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The Chartreuse shortage is real (and here to stay), but we’ve got some great substitutes

Green chartreuse is the latest victim of supply chain issues. Here's how to work around it

The supply chain continues to throw us curveballs, still wobbly from the pandemic. Over the last few years, we’ve had trouble sourcing everything from lumber and kids’ Tylenol, to Thanksgiving turkeys, to avocados and Champagne. Now, it’s Chartreuse’s turn.

The iconic green liqueur has been made for nearly three centuries, the work of monks living in a mountainous part of France. It’s been a favorite among bartenders for generations, as both a great way to add some color for a more vibrant drink and a way to add flavor that tastes herbaceous and fresh. Some 130 natural ingredients are added to this complex beverage, atop a wine alcohol base.

green chartreuse liqueur
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Some enjoy the stuff neat, while others prefer it in a classic cocktail like The Last Word or an Alaska. There’s yellow Chartreuse as well, a sibling liqueur made by the same monks, but it’s not quite as coveted. However you enjoy it, Chartreuse began, like so many famous spirits and liqueurs, flexing its medicinal qualities. The vibrant liquid was deemed to extend your lifespan in the early 17th Century. But before we dive too deep, let’s cover the lack of bottles.

Why is there a Chartreuse shortage?

Interestingly, the shortage is twofold. The least sexy reason is that there’s a bit of a glass shortage stemming from the pandemic. The cooler reason is that the monks who know the secret recipe don’t want to sell out. Yep, despite high demand for Chartreuse all over the world, the Carthusian community behind it has little interest in upping the supply. They’re happy just doing their thing high in the French Alps, like they have been for nearly 300 years. That’s a decidedly badass move, we must say.

As explained in this letter,  the Carthusian monks “are limiting production to focus on their primary goal: protect their monastic life and devote their time to solitude and prayer.”

The letter further explained: “In addition, the monks are not looking to grow the liquor beyond what they need to sustain their order. Making millions of cases does not make sense in today’s environmental context and will have a negative impact on the planet in the very short term.”

Swap Chartreuse out with something else

Because convincing a monk to change his mind is a tall task, it might be wise to find a substitute. Whether you’re looking for a great cocktail while out at the bar (check out the best bars in America while you’re at it) or mixing something up at home, there are options that can work well in place of green Chartreuse.

Arguably, the best option is Dolin Génépy. It’s also made in the French Alps and is a close relative of green Chartreuse. You get all those spring-like green flavors (sage, especially), and it has the layers that Chartreuse has.

Strega is another option, the Italian lesser-known liqueur that’s bright yellow and made from 70 herbs and spices.

Can’t find those? Try Drambuie or consult your local bottle shop or specialty liquor store. A lot of domestic producers are trying their hands at liqueurs made with natural herbs, plants, and more.

The green Chartreuse shortage is here, but we’re going to ride it out. It’s not the first supply chain drinks shortage, and it won’t be the last. With the above options, you’ll be able to get by almost like you did before. And if the monks do decide to make more, you may want to keep these options in mind, as Chartreuse has never been easy on the wallet.

Mark Stock
Mark Stock is a writer from Portland, Oregon. He fell into wine during the Recession and has been fixated on the stuff since…
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You probably believe this myth about apples (but we’ve got the truth)
You've been eating apples wrong your whole life
Pink Lady Apple.

Even with all the shade thrown at them by Disney movies and Biblical temptresses, apples have a pretty squeaky-clean reputation. All that "apple a day" stuff and generations of wholesome teacher gifts have made us respect the apple for not only its fresh, crisp deliciousness, but also its bountiful health benefits. But even with all the love the apple gets, there is a part of them we just love to hate. In just a few bites, the apple goes from something pure and fresh and delightful, to the very thing fly-ridden cartoon garbage is made of. The apple core. But did you know the core doesn't actually exist? That's right. Your whole life is a lie. Apples don't have cores.

The center of the apple is where the seeds are housed, so somewhere along humanity's timeline, we just started eating around them, and thus, the myth of the core was born. But if you slice an apple in half horizontally, you'll find that — apart from the seeds and their slightly fibrous casings — there's no actual core to be found. The fleshy center is every bit as tender and tasty as the rest of the fruit. So what happened? Where did we go wrong?
Part of the issue probably stemmed from discovering that apple seeds contain cyanide. Which, admittedly, is something we shouldn't be consuming in high quantities. However, the amount of cyanide apple seeds contain is so minuscule that you'd have to eat upwards of 20 apples in one sitting, and really chomp down on all of those seeds (roughly 150) to be even slightly at risk of poisoning. As most apples contain just a few seeds each, and no one's too focused on chewing those seeds to pulp anyway, there's really nothing to worry about.
For the record, the stems are perfectly edible as well, but probably won't do much for you in the way of taste. So feel free to twist off and toss it, or just chomp it down with the rest. Either way, the next time you reach for an apple, feel free to eat the whole thing.

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