after a long flight, you know your body only wants to see the inside of the hotel room to sleep. If you’d like to do more sightseeing and less napping, our friends at the University of Sydney and the airline Qantas found ways for you to fight the effects of jet lag if you have a long flight ahead of you.

They released the results of a new study, conducted during test flights for Qantas’ Project Sunrise Program, which will connect Sydney with London and New York when it begins operations in 2025.

The study breakdown

Things took place on non-stop flights from New York and London to Sydney, Australia

Those flights to Australia are long, with the average service from New York to Sydney landing at 22 hours and 40 minutes — without any bumps. We know, our back hurts reading that, too.

The details of the study

  • The study was done on the pilot, flight attendants, and passengers.

They thought of everyone, and whether you were part of the crew or a passenger, they wanted to know how these long flights affected you, and how to ease any discomfort.

  • They monitored passengers’ pre-flight behaviors, in-flight routines, and post-flight feelings.

They didn’t only care about how you felt when you walked off the plane. The people in the study had to journal daily about how they felt the week before the flight, during the flight, and a whole two weeks after they landed.

  • Everyone had to wear monitors.

It wasn’t like a scene out of The Matrix exactly. The people wore devices to track metrics like sleep and their general movements.

The Qantas flight crew boarding the plane.
Photo by James D Morgan/Qantas

What the results pointed toward

This all sounds cool and interesting, but it’s the final results we care about. How to get over jet lag is the name of the game, and here is how to do it.

Adjusted the time frame right away

  • The crew set the tone for when the passengers would eat, sleep, and be allowed to move about the cabin.

Instead of being served dinner and put to bed, passengers were served lunch and kept awake with lighting. This helped them adjust to the time they would be flying into.

Fed them the good stuff

While chili and chocolate might not be the combo you would hope for, these two foods are beneficial for people on long flights. The chocolate we get, especially if it’s dark chocolate. We’re not so sure about the chili (but we’re willing to test it out). Items like fish and chicken paired with fast-acting carbohydrates, and comfort foods like soups and milk-based desserts, were served. (The idea was to produce more tryptophan, which anyone who has celebrated Thanksgiving knows can make you sleepy.)

Make sure everyone moves around

If you’ve had to hop on even a two-hour flight with a toddler, you know having to sit still is not the best. There were set times for everyone to exercise to help with the side effects of the long flight.

The final perks

The lasting benefits of all of this were that the passengers reported reduced jet lag after and better cognitive function in the two days after the flight. That means more vacation time for everyone and less time walking around like a zombie waiting to adjust.

Qantas is changing how we think and feel about these long-haul flights. With more research to be done, their 2025 goal of non-stop flights from New York to Sydney and London to Sydney could be the beginning of what air travel could look like in the future. And it includes a whole lot less jet lag.

Dannielle Beardsley
Dannielle has written for various websites, online magazines, and blogs. She loves everything celebrity and her favorite…
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Traveling by plane is a convenient and efficient way to reach your destination quickly this holiday season, but the confined space and recycled air can heighten your risk of getting sick. Catching a cold or the flu during a trip can put a damper on your plans and keep you from spending time with your loved ones. With a few proactive measures, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of falling ill while flying. These travel tips will help you to stay healthy and enjoy your journey without worrying about any airborne illnesses.

Pre-flight considerations
Preventing illness while you travel starts before you even step foot on the plane. You are much more likely to fall ill if you aren’t mentally and physically prepared for your journey. 
Boost your immune system
Start preparing for your trip well in advance by adopting a healthy lifestyle. Eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains is a great way to make sure your body is getting the vitamins it needs to thrive. Supplements such as vitamin D, vitamin C, and zinc are also great for boosting your immune system. 
Hydrate hydrate hydrate
Airplane cabins are notoriously dry, and being dehydrated can quickly weaken your immune system. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water before, during, and after your flight. It is also a good idea to avoid excessive caffeine and alcohol consumption, as they can contribute to dehydration. 
Rest up
Lack of sleep can compromise your immune system, making you more susceptible to illness. Make sure you are prioritizing sleep for a few days before your flight. This is especially important if you have a long or late-night flight where sleeping may not be possible. 

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