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The T bar row is the key to a bigger back — how to do it right

Bulk up your back muscles with the king of rowing exercises

Guy in gym using machine to do the T-bar row exercise
Gayan / Adobe Stock

If a bigger and stronger back is on your wishlist, you should add the T-bar row to your workout routine. There’s a good reason many bodybuilders say, “If you want your back to grow, you gotta row!”. The T-bar row is the king of rowing exercises when it comes to bulking up your back muscles, and all you need is a single barbell and a few plates. Here’s your ultimate guide to the T-bar row, including how to do it, the muscles worked, the variations, and FAQs.

What is the T-bar row?

muscular shirtless man doing t-bar row on machine in gym
Gayan / Adobe Stock

The T-bar row is an effective compound exercise where you straddle a bar that’s fixed at one end. You can load plates on the weight collar attached to the other end of the bar. You hold the handle on the non-fixed end) and lift the bar up toward your chest. It’s called the T-bar row because it’s a rowing exercise, and the handle on the non-fixed end of the bar is shaped like the letter T. 

Horizontal pulling exercises like the T-bar row help beef up your back muscles for ultimate muscle mass and strength.

What muscles does the T-bar row work?

topless man back muscles flexing muscles with black background
Nigel Msipa / Unsplash

The T-bar row is the perfect exercise for hitting your back and biceps. You’ll even train your erector spinae — the group of muscles that helps you straighten and rotate your back. A compound exercise like the T-bar row targets two or more joints and multiple muscle groups at the same time. The T-bar row works your:

  • Forearms
  • Glutes
  • Core
  • Latissimus dorsi — located on the side of your back.
  • Trapezius — the diamond-shaped muscle covering your upper back.
  • Rhomboids — located under your mid-traps.
  • Posterior deltoids — shoulder muscles.
  • Biceps brachii — located in your upper arms.
  • Hamstrings — muscles in your thighs.
  • Quadriceps — muscles in your thighs.

What are the benefits?

Bad posture
gilaxia / iStock

Including the T-bar row in your workout routine brings a range of benefits, from improving your posture to building muscle mass

Here are some of the many benefits of the T-bar row:

  • Better posture — strengthening your back muscles with exercises like the T-bar row contributes to better posture.
  • Increased strength—The T-bar row allows you to move more weight compared to other exercises, like the bent-over row. 
  • Build muscle mass—Targeting all of your back muscles, such as your rhomboids and traps, builds a stronger and more muscular back. 
  • Less strain on your lower back—The T-bar row puts less stress on your lower back than other exercises, like barbell rows.
  • Work your entire back.
  • Variety — Spice up your workout routine with different movements like the T-bar row.

Setting up for the T-bar row

woman in gym doing T-bar row exercise on machine
Splitov 27 / Adobe stock

The T-bar row can be set up in slightly different ways. One of the most common is the landmine setup where you connect certain attachments to the end of the barbell. The landmine setup allows you to perform the exercise just like you would with the T-bar row machine.

  • The T-bar row machine — Some gyms have the T-bar row machine where you stand on the platform of the machine as you straddle the bar that’s fixed at one end. You hold the handle and lift the loaded bar up to your chest. 
  • Landmine attachment — If you don’t have access to a machine, another option is to fix one end of the barbell into a landmine attachment and load the other end with your weight plates. 

How to perform the T-bar row

drawing illustration man on machine doing T-bar row exercise in gym
Lio Putra / Adobe Stock

Here’s how to perform this unique compound exercise:

  1. Set up the T-bar with your desired weight.
  2. Stand on the platform with your feet about shoulders-distance apart. The T-bar should be in between your legs.
  3. Bend down low to the same starting position you would be in for the bent-over row. Using an overhand grip, hold on to the handlebar.
  4. Make sure your hands are a little wider than shoulders-distance apart and engage your core.
  5. Bend your elbows and lift the bar up toward your chest with control.
  6. Lower the bar back down to the starting position so your arms are fully extended. 
  7. Repeat for your desired number of reps.

Top tips:

  • Engage your arms and shoulders and keep your shoulders pulled back rather than rounding forward.
  • Keep your elbows close to your body.
  • Pause for a moment when you reach the top of the movement.


Athlete makes low cable pulley row seated in gym.
martvisionlk / Shutterstock

The T-bar row is one of a selection of rowing exercises you can choose from. Here are some of the most common variations of the T-bar row:

  • Bent-over dumbbell row: The bent-over dumbbell row doesn’t require a machine. All you need is two dumbbells to get started. This exercise is an excellent way to start if you can’t quite master the T-bar row and you want to practice using the hinge position with proper form.
  • Bent-over barbell row: The bent-over row using a barbell also helps you get used to the hinge position because you also have to hinge forward at your hips. You can practice maintaining a flat back and keeping your shoulders back and engaged. 
  • Meadows row: Like the T-bar row, the meadows row can also be performed using a landmine setup. This unilateral row involves an overhand grip and a staggered stance. You stand sideways to the end of the bar, hinge down into the bent-forward position, and grip the bar with one hand. You lift the weight up and draw your elbow back behind your body to perform this movement.
  • Seated cable row: You perform the cable row sitting on a bench facing a cable machine. You use the close grip attachment and pull the cables toward the bottom of your ribcage. Pause for a moment before returning to the starting position.  

Top back-building exercises to go along with the T-bar row

man wearing white shirt outside doing pull ups exercise on silver bar
Lawrence Crayton / Unsplash

Here are some of the top back-building exercises to add to your workout routine alongside the T-bar row:

  • Pull-ups
  • Dumbbell overhead press (military press)
  • Lateral raise
  • Bent-over single-arm row
  • Reverse-grip bent-over row
  • Back extension
  • Lateral pull-down
  • Standard dumbbell shrug
  • Kettlebell swing
  • Deadlift

There are plenty of worthwhile exercises for bulking up your back muscles, and the T-bar row continues to be one of the best. The T-bar row has been a go-to back exercise for top Olympia winning bodybuilders like Jay Cutler.

Steph Green
Steph Green is a content writer specializing in healthcare, wellness, and nutrition. With over ten years of experience, she…
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