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Cologne sale: Save on brands like Tom Ford and Creed – from $20

Someone spraying a Tom Ford cologne on themselves.
Tom Ford

Spring is the perfect time to start experimenting with cologne. If you are still on the hunt for your signature scent or want to try out a new brand, we have a sale that you are going to want to learn more about. Right now at Gilt, you can get heavy discounts on cologne from popular brands such as Tom Ford, Hugo Boss, Dior, Versace, Creed, Coach, Burberry and many more.

If you need a little more advice on what to select, here an expert reveals how to pick the right fragrance for you. You can shop colognes for as low as $20 during this sale so make sure to take advantage. Click the button below to start adding a few of these luxury fragrances to your cart before time runs out.

What you should buy during the designer cologne sale

If you are an avid cologne wearer, you know that Tom Ford is one of the most popular brands for men out there. Shop the brand’s 1.7oz Bitter Peach EDP for $350, the 1.7oz Fabulous EDP for $360, or the 1.7o Ombre Leather EDP for $140. If you still are on the fence about what to buy, there is a complete guide to Tom Ford colognes that will help you make your decision. Burberry is also a standout brand during this sale where you can shop the “Touch” 3.3oz Eau de Toilette Spray for $46, the London 3.3oz Eau de Toilette Spray for $55 or the Classic for Men 3.3oz Eau de Toilette Spray for $46.

Let’s not forget about Creed, a brand that every man should know about. Shop the Original Santal 1.7oz Eau de Parfum Spray for $210, the 3.3oz Aventus Cologne for $350, the 3.3oz Silver Mountain Water Fragrance for $320, the Green Irish Tweed 1.7oz Eau de Parfum Spray for $220 and the 3.3oz Milliesime Imperial Cologne for $350.

Now is the perfect time to upgrade your current fragrance or discover new scents. Head over to Gilt to grab luxury and designer colognes for as low as $20 just in time for summer. Who knows, with a deal this great, you might just buy more than one bottle.

Editors' Recommendations

Victoria Garcia
Victoria is a NYC based editor and writer that writes about everything from beauty and fashion to tech and home products.
5 essential anti-aging skincare tips every man needs to know
Keep your skin looking great with these simple tips
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Aging is a natural part of life, and while there’s no way to stop it, you can take hold of it. Along with the typical aging of gray hairs and frown lines, plenty of signs of aging can start to appear. Some signs, like sun spots or dry skin, are completely avoidable with the proper care. If you’re not a fan of signs of aging, taking care of your lifestyle and skincare can be your best bet for combatting it. Celebrities like Brad Pitt or Jeff Goldblum, who have been on the silver screen for decades, have shown us that you can age in a way that you’re proud to show off your gray hairs. By following some of the tips your favorite celebrities use, you can also age the way you wish and look your best. 
Sunscreen is your friend

No matter your age, sunscreen is the most essential step to add to your daily routine. Whether you precede it with a more detailed skincare routine is a personal preference, but there’s no doubt that sunscreen will do wonders for helping you with your anti-aging journey. As The Skin Cancer Foundation states, sunscreen can help reduce the risk of cancer and precancer diseases by up to 50%, making it the easiest way to avoid these issues. Besides these health benefits, sunscreen also has an anti-aging benefit that can help you keep your youthful glow. 

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Mineral vs chemical sunscreen: Which one should you actually use?
mens skincare routine changes to make man in sunscreen

Even on cloudy days or days spent indoors, wearing sunscreen every day is a non-negotiable part of a healthy skincare routine. Not only can excess sunlight cause premature aging of the skin, but it's also critical to wear sunscreen to protect against various types of skin cancer. When choosing sunscreen, you'll find two main types -- chemical and mineral sunscreen. The mineral vs chemical sunscreen debate has been an ongoing one, as both forms of sunscreens have their pros and cons. Below, we'll dive into the pros and cons of each type of sunscreen to help you choose the best option.

Pros and cons of chemical sunscreen
Chemical sunscreens, often made of chemicals such as oxybenzone, avobenzone, octinoxate, or other similar chemicals, are absorbed into the skin when applied. This type of sunscreen is generally easy to apply to the face and body and absorbs UV rays that touch the skin.
Pro: hydrating for the skin
Due to the thin and blendable nature of chemical sunscreens, they are generally hydrating for the skin and can be added to cosmetics such as moisturizers, skin tints, or foundation products.
Pro: sweat and water resistant
Many cosmetics that market "SPF included" contain chemical sunscreens. People also like chemical sunscreens because they are quite sweat and water-resistant.
Pro: no white residue
Chemical sunscreens also blend well into the skin and do not leave any white residue. If you think back to the sunscreen you used as a kid, chances are it was a chemical sunscreen. Mineral sunscreens have become more popular in recent years as consumers are paying more attention to the ingredients in their skincare and health products.
Con: not the best for sensitive skin
Although chemical sunscreens are easy to use, they are not always a great choice for those with skin conditions or sensitive skin. The chemicals found in this type of sunscreen can cause allergic reactions or worsen conditions such as melasma.
Con: chemical ingredients and environmental impact
In addition, some of the chemicals used in these products may be linked to cancer, as trace amounts get absorbed into the bloodstream. Another con to consider is the environmental impact of chemical sunscreen, which may damage reefs and other marine environments.

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Why everyone is saying bakuchiol is the new (natural) alternative to retinol for your skin

Expected to reach USD 1.79 billion by 2030, the global retinol market has been on the rise recently -- offering an easy and accessible way to achieve brighter, more youthful skin at home. Retinol works by helping to increase your skin's proliferation (creating new skin cells) and helps increase your skin's collagen production to help target acne, fine lines, wrinkles, and other common skin concerns.

Although many people find they have great success with retinol, it's not for everyone. Not only can retinol be harsh on certain skin types, but it's not always the best choice for those who prefer a more natural skincare routine or one that is plant-based. That's why many people opt for Bakuchiol, a natural retinol alternative. Below, we'll break down the hype about Bakuchiol and its potential benefits for your skin.
What is bakuchiol?
Bakuchiol comes from a plant grown in India known as Psoralea corylifolia. Also known as the "babchi" plant, this botanical extract has been used in ancient Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic practices for centuries. Recently, Bakuchiol has gained popularity in the skincare world, offering properties similar to those of the well-known retinol. Bakuchol extract is offered in many forms to add to your skincare routine, such as in serums or moisturizers. Sometimes, Bakuchiol is also combined with other botanicals, such as jojoba or rose hip, to help improve effectiveness.
What are the benefits of bakuchiol?

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