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Simple chart shows how much better some European countries treat citizens

A simple chart shows the complicated ways the U.S. treats workers — with little assistance

The men’s World Cup captured the globe’s attention in 2022 as teams fought for a coveted spot on the podium. Even the U.S. men’s national team saw some success, reaching the quarterfinal round after not even qualifying for the last one in 2018.

That said, the stars and stripes missed the podium. And, a new chart shows the U.S. wouldn’t win any medals for the assistance — or lack thereof — it provides to workers.

The chart, perhaps playing off of the excitement for the World Cup, uses medals to compare the U.S. to its global counterparts Germany, France, Japan, Canada, and the United Kingdom. The creator, u/aaabigwyattmann3, posted it to the antiwork subreddit.

Here’s how the U.S. stacks up against its European counterparts.

a tired man at his desk

Universal healthcare

The U.S. was the only country in the group not to provide universal healthcare. The World Health Organization defines universal healthcare as access to a full range of quality services when they want them without financial hardship. 

The U.S. has made strides since the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was passed in 2010. A new report from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services said that a record 35 million Americans enrolled in coverage related to the ACA in early 2022. However, it’s still not the entire country. 

Free college

Unlike some other categories on this list, the U.S. isn’t on an island to itself when it comes to free college. Japan, Canada, and the U.K. don’t offer it either. Public universities are free in Germany.

France’s tuition actually isn’t free, despite what the graphic said, but students can pay based on family income. It’s also incorrect about the U.K., which stopped offering free tuition in 1998, but students don’t have to pay upfront costs. Swedish students can go to school for free if they are studying for a post-doctoral degree.

Paid maternity leave and vacation

The United States is the only industrialized nation not to offer federal paid leave to new parents. Congress appeared close to passing it in 2021, but 12 weeks was whittled down to four weeks and then removed entirely from the Build Back Better Act after objections from West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin. The FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act) provides 12 weeks of unpaid family leave and job protection to employees under specific circumstances. Compare that to Sweden, where parents get 480 days of paid leave after the birth or adoption of a child. Families with two parents can split the leave 240 days apiece.

Maternity leave is not a vacation — as anyone with a young child will tell you — but the U.S. was also an outlier in paid vacation.

Paid sick leave

The U.S. also does not guarantee sick leave to workers. Germany (up to six weeks at full pay), Sweden (typically compensated for entire time sick, with the first 14 days coming from the employer at a minimum of 80% pay), France (up to €47.43 per day),  and the U.K. (up to 28 weeks at a government-mandated minimum) all do.

Does the lack of assistance make you want to quit your job? Perhaps see about a four-day workweek? Pray you get quietly fired — or officially fired so you can collect unemployment? For what it’s worth, one report found no one took home more money per year than U.S. workers ($74,000).   

BethAnn Mayer
Beth Ann's work has appeared on and In her spare time, you can find her running (either marathons…
This tool shows how horrific climate change will be in 2050
Extreme heat is impacting where people can reasonably live
Change in days above 100°F, 2023 to 2053.

If this summer has got you feeling like an ant under the magnifying glass, welcome to the club. More Americans than ever are expected to suffer through extreme temperatures over the next 30 years, according to a national risk assessment released by the First Street Foundation. Extreme heat waves, in fact, are expected to last longer and impact more communities as the climate continues to warm. By 2050, the nonprofit assessing climate change risk predicts an “extreme heat belt” to wrap around the southeastern and western United States, affecting over 107 million residents.

What does First Street define as ‘extreme’? How about over 1,000 U.S. counties projected to experience at least one day above 125 degrees by 2053. Yikes. This real estate over this extreme heat belt rolls down the West Coast into northern Texas, Louisiana, and Florida. The dark red blotches aren’t isolated to southern climes, though, stretching as far north as Illinois, Indiana, and even Wisconsin.

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This Viral Reddit Chart Shows How Bad Inflation Really Is
Current Inflation Is Impacting More Than Our Gas Prices
Red stock graph chart

According to Google Trends data, Americans are searching the word "recession" more than at any other time since 2004. This makes sense, given the current collision of rising prices, elevated unemployment, and a reeling stock market.

Last week, the S&P 500 entered bear market territory — a decline of 20% or more from recent highs, and the exchange's January heights. This now two-quarter fall broaches the symbolic (and psychological) hurdle that defines an economic recession. Last Friday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics announced that the consumer price index — a significant inflation gauge — rose 8.6% through May, marking its highest jump since December 1981.

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This is How Much Sleep You Need and Tips to Maintain It
A man lies asleep in bed

Getting enough sleep at night can be the difference between feeling focused, energized, happy, and healthy the next day or groggy, irritable, emotionally unstable, hungry, and exhausted. Yet with over-scheduled busy lives that are too often defined by anxiety, stress, and chronic pain, many adults fail to get enough sleep every night. In fact, research conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that one in three American adults is not getting the minimum recommended number of hours of sleep per night.
So how many hours of sleep do you need every night? How common is it for adults to not get enough sleep? What are the consequences of insufficient sleep? What can you do to get more sleep at night? Keep reading for our answers to the most common questions about getting enough sleep, and see if you can start getting the quantity and quality of restorative sleep your body needs to feel your best.

Prevalence of Insufficient and Poor-Quality Sleep
Photo by Q000024, licensed under Creative Commons, and made available by PxHere Image used with permission by copyright holder
If you’re tossing and turning at night, or if you're rushing around so much all day that you only give yourself a few hours each night to sleep, you’re not alone. As mentioned, one-third of adults are not meeting sleep recommendations, with an even higher prevalence of insufficient sleep among certain racial and ethnic groups. For example, only 54% of Native Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders, non-Hispanic Blacks, and multiracial non-Hispanics actually met healthy sleep requirements.
Having trouble falling and staying asleep can cut into the number of hours you’re sleeping per night. A National Sleep Foundation study found that 45% of American adults report difficulty falling asleep at least one night per week and 23% report difficulty on five or more nights per week. Furthermore, falling asleep isn’t the entire battle, as 53% of respondents note trouble staying asleep, and 35% of survey respondents rated their sleep quality as ‘poor” or ‘only fair.”

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