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Pvolve is the best new way to feel the burn (and no, it’s not just for women)

Ranking Pvolve amid the crowded at-home fitness platform

Pvolve workout mat.
Mark Stock / The Manual

By now, you’ve probably seen the Pvolve ads featuring Jennifer Aniston. But just about every brand and platform has a big-name investor or spokesperson these days. The question remains: Is the new fitness program worth the money?

While the marketing muscle tends to focus on women, Pvolve knows mostly no gender. Obviously, the post-natal and post-menopause classes speak to a specific audience, but the workouts generally occupy a broader scope. The routines appeal to all types and pack a lot of content and sweat into relatively brief sessions. The one-size-fits-all approach is great for people looking to wet their toes in the at-home fitness world, using it as a platform for more challenging sessions within Pvolve or other fitness regimens.

In short, the Pvolve pros greatly outweigh the cons. From the hip accompanying gear to the approachable workouts that are deceptively challenging, the platform is on to something. Those looking to stray from conventional weight training while still improving their flexibility and strength will find a lot to like. Here’s our breakdown.

Pvolve equipment bundle.

The pros

Pvolve is all about density. Many sessions clock in and about the same length as an episode of your favorite sitcom. But the burn produced in that 20-minute-plus stretch is impressive (and often sneaks up on you, in a good way). The workouts tend to stress form and are often gradual, building over time. Pvolve is best with a lot of the specialty gear — the P.Band, the P.Ball, the precision mat — but one can still get a decent taste of the program with just an internet connection.

But the real fun and most effective sessions involve a lot of the above, whether it be utilizing the mat for more precise movements or taking advantage of the ball to emphasize muscle areas like your core or thighs. As somebody who has suffered a fair share of soccer-related injuries, this writer appreciates the physical therapy-esque approach. Because it’s fairly low-impact

Lastly, it’s very easy to get going, whether or not you have a home gym — let alone feel motivated. That kind of inviting nature is key as it can be easy to be turned off by a new platform, whether it be through a confusing routine, an overly intense instructor, or the like. Pvolve has extra appeal for the home office laborer looking to sneak in a quality sweat when all you have is a 30-minute break and a basement deck, or garage.

Here are some other pros of note when it comes to Pvolve:

  • Brief, high-octane workouts starting in at around 22 minutes per
  • Strong filters to personalize your approach and target certain body areas
  • Quality add-ons for extending your workout and winding down (meditation, stretching, etc.)
  • Specialty equipment that’s mostly useful
  • Enthusiastic instruction team that keeps motivation levels high
  • Good series options for deeper dives into certain muscle groups or toning themes
  • The workouts and gear are fairly travel-friendly for those on the go
  • Useful coaching via live sessions

Pvolve band stretch.

The cons

For starters, Pvolve could use a better name. But we won’t split hairs. The platform might appeal to males more if it was marketed as such or perhaps had more male instructors, but that’s a pretty minor qualm. Classes are a bit limited without having all the equipment, and, as you might expect, the more gear you have, the greater the access. And while the cost does add up, most of the equipment is worth the investment, at least up to a point (the total transformation bundle is pretty over-the-top at $625, so start smaller).

The tech is pretty solid through and through, although subject to the usual issues. For example, live sessions via Zoom can be choppy, depending on your internet setup. Additionally, Pvolve reviews have pointed out that the platform doesn’t allow proper stacking, meaning you can’t set up a series of workouts in advance beforehand (meaning you have to pick what you want manually, one session at a time). Occasionally, videos could use better angles or more repetition so that the viewer can really nail the maneuvers, but overall, they tend to do a pretty good job here. Oh, and as a self-described music snob who very much sticks to his own workout playlists, I say go with your own creation here. They offer some playlists, but they’re pretty meh.

Pvolve workout.

The verdict

All said, there’s a lot going for Pvolve. The unique gear makes the platform inherently fascinating, as it complements a less traditional form of resistance training and pilates-like exercises that really challenge and tone muscle areas. The classes are wildly efficient, and there’s really no intimidation factor. Work-from-home types looking to alleviate back pain and improve posture will find plenty to work with, just as the person looking for a three-week structured program to sculpt and strengthen. The sessions tend to be fairly inspired, and for those coming off of injury or simply looking to prevent future injury, there’s a lot to like. Serious gym rats might not be challenged enough, but for the masses — and those looking for a first stab at an at-home means of regular exercise — Pvolve is a solid route to take.

Getting fit? Check out the best workouts for beginners and some quick 10-minute home workout routines. Prefer boxing? Check out our review of FightCamp. Want to create your own fitness program? Read our guide on how to design a workout plan. Game on!

Mark Stock
Mark Stock is a writer from Portland, Oregon. He fell into wine during the Recession and has been fixated on the stuff since…
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