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5 delicious carnivore diet snacks you can take on-the-go

Beef jerky.
Brent Hofacker / Shutterstock

The carnivore diet comes in many forms, ranging from strictly red meat and water to more flexible forms that allow for snacks. As a diet that allows only for the consumption of animal products, sticking to the carnivore diet while traveling can be slightly tricky. Yet, with some preparation and research, it’s more than possible. You may just find that locating carnivore diet snacks is easier than you’d think. Check out a few of the best snacks worth adding to your carnivore diet food list and perfect for on-the-go.

Can you have snacks on a carnivore diet?Chicharrones. Deep fried pork rinds, crispy pork skin pieces, traditional mexican ingredient or snack served with lemon juice and red hot chili sauce.

Similar to the ketogenic diet, several levels of the carnivore diet vary in restrictiveness. Those on a strict carnivore diet may only consume one or two meals per day with no snacking in between. Typically, those on a more restrictive form of a carnivore diet stick only with consuming ruminant meat and avoid eggs, dairy products, or other animal-based products or snacks. On the other hand, a more relaxed carnivore diet allows for carnivore diet snacks, making it easier to stick with for a longer period.

5 best carnivore diet snacks

Hard-boiled egg in half
Nattawat Nat / Getty Images

Are you heading into a convenience store or looking for a carnivore-friendly snack at the airport? These best carnivore diet snacks are easy to find anywhere and perfect for sticking to your diet plan.

Beef jerky

Beef jerky is perhaps one of the most obvious go-to snack options on a carnivore diet, as it’s simply meat that has been dried and preserved. You can also find beef sticks, turkey sticks, and other kinds of meat snacks pretty easily at convenience or grocery stores. Beef jerky makes for a great carnivore snack provides a solid amount of healthy protein to keep your hunger satiated and is extremely low in carbs.

As you look for carnivore snacks in the beef jerky section, make sure to read labels carefully. Many beef jerky products contain added sugar or sauces like teriyaki flavor, which adds lots of carbs and will throw you out of ketosis on your carnivore diet. If available, opt for organic or 100% grass-fed beef jerky to get the most nutrients out of your carnivore diet snack.

Pork rinds

Pork rinds are another option for a carnivore snack, made of pig skin that has been fried or baked into a crispy snack. This snack is a bit controversial in the carnivore community, as many pork rind products contain lots of preservatives and unhealthy additives. However, if you’re in a pinch and need a carnivore-friendly snack — they’re surely delicious. Look for pork rinds that are oven-baked, when possible, as this variety does not contain inflammatory seed oils found in pork rinds that have been fried.

Hard-boiled eggs

Hard-boiled eggs are a simple and delicious form of protein that also makes for a great carnivore snack. A large egg contains about 5 grams of fat 6 grams of protein and no carbs, making it ideal for carnivore diet macros. In addition, eggs contain lots of healthy vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, and choline. Hard-boiled eggs are also super simple to make at home yourself by boiling or in the air-fryer, if you’re looking for a snack you can pack it in your lunchbox.

Cheese sticks

Remember those mozzarella string cheese sticks we loved as kids? Those cheese sticks make the perfect carnivore snack — delicious and full of protein. Cheese sticks or cubes are easy to find at nearly any grocery or convenience store and are a great source of healthy fat for your carnivore diet. Avoid consuming cheese like American cheese singles (which are a cheese product and not cheese) and aim for less-processed cheeses such as Colby Jack or cheddar.

Deli meats

Deli meat can easily be enjoyed on the go as part of a carnivore diet, such as roast beef slices or turkey. However, many deli meats contain preservatives and go through lots of processing which makes this a lower quality snack. Brands like Applegate that offer organic deli meats are a great option for carnivore dieters who want to consume higher-quality food. Traditional deli meat makes for a fast carnivore snack from time to time, but should not make up a large portion of your carnivore diet.

How do you satisfy a sweet tooth on a carnivore diet?Beef jerky

A carnivore diet does not allow for any sugar or sweet items which can raise your blood glucose levels. The beauty of a carnivore diet, however, is that when insulin levels remain low, cravings for sweet snacks suicide very quickly. When you’re looking for a carnivore-safe snack, opt for these 5 savory carnivore diet snacks that won’t impact your blood sugar levels.

Emily Caldwell
Emily is a freelance writer with a special focus on health, fitness, lifestyle, food, and nutrition topics. She holds a B.S…
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