Space is a subject that has fascinated filmmakers since long before man set foot on the moon. Space, with all of its possibility and terror, has been the setting for great movies for decades. From alien invasion stories to ones more grounded in reality, Hollywood has long sought to depict the realities of space without actually sending anyone up there.
We’ve pulled together this list of the very best space movies ever made. Obviously, many of these could also be defined as science fiction, and we have a list for that too. Space, though, is a smaller subset and a setting that has fascinated me for years. I never wanted to be an astronaut, but that’s partly because I knew these movies could give me all the space-related thrills I would ever want.
Alien (1979)
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
Star Wars (1977)
Interstellar (2014)
Ad Astra (2019)
Sunshine (2007)
The Martian (2015)
Solaris (2002)
Steven Soderbergh’s remake of Andrei Tarkovsky’s classic space film is undoubtedly the most divisive film on this list, but it deserves its spot. The film follows a psychologist who travels to a space station hovering above a distant planet in order to investigate what is happening to the people on board. Once he arrives at the space station, though, he gets haunted by ghosts from hispast, and begins to realize that the grief he believed was in his past is more present than he realized. It’s a surreal, movingfilm, and one that deserves a radical reappraisal.