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Ultra-processed foods are seriously unhealthy (and these are the items hiding in your pantry you didn’t realize you should avoid)

Don't ruin your healthy meals with these ultra-processed foods

Containers of different gummy candy
When it comes to processed foods, finding the right balance is of paramount importance. Processed, unhealthy foods, often deemed unavoidable in our fast-paced lives, can indeed play a role in meeting our daily nutritional requirements, provided they are approached with vigilance. Surprisingly, many individuals following various forms of Western diets unwittingly incorporate ultra-processed foods into their daily meals, unlike those who follow a more whole-food way of eating, like the Mediterranean diet.

The extent of what qualifies as an ultra-processed food might shock you, and if you frequently opt for on-the-go dining, you might come across them more often than you think. In this article, we explore the topic of processed and ultra-processed foods, highlighting their significance and impact on our overall health.

Commercial cheese shop
PublicDomainPictures / Pixabay

What are processed foods?

Processed foods encompass a wide range of products that have undergone various alterations from their natural state. According to the US Department of Agriculture, these changes can include washing, cutting, cooking, freezing, or adding various ingredients to enhance flavor and shelf life. It’s important to note that not all processing is inherently harmful; in fact, many minimally processed foods, like frozen vegetables or roasted nuts, can be part of a balanced diet. The key is to be mindful of the extent and nature of processing, as some methods strip essential nutrients while introducing additives that may be detrimental to health. In the following sections, we will explore the different degrees of food processing, with a particular focus on the often-overlooked category of ultra-processed foods.

Chocolate chip cookies on a table
3938030 / Pixabay

What are ultra-processed foods?

A distinct category of processed foods, ultra-processed foods include the highest level of processing available. Often hidden in prepackaged and ready-made meals, these foods are found in many unexpected places.

Foods are classified based on how industrially processed they are based on the NOVA food category system. Foods are divided into four categories: unprocessed or minimally processed foods, processed culinary ingredients, processed foods, and ultra-processed foods. As a result, a comprehensive assessment of food processing and its potential health effects can be made.

Ultra-processed foods are industrial formulations that typically do not contain any whole foods. Think of sugary breakfast cereals, microwaveable dinners, sweetened beverages, and heavily processed fast food items. These items are designed to be incredibly tasty, convenient, and long-lasting on the shelf. 

Cups full of fruit juice and smoothies with berries on table
Silvia / Pixabay

8 ultra-processed foods that you didn’t know were ultra-processed

Protein powders

If you want to build muscle, protein is the way to do it. But did you know that protein powders are considered ultra-processed foods? This is due to their extensive industrial manufacturing process. These products often contain isolated protein compounds, artificial flavors, sweeteners, and various additives. These ingredients are combined to create a product that is far removed from its whole-food sources, which is a sign of ultraprocessing.

Fruit juices

Because fiber and natural sugars are removed from fruit juices, they are ultra-processed. While fruit is an important aspect of healthy meals, these products often contain added sugars or sweeteners and are frequently processed with preservatives and flavorings. Bottled smoothies are also ultra-processed because they are often preservative-filled and contain added sugar. These products often contain more calories and carbohydrates than their unprocessed counterparts. 

Faux meat

Faux meat products, like plant-based burgers and chicken nuggets, are ultra-processed as they are created from highly refined ingredients such as isolated proteins, oils, and various additives to mimic the taste and texture of meat. These products are often high in saturated fat, sodium, and artificial ingredients. Additionally, products like veggie patties can contain more calories and carbohydrates than their unprocessed counterparts. Eating too much of these ultra-processed products can increase weight and contribute to health problems.

Sugar-free ingredients

Sugar-free products are typically ultra-processed as they replace sugar with artificial sweeteners and additives, altering the food’s natural state for a specific taste without nutritive value. Ingredients like erythritol, for example, are low-calorie sweeteners that can be used in a variety of products, such as ice cream, candy, and baked goods. However, these sweeteners have been linked to digestive issues and other health problems.

Packaged breads and grains

Not all bread is created equal. Sourdough bread, for example, offers many health benefits, while heavily processed products like hamburger buns and hotdog buns are low in nutrients. Whole grains are minimally processed and retain their nutritional value, but refined grain products, such as white bread or cereal, are ultra-processed, removing essential nutrients and adding additives.


Ultra-processed spreads like margarine often contain trans fats, emulsifiers, and artificial flavorings, transforming natural ingredients into a less nutritious product. These additives can be harmful to your health and should be avoided. Healthier options include natural spreads like nut butter or hummus. Look for spreads with no added sugars or preservatives.

Energy drinks 

Energy drinks are considered ultra-processed due to their high caffeine and sugar content, along with added artificial colors, flavors, and stimulants. Both full sugar and sugar-free versions are considered ultra-processed and can be harmful, especially if consumed regularly. Energy drinks should be avoided and replaced with healthier options such as green tea, herbal tea, or water.

Processed meats

Processed meats, such as some hotdogs, sausage, and bacon, are ultra-processed as they involve curing, smoking, and additives to prolong shelf life, but these processes often reduce the food’s nutritional quality. Eating processed meats has been linked to an increased risk of cancer, heart disease, and other chronic conditions. Healthier alternatives include lean beef, chicken, and fish.

