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SoulCycle Celebrates Movember

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When we hear the phrase “Movember” we tend to think about growing out our mustaches and beards, but the month of November is so much more than just about grooming.

The Movember Foundation’s vision is to have an everlasting impact on the face of men’s health (and we show our support by growing out our facial hair) but it’s also about health in general – so our friends at SoulCycle are helping celebrate by getting guys into shape and introducing them to the cult workout so many already love.

For the month of November, SoulCycle is launching the #NoMoExcuses initiative. This means all you first time riders out there will receive a free SoulCycle class – across the country, during the entire month.

The initiative aims to get guys to become more physically active, which actually coincides with the MORE initiative – an initiative to encourage men and women to commit to getting more active throughout the month.

To make this initiative even more enticing, SoulCycle will offer a free ride to guys who are already members, just for referring – just head over to this site to sign up a bro who doesn’t know about the SoulCycle craze.

Since high energy music is such an important part of the experience, SoulCycle will also offer a series of male-focused theme rides, including “Moustached Musicians” and “Jock Jams” to fully celebrate the month.

There are over 32 locations nationwide, and the brand has established itself as a leader in indoor cycling.

The company is also expected to expand to over 60 locations over the next two years – so to get involved in the #NoMoExcuses initiative, check out available locations on their official website.

If you’d like to learn more about the month of Movember you can head on over here.

Stefan Doyno
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Stefan Doyno is a two-time Emmy-winning television producer who has worked for various shows at ABC News, including Good…
Beginner’s Guide to Trail Running and What You Need
Trail running shoes close-up

Even if you’re not a very outdoorsy person, you’ve probably heard of trail running. It’s a pastime that’s becoming more and more popular as people look to spend more time outside in nature while also getting in a healthy workout. If you’re interested in seeing if trail running is a good fit for you, here’s a great beginner’s guide to introduce you to this unique sport and teach you everything you need to know to become a trail runner. When you're ready to get started, put on your best trail running shoes and keep your feet steady.
What is Trail Running?
As the name suggests, trail running is a type of running that takes place outdoors, usually on wilderness trails. Generally, trail running involves more changes in elevation (with ascents and descents) and diverse terrain than road running, practiced on unpaved, gravel, or dirt tracks.

Is Trail Running Difficult?
It depends on the type of trail you’re running on, but generally yes, due to the alternating terrain and obstacles, trail running is more difficult than road running. This is why it’s important to take your time easing into this sport. Even if you’re an experienced runner, for your first trail runs you should start on flatter, better-groomed trails so you get accustomed to the difference in feel and difficulty from the running that you’re used to. After you’ve gotten into the swing of things, you can branch out to other trails that have more changes in elevation and aren’t as groomed or maintained, and may have obstacles like rocks, roots, uneven surfaces, and sharp changes in elevation. As you practice and run more, your stamina will improve.
How Do You Train for Trail Running?
Trail running is a whole different animal from road running in terms of form and physicality. In road running, you’d usually use longer strides to cover more ground faster, but in trail running, to maintain balance and traction with the uneven ground, you’ll want to practice taking shorter strides that keep your feet under your body. You should also swing your arms more to help with your balance.

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Zwift and Digital Cycling Aim To Elevate Real-World Biking
Tour de Zwift riders cruise in front of a digital Arc de Triomphe in Paris.

In the 2020 Tour de Zwift, riders had the opportunity to unlock a spot in a virtual Tour de France, the ultimate cycling event, right from home.

The Tour de Zwift, appropriately, occurred on Zwift, a massively popular multiplayer online cycling and running physical training program that enables users to interact, train, and compete in a virtual world. Not only does the app attract at-home cyclists with road bikes and trainers linked to the Zwift system, but over 100,000 people also watched the 2022 UCI Cycling Esports World Championships, hosted by Zwift on February 26. (Union Cycliste Internationale is the world governing body for sports cycling and oversees international competitive cycling events.) As people from New York City to the Netherlands cheered virtual riders on, Zwift’s palpable ambition was on display. Not only does the company want to remain a global esports and gaming leader, but it also wants to bring digital cycling races onto the same vaunted level as real-life events, elevating the spinning sport for all.

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5 Physical Fitness Components You Need to Understand
Man running on street by a body of water.

Do you know the difference between muscle strength and muscle endurance? If not, this article will help you learn the difference, why they’re essential, and how to improve them. And these are just two of the five physical fitness components, with body composition, cardiovascular endurance, and flexibility being the other three. 

Whether you’re working out or bending over to pick up your child, it is important to know how to improve your overall body composition to make these tasks easier. Let's discover the best ways to grow your physical fitness expertise.  
What Are the 5 Components of Physical Fitness?
1. Body Composition
Body composition is a way of breaking the body down into its core elements. Our bodies are made up of minerals, protein, fat, and water. Using measurements showing your body fat percentage and how much lean muscle mass you carry more accurately depicts your overall body composition than the commonly used Body Mass Index (BMI) because it only goes off your height and weight.

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