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Unleash your inner badass with these adrenaline-fueled bucket list ideas

If tropical vacations aren't your thing, take it to the next level with the most extreme adventure experiences

Some people appreciate the simplicity of a lazy, flip-and-flop-style, tropical Caribbean vacation. Somewhere easy, where the neon daiquiris flow freely from breakfast till well after dark. But some want a whole lot more out of their travels.

Instagram offers no shortage of adventure inspiration, but what if you crave something bigger, badder, bolder? No matter how much adrenaline you need to get out of bed in the morning, these 12 bucket-list-worthy experiences are guaranteed to do the trick. Just remember: Pics or it didn’t happen.

Fire an automatic machine gun from a doors-off chopper

Best Experience In Las Vegas | Gunship Helicopters

It’s one thing to pop off a few rounds at the local shooting range. It’s another matter entirely to strap into an open-door military helicopter and shoot up the Mojave Desert with a belt-fed M249 Saw light machine gun. The aptly named Gunship Helicopters is the only outfit in (Where else?) Las Vegas that promises guests this once-in-a-lifetime, bucket-list-worthy experience. From the skies over their 71-acre compound outside the city, customers can practice aerial assaults on steel targets, wrecked airplanes, and even zombies. The range is also one of a select few to offer the legendary Barrett 50-cal sniper rifle with 800-plus-yard ground targets.

Drive a world-class supercar

Three exotic supercars lined up in a parking lot in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Exotics Racing

While you’re in Vegas, why not drive a world-class supercar? Located just 15 minutes off The Strip, Exotics Racing rents more than 60 of the most exotic street-legal racecars on the planet. The stable includes “ordinary” models from Mercedes-Benz and Nissan, exotics by Ferrari and Audi, a McLaren, and even a legit racecar. All are bookable by the lap, and multicar packages are available for those who can’t pick just one. If a few laps aren’t enough, the company also offers full-fledged, multi-day racing schools.

Swim Australia’s crocodile-filled “Cage of Death”

Man with a crocodile inside Australia's "Cage of Death" experience.
Crocosaurus Cove

Australia is home to the majority of the world’s deadliest critters — the massive saltwater crocodile among them. As the world’s largest reptile, they can grow to more than 16 feet long. For reference, that’s almost the size of a 2022 Lincoln Navigator. Of course, the natural Aussie inclination is to figure out how to swim with them without dying. That’s how the Cage of Death experience at Crocosaurus Cove was born. The plexiglass enclosure lowers up to two swimmers into an active den of crocodiles where Cove handlers feed the beasts for up to 15 minutes at a time. Despite its hyperbolic name, the cage is completely safe. However, when the clear walls around you seem to disappear underwater, and there’s apparently nothing between you and a prehistoric, SUV-sized apex predator, we imagine the fear becomes very, very real.

Channel your inner John McClane as a Hollywood stuntman

Man getting blasted with fire at a Professional Stunt Course in Australia.
Stunt Park

Stuntmen do some of the most death-defying work in the world, so it’s no surprise the requisite training to qualify for the job is intense. What is a surprise is that, with the right discretionary income, average Joe’s can undertake that very same training. Australia’s Stunt Park offers a hands-on Professional Stunt Course Booking to train just about anyone in the fine art of stuntman’ing. For roughly two weeks, attendees are provided practical and theoretical training that includes abseiling, fire and human torches (yes, that means actually being set on fire), window penetrations, swordplay, wire work, stunt driving, motorcycling, and melee fight choreography. Sure, it’s a little kitschy, but how many of your friends have professionally shot video of themselves jumping out of a burning building with a baby in one hand and a full-auto machine gun in the other? Yippee ki-yay, mutherfu—

