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Exploring The Slow Restart of Professional Sports

Professional sports are coming back to life. It’s a slow restart, for certain, but it’s offering fans something to root for and other organizations a look and what it might look to make a legitimate return.

Korean baseball was the first major league to play ball again. Players competed in empty stadiums but supporters could at least watch in real time from home. Desperate for content beyond the occasional UFC fight or rumor of an NFL trade, ESPN aired a lot of these games. The station also released a couple of eye-opening miniseries on two superstars in Lance Armstrong and Michael Jordan, a pretty savvy move in the absence of real sports competitions.

Hanwha Eagles players wear masks before the Korean Baseball Organization League opening game on May 5. Korean baseball was the first major league to play ball again. (Chung Sung-Jun/Getty Images)

Soccer is following suit, with most of the major leagues (La Liga in Spain, the Premiership in England) set to start back up in mid-June. The Bundesliga in Germany was the first to return to action, with players and team staff adhering to strict quarantine protocols and fan-less stadiums. In partially opened Germany, fans are flocking to beer halls to watch their favorite teams, but are not yet attending matches. The top Costa Rican soccer league, too, resumed on the early side with some of the games getting picked up by starved American sports stations. Recently, too, Major League Soccer announced its return in early July.

It’s pretty fascinating to watch. Without fans, viewers can hear the incessant shouting of players and the direction of coaches. The psychology of the pandemic is real and has rubbed off on the athletes. There’s still plenty of physical contact but there’s often an air of hesitancy (quite justified). Players have been instructed not to hug and high-five, making goal celebrations incredibly awkward.

Basketball recently announced its return date of July 31. The plan is to bring in the top 22 teams (35 players and staff from each team) in the association and have them compete for playoff spots. It will all happen at Disney in Orlando, keeping the sport captive and properly quarantined. Again, this will be an empty arena affair but hoops fans will love the return of what’s been a pretty open and entertaining regular season thus far. 

The end of July seems pretty far off but you have to keep in mind how complicated this all is. The NBA is a global league with players from all over the planet. Many will be flying back to the states and will have to self-quarantine upon return. Then, teams will begin to practice in their own cities before heading to Florida. With such a tight basketball community being assembled at Disney, the goal of course is to keep everybody healthy. A second wave in such an environment would spread like wildfire so there will be daily testing.

A soccer match between Rayo Vallecano and Albacete on June 10 in Madrid, Spain. {Denis Doyle/Getty Images)

In scheduling some regular season games, the league smartly preserved one of its best attributes: the playoff push. Sixteen teams ultimately make the playoffs and the 8th seeds in each conference are especially fought-over. Viewers get more basketball and teams get a fighting chance to make the postseason. On paper, it’s looking like a Lakers and Bucks final but you just never know with pro hoops, which is part of the fun.

The NFL is slated to start on time late this summer, but so much is dependent on the state of the pandemic. Surely, the stadiums will be empty or set to very limited capacities. And what of the players in one of the world’s most contact-heavy sports? There’s a macho element embedded in American football but how risky will playing be for the health of the players? It’s a massive sport, with rosters carrying more than 50 players and a plurality of coaches, trainers, and more.

Players have been keeping busy during the pause, training on their own and in small groups and supporting vital causes. The recent death of George Floyd has sparked the newest chapter of a longstanding movement and athletes are putting their public visibility to great use. Rising star Jadon Sancho of Borussia Dortmund sported a simple statement while basketball players like Steph Curry and Damian Lillard marched with protesters in their hometowns.

The return of sports will bring some much-needed normalcy to our lives but it must be done with health concerns taking precedence over cash concerns. Obviously, that’s not always to be assumed given the scale of money these colossal leagues are working with. It’s set to be a different sporting landscape entirely but that’s all part of this new normal we’re all navigating.

Mark Stock
Mark Stock is a writer from Portland, Oregon. He fell into wine during the Recession and has been fixated on the stuff since…
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Americans are drinking more than ever, albeit in a changed format. The conventional bar has been reduced to a potential cesspool where the virus is passed around like confetti. We drink at home now, or in public, spaced out in parks.
Certainly the adjusted legislation that allows most states to bypass the three-tier system is a silver lining. Drinkers are getting their wine and beer delivered to their doorstep. Cocktail lovers are getting to-go Negronis and enjoying them over an episode of Schitt's Creek. For smaller operations especially, there’s a new sense of power and liberation. Distributors and retailers still play a huge role but the heightened direct-to-consumer approach is a boon for drinks enthusiasts and smaller labels alike.
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The pre-eminent factor of sports podcasts is the fact that they’re so widely accessible. They can fuel your opinion and provide you with the information you need to back it up. Hell, sometimes it seems like staying up to date with sports gossip and news is as competitive and cut-throat as the sports themselves.

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The Best Virtual Tours and Activities to Explore at Home
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Around the world, many cities and countries have urged or even legally mandated that their citizens stay home to try and curb the spread of COVID-19. Cut off from the outside world, we’re realizing the value of so many things we used to take for granted: the ability to travel at will to a different country, visit an art gallery or museum, or take the family to a theme park or zoo for a day of fun. But there is one bright side: we live in a digital age where many real-world experiences have been transformed into digital ones, allowing us to explore and discover the world from inside our own four walls. Now, with so much time on our hands, we have a chance to better ourselves and do the things we never had the time to do before or only dreamed about: learn more about art or history, take that crazy vacation, or even visit outer space. Institutions around the world from museums to scientific agencies have opened their virtual doors to the world in solidarity and support, offering free content like virtual tours, educational videos, livestreams, and much more to help entertain and educate people. We’ve scoured the web for the best, and here are the top virtual tours and activities for being stuck at home.

Visit a World-Renowned Museum
Many of the world’s top museums, like the Louvre in Paris, NYC’s Guggenheim, the British Museum in London, Amsterdam’s Rijksmuseum and Van Gogh Museums, and LA’s J. Paul Getty Museum are now offering free virtual tours of their exhibits that you can navigate through on your own. The Louvre, for example, has set up online tours of several of its permanent exhibits like the Egyptian Antiquities, the remains of the buildings’ moat, and the “Advent of the Artist” exhibition which features works by Rembrandt and Delacroix. At the Getty, use Google Street View to peruse this famous museum’s collection of European art. At the British Museum, you can virtually stroll through its unparalleled exhibits of priceless antiquities and artifacts from ancient cultures around the world including the ancient Egyptians.

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