Now that winter has sung its swan song and spring has finally sprung, its time to cast off that cabin fever, get outside, and cook something over an open fire.
Well, maybe not an open fire, but with fire nonetheless. Why? Because it’s primal, it’s manly, and it’s an excuse to get outside and burn things. Sure, you could grill a steak or some kebabs or smoke a rack of ribs, but why constrain yourself to the typical charcoal and fire-cooked fare when you can go one step further and create a hearty, yet delicate, wood-fired pizza? Instead of ordering in from Domino’s for your next game day or cook-out congregation, simply get yourself the Uuni 3 Wood-Fired Pizza Oven and watch as your friends and neighbors circle you like a pack of wolves closing in on their prey.
Unlike most wood-fired pizza ovens, this one isn’t built into a brick or stucco wall and is, instead, made from lightweight, insulated, brushed stainless steel and altogether weighs less than 30 pounds. That’s lighter than a toddler (and way easier to carry, not only because the Uuni 3 doesn’t squirm, but also beacause, if you order from Huckberry, you get a free travel bag). The Uuni3 also sports sturdy legs for increased stability, so you don’t have to worry about a sloppy drunk friend accidentally knocking over your pizza oven. Fueled by environmentally friendly (and ubiquitous) energy-dense wood pellets, the Uuni 3 reaches 932 degrees Fahrenheit in around 10 minutes and, once at that temperature,will cook a 13-inch pizza in as little as 60 seconds. That’s right, gents. You can get your very own wood-fired pizza, baked fresh and ready in as little as 11 minutes from start to finish. Now that’s what I call efficiency.
So, the all important questions–how much is this going to cost you? 10% less if you buy from Huckberry–for a grand total of only $300. That’s about a third the cost of constructing your own, at-home, wood-fired pizza oven.