Take an urban survival course

Man staging an Urban Survival course with OnPoint Tactical.
OnPoint Tactical

Maybe the Boy Scouts didn’t adequately prepare you for a serious survival situation, or you’ve been cubicle-bound for so long that you’ve gone “soft.” OnPoint Tactical offers hardcore urban survival and training courses designed to push even hardened men to their limits. The Urban Survival course, in particular, helps even novices survive a real-life, The Last of Us-style apocalypse scenario. Entrants are placed in a full-on concrete jungle where all semblance of society has collapsed. Food, water, and supplies are running low, and the natives are getting restless (read: violent). The comprehensive course provides instruction on evacuation strategies since it’s almost always best to get the hell out of dodge. If that’s not an option, urban sheltering, water purification, off-grid medical care, urban trapping, and home defense are also covered. Be warned: This is no weekend boy’s camp, and there are no merit badges. Be prepared to sweat, stress, and run for your life.

Visit the “Gates of Hell” in Turkmenistan

People in silhouette standing in front of Turkmenistan's "Gates of Hell."

Few things make you appreciate your own mortality like the raw power of nature. While it’s difficult to plan a tour of a hurricane or a tidal wave, you can visit the (almost literal) Gates of Hell. The Darvaza crater in Turkmenistan is a massive natural gas field that collapsed into an underground cavern. To stop the spread of lethal levels of methane gas, geologists set it on fire 50 years ago, and it’s been burning ever since. Today, extreme travelers can visit the edge of the crater to stare into the flaming abyss and question their existence. A handful of local companies like Advantour coordinate day and overnight trips to the crater, just in case volcano camping isn’t disco enough for you.

Strap yourself to the wing of a vintage biplane

Pair of vintage biplanes with daredevils wing walking on their wings.
Breitling Wingwalkers

Few things test your tolerance of high-g maneuvers like taking a ride in a vintage biplane. For some, however, that just isn’t enough life-threatening fun. Enter: wing walking. The “sport” (We’re using that term very liberally) has been around for nearly a century and involves flyers tethering themselves to the upper wing of a vintage biplane. Once strapped in, they’re taken on a 15-minute flight that includes intense aerial acrobatics, barrel rolls, and ground fly-bys. The grand finale is a 140-mph, death-defying dive, straight down. Diapers not included.

Be a supersonic Russian fighter pilot for a day

Russian MiG-29 fighter jet taking off.
MiG Flug

If you’d feel a bit safer inside the plane, perhaps playing fighter pilot for a day is more your speed. Russian outfitter MiGFlug offers a dozen options for wanna-be fighter pilots to test their skills. None, however, is as extreme or expensive as its MiG-29 experience. The company’s flagship journey takes budding dogfighters aboard a twin-turbine MiG-29 to brave 45 minutes of loops, rolls, Immelmann-turns, and tail slides. The Russian-built fighter pulls a maximum of 9Gs and breaks the sound barrier in the process. It culminates with a flight to “the edge of space,” an altitude of more than 13 miles up where passengers can see the curvature of the earth. The cost of admission? A cool €14,500 (roughly $16,000 USD).

Escape to space

Virgin Galactic aircraft in flight against a clear blue sky.
Gene Blevins/Getty Images

If flying just to the edge of space isn’t enough, Virgin Galactic has you covered. For decades, the promise of mere mortals visiting space was the stuff of science fiction. Now, thanks to billionaire visionaries like Richard Branson and Elon Musk, we’re closer than ever to realizing that dream. Commercial space tourism isn’t here yet, but 2023 might be the year it will finally become a reality. To be fair, it will be a very expensive reality. Tickets aboard the first Virgin Galactic flights currently top $200,000 (peanuts and pretzels not included). But remember, flying from New York to London was once only for the uber-rich. As with any high-tech endeavor, that price will drop. Even if you can’t yet afford the stratospheric price tag, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t add “Become a Spaceman” to your Pinterest vision board.

