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Feel Good Friday – Billiam Jeans

We are sure there is a survey out there that says most successful entrepreneurs are OCD. Bill Mitchell of Billiam Jeans is the prefect example.

A year after graduating with a marketing degree from Clemson, Bill moved into his parent’s basement and started reconstructing old clothes. He would ask friends to bring their clothes over and he would tear them apart and remake them to be better than the original. Then the light bulb switched on, “Instead of improving on someone else’s design, why don’t I make something from scratch?” And so he constructed his first pair of pants and “they were terrible!” he told us. But it was a start.

Fast-forward five years and now his quality denim is selling out online and he has opened a store in Greenville, South Carolina. Bill told us proudly, “I have never been in debt and always used cash and it’s working!” Take note you up and comers.

Another angle of his brand we are keen on is his local production.

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Every single item you see on his site is made right there in Greenville. “Anyone can come to our store and see our employees toiling away in the back. It is a great feeling to have everything under one roof,” he told us. They also source all of their denim from Cone Mill in Greensboro, North Carolina (who have been doing their thing since 1891) where other big denim brands source their denim as well. But Billiam takes it a step further using recycled denim. “The recycled fibers come from North Carolina and are then milled at Cone,” Bill explains.

And as for the Feel Good angle, Billiam gives 20% of their year-end profit to fight sex trafficking in Atlanta through Well Spring Living. “They have a bunch of safe homes where girls can stay from one day to one year,” Williams informed us. “I love making detailed garments and giving a great experience for our buyers. But I know garments eventually wear out so we want to give to something that is lasting and that is why we started working with Well Spring Living.” How did they find the non-profit? Bill had an intern look up all the charities within driving distance from Greenville and theirs was the most organized so it was a real green light from his end.

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If you find yourself in Greenville, pop into the store and get measured for a pair of jeans. While sometimes they can actually be made while you wait, the cat is out of the bag and his business is booming. As Williams told us, “Now we may have to send them to you in three weeks, things are happening!”

We don’t mind.

Cator Sparks
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Cator Sparks was the Editor-in-Chief of The Manual from its launch in 2012 until 2018. Previously, Cator was covering…
15 Green Gift Ideas for an Environmentally Friendly Holiday
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7 Ways to Give Back During the Holidays
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Since that’s not the most practical solution, I thought maybe I’d approach the season a little differently this year. Instead of stressing out about giving gifts, maybe I could find some creative ways to give back. This list is by no means definitive but should provide you with plenty of fodder to inspire your own charitable ambitions.
Give to Native Causes
One of the easiest ways to give back is by donating money to important causes. With a simple click, you can support organizations, fund initiatives, and get the word out about issues you care about. While you can (and should) funnel cash toward whatever group you want, I’d recommend giving back to a Native or Indigenous cause this holiday season. And not because of some loyalty to the Thanksgiving myth we’re sold from the crib, but in recognition of the systematic oppression still experienced by many indigenous communities in the United States. It’s a drop in a very large bucket, but one that at least acknowledges the major work we as a country need to do to support Native populations.

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Support Breast Cancer Awareness by Repping Pink
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In the spirit of this vital work, we thought it’d be fun to round-up some clothes you can wear to celebrate the month. Some of these picks are tied to charitable causes and others are just wonderfully pink, so peruse ‘em all and see which ones speak to you most!

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