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Boost your diet with these 15 high-protein, low-fat foods

The best foods for building muscle and burning fat

Tilapia dish

Proteins, carbohydrates, and fats play unique and vital roles in your body; proteins build and repair muscles and bones, carbs energize the body, and fats provide insulation and absorb vitamins. 

However, you must consume these macronutrients in the right proportions to achieve your goals, especially if you are trying to lose weight and build muscle mass. Eating high-protein, low-fat foods is one way to balance these nutrients. 

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This diet will not just help you lose weight; it will improve your metabolism and protect your muscles while building them. So, if you want to know the best high-protein, low-fat foods to reach your goals, you have come to the right place. It’s time to dive in.

How does a high-protein diet affect the body?

Man flexing arms muscles on a dark background in the gym

A high-protein diet is one of the best ways to build muscle and start losing weight. When your body digests protein, it burns more calories to do so than it does with carbs or fat. Protein is also the most satiating macronutrient, even though a gram of fat contains nine calories while a gram of protein contains four. All of this helps with losing weight in a healthy and efficient manner.

When you consistently eat plenty of protein, it feeds your muscles, allowing them to repair and grow bigger and stronger. The more muscle that is on your frame, the more calories your body burns at rest. This results in a sped-up metabolism.

How does a low-fat diet impact your physique?

Man working out lifting weights strength training shirtless in gym
Anastase Maragos / Unsplash

When you consume a low-fat diet, you rely more on carbs and protein for energy. As mentioned before, a higher protein intake will help you build muscle and feel satiated. Carbs provide the body with energy, helping you feel good during your workouts and everyday tasks.

By following a low-fat diet, you are reducing your intake of both good and bad fats. Reducing or eliminating bad fats from your diet will help your health in numerous ways, including reducing your risk for certain diseases. However, you don’t want to eat too few good fat sources, as they play a vital role in hormone levels, nutrient absorption, and more.

Is all fat bad for you?

Austin, Texas USA - January 27, 2020: Selection of donuts on display in a colorful case at Voodoo Doughnuts in a popular specialty doughnut chain shop
SvetlanaSF / Shutterstock

All fats are not the same. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats found in healthy oils and plants are good for you; they improve your cholesterol level and protect your overall health. On the other hand, unsaturated fat, found mainly in meat and dairy foods, contributes to obesity, cardiovascular disease, and clogged arteries. 

How to determine your optimal macro ratio

Calorie tracker.
Spencer Stone / Pexels

Macronutrients refer to proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. They are the three essential components of every diet. You should consume 45% to 65% carbohydrates, 10% to 30% fat, and 20% to 35% protein in every meal. 

However, suppose you are trying to reach a certain goal, such as weight loss. In that case, you will adjust these macronutrient ratios to achieve your desired results — consider increasing protein intake and reducing carbs and fat.  

15 foods high in protein and low in fat

Cottage cheese and berries.
DraCat / Pixabay
  • Milk: This is a good source of protein and other beneficial nutrients like calcium, potassium, phosphorus, vitamin D, and magnesium. One cup of milk contains about 8 grams of protein and 0.2 to 2 grams of fat. 
  • Greek yogurt: With 16g of protein and 0.6g of fat per 5.5-oz container, Greek yogurt has proven to be one of the best high-protein, low-fat foods you should consider adding to your diet.  
  • Beans: Beans are plant-based protein sources with gut-friendly fiber and many vitamins and minerals. A 3.5-oz container of various kinds of beans contains 7 to 8 grams of protein and 1 to 3 grams of fat. 
  • Cottage cheese: A cup of low-fat cottage cheese contains 24 grams of protein and 5 grams of fat. It helps you stay full for longer, can be eaten with various fruits, and is rich in other essential nutrients like calcium. 
  • Peas: Peas are an amazing source of protein. They can be green or yellow and add color to stews, rice, and even soups. One cup of peas contains 9 grams of protein and 0.4 grams of fat.  
  • Seitan: Seitan is a plant-based, high-protein, low-fat food made from cooked wheat gluten. It has 25 grams of protein and 2 grams of fat per 3.5-oz container.  
  • Eggs: With 6 grams of protein and 5 grams of fat per large egg, you can not fully consider eggs a low-fat food, but they are high in protein, contain all the essential amino acids, and are very accessible. You can also have egg whites if you want to eliminate fat completely.
  • Lean beef: Some beef cuts, such as round steak, top loin, etc., are great protein sources and other valuable nutrients like zinc, B vitamins, and iron. A 3.5-oz serving of lean beef contains 23 grams of protein and 2 to 6 grams of fat. 
  • Tuna: This is one of the highest protein sources you can have. A 3.5-oz serving of tuna contains 25 grams of protein and just 1 gram of fat.  
  • Shrimp: Shrimp is rich in protein, choline, phosphorus, and vitamin B12. It has low-fat content. The majority of it is omega 3, which is healthy for you. A 3.5-oz serving of shrimp contains 20 grams of protein and 0.5 grams of fat. 
  • Protein powder: This can be animal-based or plant-based protein, and it is best combined with diets rich in whole protein foods. 22 grams of pea protein, which is plant-based, contains 19 grams of protein and 2 grams of fat, while 39 grams of whey protein contains 22 grams of protein and 2 grams of fat. 
  • High-protein pasta: Besides traditional wheat-based pasta, many types of pasta, including high-protein varieties, are now available. A 3.5-oz serving of high-protein pasta provides 25 to 43 grams of protein and 1 to 6 grams of fat. 
  • Whitefish: This type of fish has as much as 20 grams of protein and just 1.7g of fat per 3.5 oz serving. Whitefish, like salmon, tilapia, and haddock, are known for their high protein and omega-3 fat content. 
  • Turkey: A 3-oz serving of turkey provides 26 grams of protein and 2 grams of fat. This meat is especially rich in tryptophan, which helps the body regulate sleep. It can be served with a variety of foods.  
  • Lean chicken: Like turkey, lean chicken provides a healthy protein boost; 3 oz of skinless, boneless chicken breast contains 27 grams of protein and 3 grams of fat. 

Frequently asked questions

Thinly sliced chicken breasts
Adobe Stock

How can I get high protein without fat?

Go for nutrient-dense, proteinous foods with less saturated fat and calories, such as seafood, lean meat, soy, and low-fat dairy. But still, you can only get a high-protein diet with minimal fat content; you can’t get food that contains protein without fat or other nutrients. However, look for food with monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat, which is great for your health. 

What food has protein but no fat or carbs?

It is almost impossible for food to contain solely one nutrient, but protein sources with very high protein content include tilapia, eggs, cottage cheese, venison, cod, crab, skinless chicken breast, haddock, plain Greek yogurt, tofu, peas, lentils, etc. As mentioned above, they have high protein content and fewer grams of fat or carbs.  

How much protein should I eat a day to lose weight?

Fun fact: It is recommended that people wanting to lose weight eat more protein than those wishing to build muscle. Aim for 1.6 to 2.2 grams of protein per kilogram of weight.

Christine VanDoren
Christine is a certified personal trainer and nutritionist with an undergraduate degree from Missouri State University. Her…
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