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How many steps should you walk a day to reduce symptoms of depression? New study

We often hear about 10,000 steps a day. What does the new research show?

Man walking outside with coat in nature
Tamar Willoughby / Pexels

Research highlights how exercise boosts mood and prompts the release of feel-good endorphins. Previous studies have shown that physical activity can help reduce the symptoms of depression and other psychological conditions. We also know that exercise reduces levels of stress hormones.

Walking is one way to get your body moving, and there’s also plenty of research on how walking can improve your health and wellness. Walking is a form of movement that simply involves putting one foot in front of the other, and it’s usually more preferable and accessible for many people. Recently, researchers wanted to know how many steps you should walk per day to reduce the symptoms of depression and to help you live longer. We often hear about 10,000 steps a day. What does the new research show? Let’s take a look.

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The study

Man walking on the beach
Dajana Reci / Pexels

In the study published in Jama Network Open, researchers analyzed 33 different studies involving 100,000 people. The study participants wore pedometers to measure their step counts. They were divided into three groups:

  • Low step count — Less than 7,000 steps per day.
  • Moderate step count — Between 7,000 and 10,000 steps per day.
  • High step count — 10,000 steps per day or more.

Participants filled out questionnaires about their mental health. Researchers considered factors like BMI or body mass index, smoking, and diet.

The results

Man in suit pants walking up stairs
Marus Cirpaci / Pexels

These are the results:

  • Participants who managed 7,000 steps per day were 31% less likely to suffer from symptoms of depression.
  • Doing 10,000 steps per day didn’t provide any further benefits regarding depression or mortality risk.
  • The intensity or walking pace didn’t make a difference, as long as people got 7,000 steps daily.

The takeaway

man walking his dog husky
Ninobur / Pexels

While we keep hearing about getting your 10,000 steps in per day, this new research shows that 7,000 steps are enough to help reduce the symptoms of depression. If you can’t manage the popular 10,000, it seems 7,000 could be the new sweet spot. Tracking your steps is easier with the advent of fitness trackers and wearables. If you’d prefer a gentler stroll over a power walk, this research shows consistency matters more than intensity.

Steph Green
Steph Green is a content writer specializing in healthcare, wellness, and nutrition. With over ten years of experience, she…
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