We’ve all heard the expression and understand the meaning. Just like, “It’s not the outside but the inside that counts,” the premise is that good things can come in less than appealing packages. Be that a book or a beer, that’s a useful rule to remember.
Luckily, thanks to a new redesign of packaging and label art, beer connoisseurs do not need to forego eye-catching good looks or great tasting beer whenever they reach for a Tröegs.
Hershey Pennsylvania’s Tröegs Independent Brewing has just launched a brand-wide graphic redesign to unify its line of beers and corporate messaging. The new aesthetic reflects the uniquely crafted character of Tröegs’ beer and the relaxed, folksy feel of the brewery. It achieves that goal through using stylistically quirky hand drawn illustrations and type designs.
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The recipe for brewery namesake beer Troegenator Double Bock hasn’t changed, but the unique bold red, white and black label art makes for a striking contrast to the overwhelming busyness of the old design.
Likewise, Perpetual IPA now posits a signature green, black and cream color palette that conjures associations to woodblock prints. The gears hidden inside the hop cone symbolizes the brewery’s never-ending search for growth and development, according to co-owner Chris Trogner. “The new artwork is an extension in our continuous quest to make delicious beer.”
All of the 2015 label designs are unified by a sharp die-cut rendition of the new Tröegs logo featured in the top center position with an outline reminiscent of a guitar pick. That allusion is most apt on the art for Solid Sender Ale, as the plectrum form descends onto the strings of a hollow-bodied arch top jazz guitar.
Tröegs Independent Brewing beers are available in ten states throughout the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions. Look for the newly designed packaging as it rolls out during the month of November. To find out where to grab a bottle for yourself, visit Troegs.com.