Skydive Mount Everest from a high-altitude helicopter

Skydivers jumping from a helicopter over Mount Everest.
Everest Skydive

Skydiving is so safe these days that even your Nana probably has a cool story about “jumping out of a perfectly good airplane.” To ratchet up the conversation at your next cocktail party, try skydiving Mount Everest. Everest Skydive takes jumpers via helicopter to an altitude of 23,000 feet, just below the summit of the world’s highest peak. The fall back to Earth, complete with supplemental oxygen, includes views of the most breathtaking scenery on the planet. Landings take place at one of the two highest dropzones in the world: Amadablam Base Camp (15,000 ft) or Syangboche (12,350 ft). Survivors join an elite group that includes few other human beings with the video footage to prove it. At more than $20,000, the once-in-a-lifetime solo experience costs almost as much as a Prius. But “skydiving motherf**king Mount Everest” sounds a whole lot more fun than driving a hybrid.

Cheat death in a wingsuit

Man gliding above the clouds in a wingsuit.
Jonathan Murrish/Getty Images

Wingsuit flying is among the craziest ideas man has ever concocted. Because the stakes are so high, students must complete a minimum of 200 skydives before they can even attempt their first wingsuit flight. Thereafter, Texas Wingsuit Academy offers a comprehensive course to dive (Get it?) into the sport. This includes ground training and a tandem first flight that focuses on safety. Students can expect a higher-than-normal launch from 5,000 feet, plus basic piloting and a few 90-degree turns on their first outing. The fun stuff — docking, extreme flying, and fancy maneuvers — is taught only after the school’s instructors are convinced you know what you’re doing.

Mike Richard
Mike Richard has traveled the world since 2008. He's kayaked in Antarctica, tracked endangered African wild dogs in South…
Flying with alcohol: How to pack beer and wine in your luggage
Can you fly with alcohol? Learn how with this packing guide
Packing a suitcase.

If you're a craft beer aficionado or ardent wine lover, chances are that, at some point, you'll find yourself in a predicament when packing for a flight. You've gone a little overboard at the breweries and wineries and couldn't resist splurging on several of those delicious bottles. Don't worry; we've all been there. From a souvenir perspective, locally produced beer and wine make for refreshing mementos from any journey, as well as great gifts to bring back from your travels. Here's the big question though. Can you bring alcohol on a plane?

The short answer is yes. Like with anything else in life, there are rules and it's important to know them before you head to the airport including how much and what you can bring. It's also essential to know how to pack the alcohol for the flight. There’s nothing worse than a bottle of red wine breaking in your suitcase and staining everything or a broken beer bottle making your luggage smell like yeast right before a long-haul flight. With a few smart packing decisions, your beer or wine will be safely waiting for you at the baggage carousel, wherever your final destination may be.

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Get ready for your next trip: The best luggage brands for every type of traveler
Whether you're a backpacker, urban explorer, or resort lover, upgrade your next trip with the top luggage brands
Man standing outside a door with two large travel suitcases

For some travelers, luggage is purely functional. Their suitcase, backpack, or rollaboard is merely a tool to haul their stuff from point A to point B. For others, it’s as much an extension of their personality as the car they drive. Most of us fall somewhere in between. We want luggage that’s affordable, durable enough to survive whatever punishment the airlines subject it to, and a little bit of style doesn’t hurt, too.

With so many options, finding the right luggage can be a challenge. There is no best luggage, rather, it’s about what’s best for you, and that all depends on how you travel, how long you plan to be away, and what you typically pack. Should you opt for hard-sided or soft-sided luggage? Perhaps a carry-on, a checked bag, or a combination of the two?

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Grab your mask and fins, and head to the best snorkeling spots in the U.S.
Some of the best snorkeling is here in the U.S., so pack your gear, and leave the passport at home
Aerial view of two men snorkeling in clear, shallow tropical water.

Take a deep breath and dive beneath the surface, and an entirely different atmosphere swallows you up. All kinds of colorful fish, colonies of polyps that make up dwindling reefs, stingrays, and, if you're lucky, sea turtles or even whales might come into view. While snorkeling is sometimes overlooked for recreational scuba diving, this relatively tame activity can be so much more exciting than you expect.

In some destinations, such as Grand Cayman, you can even take WaveRunners from snorkel site to snorkel site. Regardless of the destination, feeling the sun on your back while you float and swim through cool water is just the beginning.

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