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There’s a surprising link between politics, keto and vegan diets

What do your politics and your diet have in common? A lot, evidently

We’re about a month into 2023, which means that for most of us, those “get fit”  New Year’s resolutions are all but distant, hazy, hopeful memories. It’s okay. They were made with glittery optimism and joyful tears amidst our nearest and dearest while we flooded ourselves with champagne, and we’re all guilty of falling into the magical Pollyannaism of it all. But now that the twinkling lights have come down and our once-merry Christmas trees now line the curb for trash pickup day, most of us are back to reality. A reality that’s probably still full of pizza and donuts, despite our best intentions.

But if you’re one of the disciplined few, one of the stoic soldiers who made it past the first two weeks of January without a Big Mac, it turns out that where you live — and even your political affiliation —  may have a lot to do with which diet you’re sticking to.

A recent study by shows the Google search popularity of Vegan and Keto diets in different parts of the country. Below are two maps of the United States. The first map represents the Republican (red) and Democrat (blue) dominated states in the nation. The second map reveals which states prefer the Vegan diet, versus those that prefer Keto. The two maps aren’t identical, but the correlation between the red states favoring the Keto diet, and the blue states, Vegan, is pretty shocking.

Chef's Pencil

Of course, there are many contributing factors here. A blue voter, statistically, is more likely to fall on the side of animal rights and activism and may therefore eat a Vegan diet solely for these reasons. Democrats also tend to live in bigger, coastal cities, where there is a plethora of health-conscious stores like Whole Foods, Sprouts, and Trader Joe’s. In big cities, one is privileged enough to be picky, with sometimes difficult-to-find Vegan ingredients for sale on every corner.

In the red states, farming communities are widespread, and resources like beef are readily available. Sports like hunting and fishing are more popular in conservative states, and cutting the starch is easier than cutting the protein, in many cases. Many people who live in the Midwest, for example, find it much easier to cut the potatoes from their All-American meat and potatoes diets.

It should be said, too, that bluer states are, statistically, far healthier than red. Obesity rates are substantially lower, with more focus on overall health and wellness, rather than just weight loss. The two diets compared represent these two mindsets fairly well. Those who eat a Vegan-based diet tend to be more focused on health as a whole, doing more physical activity, and focusing on mental as well as bodily health. Whereas those on the Keto diet tend to be more concerned with simply lowering the number on the bathroom scale. Countless studies have been done proving how unhealthy the Keto diet actually is, yet it remains tremendously popular, especially in red states.

Of course, no matter how you choose to shed those winter hibernation pounds, do so with a healthy mentality, and make smart choices for your body, no matter what form of diet (or lack thereof) that means. Just be sure to keep it quiet. Otherwise, everyone will know who you voted for.

Lindsay Parrill
Lindsay is a graduate of California Culinary Academy, Le Cordon Bleu, San Francisco, from where she holds a degree in…
Is erythritol harmful? What a dietitian says recent data means for your keto diet
Erythritol is common in many keto foods — what does that mean for your health?

While sugar substitutes have been around for more than a century, they didn't really become mainstream here in the U.S. until around the mid-70s. According to Carolyn De La Pena, professor of American Studies at UC Davis and author of Empty Pleasures: The Story of Artificial Sweeteners from Saccharin to Splenda, between 1975 and 1984, Americans increased their consumption of artificial sweeteners by 150%. This timeline makes sense when you take into account that the late seventies coincided with the start of our crazed diet culture and the revolving door of fad diets.
One such diet that doesn't seem to be going anywhere, however, is the keto diet. Still hugely popular among Americans trying to shed a few pounds, keto focuses heavily on limited or no carbohydrates. Because sugar contains carbohydrates, followers of keto have turned to artificial sweeteners to satisfy those late-night cravings — sweeteners that, more often than not, contain erythritol. Erythritol, in particular, has become hugely popular because it's much better for baking than other sugar substitutes, has less of an artificial flavor, and will keep the eater in ketosis, which is key for losing weight on the keto diet.
A new study has made waves recently because its findings indicate there's a link between erythritol and higher rates of heart attack and stroke (though the study did note that only an association was found — not causation. So should you be worried?
We asked Dan LeMoine, board-certified holistic nutritionist, the award-winning author of Fear No Food and the clinical director at Phoenix-based Re:vitalize Nutrition, what he had to say about erythritol, including its benefits and potential health risks. "Artificial sweeteners are still sweeteners. While many are non-nutritive or zero-calorie, we tend to view them similarly as we do regular sweeteners or sugars — moderation is key. While many have amazing implications on weight loss — being low to no-calorie options and having little impact on blood sugar, some have their downside," he said.

