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Experts agree: These are the hottest fitness trends of 2023

Curious about what the fitness trends will be next year? Read about what experts have to say

With 2022 behind us and a new year beginning, many are wondering what 2023 will bring in all aspects of life. The health and fitness industry usually sees an influx of new recruits in January, and these individuals see a new year as an excellent time to start improving their lives. So what fitness trends will they have at their disposal in 2023? As usual, with every fast-moving and constantly changing industry, there are many different trends that are influenced mainly by technology, but which ones are worth following? 

No matter which trend we follow, the message remains the same every year: Exercise and a healthy diet are vital to our physical well-being and, more so than ever before, to our mental health. With this in mind, here is a preview of what are likely to be the biggest fitness trends coming your way in 2023.

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Online workout apps

The continual advances in cell phone technology mean that apps have become part of everyday life. Health-tracking apps have also been part of this revolution. In 2023, health apps will take over what started in 2022 and expand the popularity and development of online workout apps.

Workout apps grant you access to various online exercise routines that are available 24/7. They are both practical and easy to use, with numerous videos available of whatever exercise routine you choose to follow.

Matt Claes, the founder of, supports the view that workout apps will be even more popular this year than last. His reason is that the major players in the health industry, such as Peloton, are putting more extra resources into their workout apps than ever before. This means that users can access recorded or live workouts at their convenience. These apps also allow organizations such as Peloton and Tonal to link these workouts to their fitness equipment and products that they sell, thus, advertising them to the public worldwide.

Matt credits the practicality of being able to join a fitness class from the comfort of home, along with the addition of some fun features that have been added to these apps, as the significant reasons behind the apps’ success. These features make for a more immersive exercising experience, whether walking, running, or cycling. 

He also thinks that adding virtual reality fitness workouts using VR glasses can help people find greater enjoyment in their workouts and help them to keep coming back for more.

arms of doctor with red stethoscope
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AI-assisted medicine

Artificial intelligence is a phrase that is creeping more into our daily vocabulary because its use is on the rise. Many industries are starting to assimilate AI into everyday life with the hope that it can improve services. The world of medicine is one of the industries that has embraced this groundbreaking technology.

Benjamin Okyere, a data engineer and fitness trainer, is also the founder of, based in Chicago, Illinois. He believes that 2023 will be the year that sees several new trends emerge as technology and evidence-based science advance. He believes that AI-assisted medicine, including digital health sensors, will enable individuals to track their biometrics.

Furthermore, he expects this tech development to combine with remote medical consultations, allowing patients to receive care from specialist doctors online from anywhere in the world.

Okyere also expects technology to make personalized health tracking part of mainstream medicine in 2023, allowing individuals to take charge of their health through easy access to their personal health data. This will inform them of their health risks so that they can make appropriate lifestyle changes.

Fitbit on a wrist
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Trackable workout devices

Whether it is for better physical health or improved mental well-being, these smart devices can track our efforts and progress in a timely manner.

Hayley Whear, MS, CSCS, Noom Coach, expects 2023 to be the year of the trackable workout device. She sees trackable devices and quick workouts as a perfect fit for an age in which people expect immediate results and want valuable information to be readily available to them so that they can focus their efforts on individual goals.

Fitness professional John Solle, NASM CPT & CES, Precision Nutrition Pn1, Noom Coach, echoes this sentiment and agrees that wearable devices allow us to track our exercise, sleep, and other aspects of health more efficiently. He also feels that we can get an adequate home workout thanks to these devices, a hypothesis backed up with proof during the pandemic.

Man doing jumping jacks in his living room

Fitness snacking

You may be excused for believing that fitness snacking involves healthy eating. However, the phrase actually refers to a new exercise trend that includes small sets of exercises throughout the day instead of long gym sessions. 

Fitness snacking makes exercising less daunting and can be fitted in during the busiest of working days. Frame Fitness cofounder and CEO Melissa Bentivoglio recommends fitting ten minutes of Pilates into our daily routine. A full-body Pilates fusion can be completed in this amount of time.

Man doing plank.

Focus on longevity 

Bentivoglio expects longevity to be the buzzword in people’s exercise regimes in 2023. People are searching for physical activity that benefits them in the long run and keeps them feeling fit and well for longer rather than just having a quick activity fix. She expects the uptake of low-impact training to continue increasing in popularity, as it is gentler on joints and the body in general.

Despite the name, low-impact training can still incorporate resistance and weight-bearing exercises but should also include something like Pilates, which helps to prioritize flexibility. Exercises such as a plank and lunge series are great weight-bearing exercises that can be incorporated with Pilates.

Pilates app


Despite Pilates being around for over 100 years, it continues to grow in popularity even among the younger generation. Bentivoglio puts this down to it being a low-impact exercise that fits into the growing trend of fitness snacking and physical activity focused on longevity. 

That it can be practiced by all ages and promotes flexibility, increased bone density, stability, and core strengthening are additional reasons for its continued popularity.

a man sleeping on white bedding

Quality sleep

Jeff Byers, retired NFL lineman turned CEO and founder of wellness brand Momentous, says quality sleep will be one of the most significant factors of optimum health in 2023. 

We already know that good-quality sleep can help prevent diseases such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Byers goes even further and suggests that sleep is important for every function in the human body. He believes that enough quality sleep every night positively impacts mental longevity, cognitive function, and physical performance.

Because of this, he feels people will invest more time, energy, and resources into making sure they get better sleep in a world that discourages this due to artificial light, caffeine consumption, and working late into the night.

Christine VanDoren
Christine is a certified personal trainer and nutritionist with an undergraduate degree from Missouri State University. Her…
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Bulking up isn’t all about biceps and triceps. The deltoid shoulder muscles play a big role in lifting and rotating your arms, as well as stabilizing the muscles in your arms and back. When it comes to boosting upper body strength and functioning, the deltoid muscles are equally important. Certain exercises specifically target your rear deltoid muscles. From the Lat pulldown to the bent-over dumbbell fly, here are the six best rear deltoid exercises to maximize your upper body strength and sculpt and define your shoulders.
What are the rear deltoid muscles?

You have three parts of your deltoid muscles that cover the top of your shoulder. Your rear deltoid muscles are shaped like an upside-down triangle and located at the back of your shoulders, connected to your shoulder blades. These important muscles stabilize your back and shoulders and help you move your arm to the front, side, and back behind you. 

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a close up of a shirtless man running outside

There’s a known synergy between exercise and a healthy diet, and the same applies to the ketogenic diet. If you’ve taken the low-carb leap or you’re considering it, keeping up with your fitness is beneficial. Certain types of exercises maximize the positive effects of ketosis. Research has also shown that going keto can improve athletic performance. Here’s what you need to know about working out on keto.
Why is it a good idea to exercise on keto?

Of course, exercise is always a good idea to complement your healthy diet. A ketogenic diet involves eating high-fat, moderate protein, and low carbohydrates. People who aren’t following the ketogenic diet are primarily burning carbohydrates to fuel their workouts, but when you switch over to keto, your body turns to fat as your main fuel source instead. Dietary fat gives you more calories per gram compared to protein and carbohydrates, so it can keep you satiated for longer. Eating more dietary fat while in the metabolic state of ketosis could help fuel you for a longer workout.

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