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Boxersise is the popular full-body HIIT workout that gets your heart pumping

Revamp your workout routine and torch serious calories with boxercise

man boxing shirtless gym boxing gloves
Logan Weaver / Unsplash

People have engaged in hand-to-hand combat for eons, and today, boxing is a popular Olympic event. As an Olympic sport, boxing adheres to strict safety standards. Boxing has evolved into boxercise — a trendy full-body workout that gets your heart pumping. It’s an exercise that helps you blow off steam while fine-tuning your fitness. Boxercise is increasingly popular for a good reason. Let’s look at the benefits and the history of boxercise.

What is boxercise?

shirtless man wearing black shorts walking wearing boxing gloves
Logan Weaver / Unsplash

Boxercise is a type of exercise or ‘fitness boxing’ that involves aspects of boxing training. You wear pads and gloves, but it isn’t a competitive sport like traditional boxing. Boxercise is a HIIT or high-intensity interval training class, but you won’t be getting in the ring swinging and dodging punches. Instead of sparring with a partner, you’ll throw punches at a punching bag or in the air, typically in a boxercise class with an instructor.

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What moves are involved in a boxercise class?

man boxing in gym with punching bag
Pixabay / Pexels

You might engage in strength training moves, stretching, and then hitting a punching bag. The most popular type of boxercise is a class where you follow an instructor and perform a number of boxing moves with upbeat music in the background, similar to an aerobics exercise class. You might perform moves like:

  • Smaller jabs (punches)
  • Large sweeping punches like crosses, uppercuts, and hooks
  • Squats and ducks
  • Short steps forward and back
  • High knees
  • Jogging on the spot

Different instructors have varying ways of implementing boxercise. You can make modifications if you need to, such as staying seated while punching the air or a punching bag.

How did boxercise start?

guy squatting boxing gloves boxercise exercise
Logan Weaver / Unsplash

Boxercise has been around for a while now, but it’s still picking up steam as people become more interested in enhancing fitness, especially at the dawn of the new year. In 1992, professional boxing coach Andy Wake created boxercise in the United Kingdom. Throughout the 1990s, millions of Brits got involved, and the concept soon generated interest worldwide.

The largest boxercise class

woman boxercise class boxing gloves exercise
Logan Weaver / Unsplash

Boxing and world heavyweight champion Anthony Joshua broke a world record for the largest Boxercise lesson. On Monday, 9th April 2018, Anthony took part in a mammoth fitness challenge in London alongside 540 other participants. Boxing coach Andy Wake led the class through 10 rounds of exercises for a 30-minute session, with music like the power anthem ‘We Will Rock You’ by Queen motivating everyone to push through every minute.

What are the benefits of boxercise?

boxing gloves on table
Mikhail Nilov / Unsplash

Boxercise provides plenty of benefits, such as:

Steph Green
Steph Green is a content writer specializing in healthcare, wellness, and nutrition. With over ten years of experience, she…
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Fatigue can occur during a workout, no matter the intensity. However, what differentiates most of us is how soon we tire when working out. While it may take hours for some, others may not have that luxury of time. As a trainer, many clients have shared concerns with me related to fatigue, which can prevent you from enjoying or getting the most out of your fitness routine.

In addition to fatigue, poor concentration and training injuries can sabotage your routine. Hence, trainers like myself and fitness experts often recommend pre-workout to remedy these issues and put your body in optimum condition for your routine.

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Spiderman actor Tom Holland and other fitness buffs are swearing by EMS workouts
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Fitness buffs and Hollywood actors like Spiderman’s Tom Holland are zapping their muscles with electricity on the quest for a more sculpted physique. Many actors use this technique to help prepare for active action hero roles like Spiderman. We’ve heard of plenty of different ways people try to get ripped, and lately, zapping is making electric waves in the fitness world. What are EMS workouts, and why do many fitness buffs swear by them?
What is EMS?

Electrical muscle stimulation, or EMS, involves the use of electric impulses to elicit muscle contractions. EMS started in Europe as part of physical therapy, and soon it began booming in the United States. In physical therapy, EMS is used to help strengthen specific muscles, usually as people are recovering from an injury. The electrodes are typically pads that adhere to the skin near the muscles. The electrical impulses imitate the action from your central nervous system. 
What are EMS workouts?

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When you start weight training, people may tell you to buy some pieces of equipment, including lifting gloves, knee straps, and even a belt. More often than not, however, no one tells you to buy lifting straps.

As a trainer, I have had clients approach me and share that their grip has actually started becoming a limiting factor with some lifts, especially some pull exercises. This is a common issue as you become stronger. If you’re now at this stage of your fitness journey and want to learn how lifting straps fit in your training routine, you’re reading just the right resource.

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