Is there a cause for concern with sugar substitution?
While some of that sugar substitution has been good for waistlines and health issues that come from obesity, it seems to be causing more and more concern when it comes to other potential health issues. "For example," said LeMoine, "some research indicates the popular sweeteners stevia may have negative effects on the gut microbiome. And the recent study showing a correlation between the sugar alcohol, erythritol, and heart attack and stroke."

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Wait, they made a pink pineapple?
Want something a little different? Look no further than the pink pineapple, an actual thing
A halved pinkglow pineapple.

The best Valentine's Day gift available might just be a pink pineapple. That's right, the tropical fruit long associated with candy-sweet yellow flesh now comes in pink. You can thank the folks at Del Monte for the fruit, which alleges to be juicier and sweeter than traditional pineapple.

Dubbed the jewel of the jungle, this relatively rare breed of pineapple hails from the jungles of Costa Rica. It's a stunning specimen, reminiscent of grapefruit in terms of color and great for snacking or mixing into a drink (after all, in the canon of good tiki drinks, pineapple is king).

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The hottest contraband from Mexico right now may surprise you
Cracking the case: Why eggs are the new darling of the black market
White eggs in an egg carton

In a frustrating, yet somehow wholesome turn of events, eggs have been added as the newest addition to the long list of illicit items being smuggled over the Mexican/U.S. border.
Between November 1 and January 17, U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents reported over 2,000 instances of attempted egg smuggling over the border, according to the New York Times. In the same 11-week period the year before, only 460 similar instances were reported.
The surge in this unusual crime is undoubtedly due to the increasing cost of eggs in the states. The guilty party? The avian flu, still wreaking fresh havoc on all birdkind as the days tick by without any real solution. From turkey shortages this past Thanksgiving to what's now apparently turning into eggs being sold shadily in little plastic baggies, the effects of this gnarly virus are extraordinary.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, avian influenza has affected more than 58 million birds in both commercial and backyard flocks. By the end of last year, the illness had killed more than 43 million egg-laying hens. Due to the egg shortage this continues to create, obviously, their cost has skyrocketed.
In Mexico, however, the price of a kilogram of eggs - which equates to more than a dozen jumbo eggs in American terms - is currently running between 31 and 50 pesos, or $1.59 to $2.79 in U.S. dollars. Compare that to our average of $7.37 per dozen in California, and a new career in the underground egg game starts to look interesting.
While it has been illegal to bring eggs and uncooked poultry into the U.S. from Mexico since 2012, most instances until now were simply cases of ignorance and a few discarded eggs as a consequence. Now, though, the powers that be are cracking down.
On January 17, San Diego Director of Field Operations, Sidney Aki, tweeted, "The San Diego Field Office has recently noticed an increase in the number of eggs intercepted at our ports of entry. As a reminder, uncooked eggs are prohibited entry from Mexico into the U.S. Failure to declare agriculture items can result in penalties of up to $10,000." For ten thousand bucks, you can buy at least a couple of weeks' worth of eggs, so maybe it's best not to risk it.
Either way, no matter how you get your eggs home this week, we recommend storing them in the refrigerator...removed of all duct tape and white, powdery residue.

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