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Sleep Cool with Chilipad, a Personal Bed Chiller and Heater

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Confession: I am a night sweater.

I’m talking soak-the-sheets-worse-than-a-menopausal-woman-with-hot-flashes night sweater. It can be the middle of winter with the ambient room temperature at The National Sleep Foundation’s recommended 65 degrees and I will still pour liters of sweat into my swollen, soggy mattress. The why behind the night sweats is still a mystery (though doctors have suggested everything from lymphoma — nope — to anxiety). For years I have dealt with sweaty sheets, yellowing mattress pads, and the musty smell of a bedroom full of sweaty bedclothes. I also exercise regularly, meaning I used to wake up both sweaty and sore.

How to Sleep Better:

But did you notice that there? The operative phrase “used to.” Yes, I employed the imperfect tense there because I can happily reveal that I no longer suffer from night sweats and morning muscle soreness.

What did I have to do to find such relief? Did I promise my first-born to a magical midget a la Rumpelstiltskin? Did I pay thousands of dollars for all-over Botox to paralyze my sweat glands? Did I decide to sleep in a walk-in cooler all night?

Thankfully, I didn’t have to pretend I was a cow carcass hanging from a rafter and instead simply had to sleep on what I think is the best revolution in sleep technology since the invention of the blanket: the Chilipad Sleep System.

The Chilipad Sleep System is a mattress pad (either with one temperature zones for singles or two temperature zones for couples) that uses embedded micro-tubing filled with water to either heat or cool the pad from anywhere between 55-110 degrees Fahrenheit, creating the perfect microclimate under your covers. The micro-tubing is connected to a small cube-like device where the magic takes place. There’s also a remote so you can raise or lower the temperature of your Chilipad at your leisure without getting out of bed.

Chilipad Sleep System

After receiving a sample from Chilipad to test out, I’ve been using it nightly for the past three months. And you know what? No night sweats. I have been waking up dry for the first time in years. What’s better, I’m also waking up significantly more rested. I used to drag myself out of bed at 8:00 a.m. and dread preparing for the day. Now, I pop out of bed at 7:00 a.m. and look forward to conquering the world. That might be a bit hyperbolic, but it’s indicative of how much better I feel after using the Chilipad Sleep System compared to before. Don’t believe me? Don’t just take my word for it. Denver Broncos Super Bowl MVP, Von Miller, recently said of the Chilipad Sleep System, “I’ve been using it all year, and I love it!”

Reasons other than night sweats to use the Chilipad according to the brand: deeper sleep, better tissue and muscle recovery for athletes, improved immune response, potentially increased metabolism, improved REM sleep, and mild pain relief (especially in those undergoing chemotherapy, radiation, or are recovering from surgery).

Keep in mind, this is not cheap. It’s definitely an investment piece, but when you spend a third of your life sleeping, the price starts to make a lot more sleep. Also know that the machine does create a significant (though totally manageable) amount of white noise, so if you’re the type who needs total silence to sleep, this might not be the product for you.

Overall, the Chilipad Sleep System is a great investment in your comfort and health and one we highly recommend to everyone who has enough disposable income to afford it.

Chase McPeak
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Chase McPeak is the former Lifestyle Editor. Chase regularly appeared on Beards, Booze, and Bacon: The Manual Podcast where…
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