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The hottest contraband from Mexico right now may surprise you

Cracking the case: Why eggs are the new darling of the black market

In a frustrating, yet somehow wholesome turn of events, eggs have been added as the newest addition to the long list of illicit items being smuggled over the Mexican/U.S. border.

Between November 1 and January 17, U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents reported over 2,000 instances of attempted egg smuggling over the border, according to the New York Times. In the same 11-week period the year before, only 460 similar instances were reported.

The surge in this unusual crime is undoubtedly due to the increasing cost of eggs in the states. The guilty party? The avian flu, still wreaking fresh havoc on all birdkind as the days tick by without any real solution. From turkey shortages this past Thanksgiving to what’s now apparently turning into eggs being sold shadily in little plastic baggies, the effects of this gnarly virus are extraordinary.

Bowl of Eggs
shotsoflouis / Shutterstock

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, avian influenza has affected more than 58 million birds in both commercial and backyard flocks. By the end of last year, the illness had killed more than 43 million egg-laying hens. Due to the egg shortage this continues to create, obviously, their cost has skyrocketed.

In Mexico, however, the price of a kilogram of eggs – which equates to more than a dozen jumbo eggs in American terms – is currently running between 31 and 50 pesos, or $1.59 to $2.79 in U.S. dollars. Compare that to our average of $7.37 per dozen in California, and a new career in the underground egg game starts to look interesting.

While it has been illegal to bring eggs and uncooked poultry into the U.S. from Mexico since 2012, most instances until now were simply cases of ignorance and a few discarded eggs as a consequence. Now, though, the powers that be are cracking down.

On January 17, San Diego Director of Field Operations, Sidney Aki, tweeted, “The San Diego Field Office has recently noticed an increase in the number of eggs intercepted at our ports of entry. As a reminder, uncooked eggs are prohibited entry from Mexico into the U.S. Failure to declare agriculture items can result in penalties of up to $10,000.” For ten thousand bucks, you can buy at least a couple of weeks’ worth of eggs, so maybe it’s best not to risk it.

Either way, no matter how you get your eggs home this week, we recommend storing them in the refrigerator…removed of all duct tape and white, powdery residue.

Lindsay Parrill
Lindsay is a graduate of California Culinary Academy, Le Cordon Bleu, San Francisco, from where she holds a degree in…
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How to cook skirt steak: The tips you need
You really can't go wrong with this cut of steak.
Skewered steak

There are a few rare items in the culinary world that are both mouthwateringly divine while still being relatively affordable. In a world where grocery store prices are higher than ever, it is increasingly seldom that one can find a delicious steak behind the butcher counter and still have a few dollars left in the budget for a good bottle of wine. Thankfully, skirt steak is one of those precious gifts.

This buttery, budget-friendly cut of steak comes from the diaphragm muscle of the cow and is a bit oddly shapen in its long and lean cut. It can contain some connective tissue (otherwise known as silver skin) that should be trimmed before cooking, but doesn't otherwise require any special preparations other than a good marinade.

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This is the one step you should never skip before grilling ribs
Once you add this step to your rib-making process, you'll never look back.
Babyback ribs cooking on a grill

Come summertime, we're big on ribs. There's just something about these meaty, saucy beauties that make you want to crack open a few cold ones and invite the neighbors over. Ribs bring out our fun summertime selves with their sticky, savory, smoky goodness, and we can't get enough of them. When it comes to ribs, everyone seems to have a recipe they claim is the best, one that's been passed down for generations or inherited from some cousin's hairstylist's friend who happens to be an expert grillmaster. Now, we're not here to debate recipes, we'll save that for another day. But no matter how you season and sauce your favorite ribs, there is a special perfect-rib-making secret you should know. One that will provide melt-in-your-mouth, sinfully tender ribs every single time. The secret? Water.

By cooking ribs in water at a low simmer before grilling them, the tough connective tissues have a chance to break down, giving you a much more tender, fall-off-the-bone rib. Additionally, it helps to par-cook the ribs, so the grilling time is cut in half, making burning or the meat drying out far less of a worry. Our favorite thing about simmering ribs, before they hit the grill, is that it provides an excellent opportunity to add additional flavor by adding ingredients like extra spices and vegetables to your cooking liquid.

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