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Should you take fish oil when training? What are the benefits? New study is in

How does this popular omega-3 supplement affect muscle mass and strength?

fish oil supplement in shape of fish on white background
Public Domain Pictures / Pixabay

Evidence is mounting on the benefits of taking fish oil supplements, from lowering blood pressure to protecting your heart and reducing your risk of cardiovascular events. Fish oil has been shown to lower inflammation, improve cholesterol and muscle-skeletal recovery, and more. Protein powders, creatine, and other supplements are common in the fitness world, but you don’t often hear gym buffs talking about fish oil. Recently, researchers set out to discover if taking fish oil supplements helps fuel muscle growth and strength. Let’s look at the research. 

What is fish oil?

fish oil bottle and supplements and fish on a white plate on white table in kitchen
Aleksander Saks / Unsplash

Fish oil is a dietary supplement containing omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids that are extracted from oily fish like anchovies, tuna, herring, and mackerel. The supplement contains two essential omega-3s: docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA, and eicosapentaenoic acid, or EPA. Especially if you don’t eat a lot of fish, taking a fish oil supplement could help you obtain sufficient omega-3 fatty acids. Fish oil supplements typically come in capsule or liquid dropper form.

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Your body can’t make omega-3 fatty acids, so you must obtain them from your diet, and research shows that 95-99% of the population isn’t getting enough omega-3 fatty acids for optimal health. An omega-3 deficiency has even been associated with arthritis, heart disease, depression, and more. 

The study

Golden fish oil supplements up close in a pile
Eliasfalla / Pixabay

Previous studies have found fish oils can promote muscle gain and fat loss, but the results were inconsistent overall. In a study published in the Advances in Nutrition journal, researchers from Brazil wanted to understand if supplementing omega-3 fatty acids affects muscle strength, mass, and function. They reviewed the research and looked at 14 studies involving 1443 participants. The main question was: Can omega-3s play an important role in gaining and maintaining muscle strength?

The results

shirtless muscular man muscle in gym
Hamid Tajik / Pexels

The results showed the following:

  • Fish oil has a small, statistically significant benefit on muscle strength.
  • Fish oil can also lead to a small increase in muscle mass.
  • The benefits were seen across the board, independent of dose, strength training, and age.
  • Hand grip strength, one rep max muscle strength, and isometric strength also increased by a small amount.

The takeaway

fish oil supplement in bottle on table
Pixabay / Pexels

The takeaway is that supplementing fish oil can provide a range of advantages for your health and perhaps a slight increase in muscle strength and mass, too, regardless of your age, the dose you take, and whether or not you’re doing strength training exercises. Your omega-3 intake is crucial for your wellness, and most people aren’t getting enough. If you don’t eat fish, supplementing can be helpful to improve your omega-3 levels. 

More research is needed specifically on how fish oil supplements can impact muscle growth and power while strength training. Be mindful that many fish oil supplements aren’t high quality, so it’s crucial you choose a trusted, reputable brand. Because it’s fat, fish oil can become rancid and toxic if it isn’t manufactured and stored properly. Prescription fish oil supplements are also available in higher doses.

Steph Green
Steph Green is a content writer specializing in healthcare, wellness, and nutrition. With over ten years of experience, she…
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