His inspiration came while reading an article that advised looking at your bank statement to see what you’re buying daily or monthly. It said if you pinpoint something you love on there, consider building a business around it.
Schreiber knew he loved coffee so he started researching places that would roast and flavor beans under his brand. He found a company in New Jersey and his business was born.
There are currently five flavors for sale on the Bewdly website. Along with the two already mentioned, the other three include Flavor of Fall Pumpkin Spice Coffee, Choco-Peanut-Butter Cup Coffee and Campfire Song S’more Smoked Coffee.
Beginning the week of October 27, they’ll introduce a special Halloween flavor called Zombie Gone, which Schreiber says will really wake you up with a higher concentration of caffeine. Holiday flavors will roll out in November and December.
“We’re working to get some decaffeinated flavors up shortly,” says Schreiber. “I expect we’ll have some available mid-November.”
If you find a flavor you love, better stock up because they are all limited editions. New flavors will emerge monthly. Prices for a pound is between $16.99 and $17.99. All of the naturally organic beans are roasted within 24 hours of shipping. The aroma will greet you even before you open the bag.
Schreiber has two partners—Blair Terceria and Zoe Wornsip—and says they’re growing so fast they’ll be adding help soon.
As for the name of the company, Schreiber says there’s a town in Ontario called Bewdly. “My family would drive through there. It’s a place in the middle of nowhere with this great European Vibe,” says Schreiber. “It’s the place I had the best cup of coffee I ever had. I knew I needed to name my company Bewdly in its honor.”
Schreiber has a special offer for readers of The Manual. Just enter themanual in the coupon code box on Bewdly’s website for a 10% discount.