Our food choices are often influenced by convenience, but healthy food doesn’t have to be hard to come by. You can make better choices by understanding the difference between healthy and unhealthy options. Eating a healthy diet is key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Eating fresh, unprocessed foods is the best way to stay feeling your best. Next time you pick up something at the supermarket, take a moment to check the ingredients and nutritional information and consider healthier options whenever possible. 

Brittney Bertagna, RN
Brittney is a graduate of California State University, Chico, where she completed a Bachelor's degree in Business. Her…
Why you can (and should) add bourbon right to your banana bread batter without cooking it first
Bourbon alcohol cooks out as banana bread bakes - genius!
Banana bread

Cooking with booze is one of the best ways to achieve a robust and delicious complexity of flavor. For any number of dishes, we braise, poach, deglaze, and sauce with everything in the liquor cabinet, from wine to tequila to rum, and our food is better for it. And while you may have incorporated beer into your cupcakes or poached pear in a simmering pool of red wine, you may not yet fully appreciate the flavor spirits can bring to baked goods. Banana bread is one of the most delicious, comforting, feels-like-home treats there is, and it's hard to imagine it getting any better than it already is in its mildly sweet, toasty perfection. Enter bourbon.

It turns out that splashing a bit of bourbon into banana bread batter can take Grandma's recipe and elevate it to something one might find in an upscale restaurant. Here's why.

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Here are the benefits of taking vitamin D supplements – what you should know
Find out if you're getting enough Vitamin D or if you need help getting more
A close-up of a vitamin D capsule

It’s not always easy or feasible to consume a well-balanced and varied diet. Between juggling a busy schedule with minimal time for healthy food preparation, food allergies and intolerances, dietary preferences, and cultural eating habits, many of us fall short of meeting the nutritional recommendations for several key vitamins and minerals. Even if you cook at home and try to eat a healthy diet, you may be deficient in certain micronutrients because some essential vitamins and minerals are only found in a few food sources or are only present in low concentrations.
Vitamin D is a prime example of a vital nutrient that is not found in many common foods in the standard American diet, nor is it necessarily well absorbed when consumed in food sources. Rather, exposure of the skin to sunlight is the primary means by which the body’s vitamin D levels are increased, as exposure to UVB rays stimulates the production of vitamin D.
However, as the hours of daylight dwindle in the winter and the sun becomes less intense, it becomes increasingly difficult to meet your vitamin D needs. Because vitamin D plays several key physiological roles, it may be advisable to take vitamin D supplements. Keep reading for our helpful primer on the functions and benefits of vitamin D, foods high in vitamin D, and whether vitamin D supplementation may be useful.

What is vitamin D?
Along with vitamins A, E, and K, vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, which means it's stored in the body rather than excreted like vitamins C and B vitamins. However, unlike any other vitamin, vitamin D is actually a steroid hormone produced from cholesterol when skin cells are exposed to UVB rays. In addition to the endogenous production of vitamin D, there are two different dietary forms of the nutrient:

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14 of the best prebiotic foods you should be eating – from apples to oats and lentils
Prebiotic foods to add to your grocery list
Foods with prebiotics like chicory, beets, and leeks.

There are constantly new wellness trends to try on a seemingly weekly basis. Some are better for you than others. One of the more popular recent trends starts with your gut. Your gut houses a broad range of bacteria and fungi that help digest and absorb nutrients in the food you eat.
These bacteria and fungi are also responsible for maintaining the integrity of the intestinal barrier, producing vitamins, reducing inflammation in the body, fending off pathogenic microorganisms, and signaling the immune system to produce more white blood cells. These resident microorganisms together form what is known as the gut microbiome -- a complex ecosystem that is susceptible to disruption and imbalance by things like antibiotics, a chronically poor diet, stress, and medications.
While certain habits can negatively affect the gut microbiome, they can also be improved and made to flourish with supportive behaviors and foods. Though probiotics get most of the attention and credit for being the go-to salve for the gut, prebiotics are arguably just as important. Prebiotics are compounds comprised of oligosaccharides, inulin, lactulose, and glycan, which are dietary fibers (carbohydrates) that are indigestible for humans but are the preferred source of fuel and nutrients for our good bacteria in the gut. In fact, prebiotics selectively feed the beneficial bacteria in the gut rather than any harmful pathogens.
A good visual is to picture the gut microbiome as a garden. Probiotics can be equated to seeds or seedlings, and the healthy bacteria are the plants. Prebiotics, on the other hand, can be pictured as fertilizer, offering helpful bacterial plants nutrients to support their growth. In this way, the prebiotics feed or fuel probiotics and the other beneficial microorganisms already inhabiting our gut.
Prebiotics are found as fermented fiber in many fruits and vegetables, as well as some seeds and grains. Adding them to your diet can help fortify the good bacteria in your gut, improve bowel regularity, and support healthy digestion. Here are some of the best prebiotic foods to stock up on next time you go grocery shopping.

Asparagus contains between 2 and 3 grams of inulin per 100 grams or a 20-calorie serving. This makes one of the least calorically dense sources of inulin, a type of prebiotic fiber known to aid digestive health, regulate the optimal levels of glucose and insulin, and fuel Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus species and other good bacteria in your gut. The inulin is more effective when asparagus is raw, so try incorporating thin slices into fresh salads or shaving spears on sandwiches or atop avocado toast.

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