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The Case for Men’s Facials

the case for mens facials handsome man facial
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It’s winter, and that means the cold weather is probably beating up your skin and drying it out. That’s why it’s time for you to get a facial. We know what you’re thinking: A facial?! Isn’t that what women do? Nope! Facials are for both men and women, and getting them regularly can be a godsend to your skin. A number of spas offer them, including Haven in New York, which has two facials: the Remedy for Men and the Boot Camp for Men. The Remedy for Men “cleans, detoxifies, and perfects skin.” What exactly does it do?  It “exfoliates, hydrates, cleans pores, promotes lymphatic drainage, stimulates circulation, brightens, nourishes, boosts cell and turnover. The Boot Camp for Men is for those who are serious about getting their skin in shape. It “uses customized acids to deep-clean, hydrate, resurface, purify and protect skin. Effectively addresses ingrowns, breakouts, light scarring, sun damaged skin, fine lines and wrinkles, enlarged pores, uneven granular skin, and blackheads.”

“Personal grooming for men is just as important as it is for women,” says Haven skincare expert and facial guru Stalina Glot. “Their skin has the same needs — they just get away with flaws more easily because they can be perceived as ‘rugged’ and that’s sexy. But… clogged pores, oily skin, flaky skin, are never sexy and you need a pro to take care of them. You need someone to help guide you through the maze of skincare products out there – because they’re typically overwhelming to male clients.  In my experience, men are more comfortable treating themselves, and once they know what a facial is like they’re hooked!”

In between facials keep your skin moisturized with products like Dove+Men moisturizer or Dove+Men Hydrating cream. “Biologically, men’s skin is different than women’s skin because it is thicker, produces more sweat and oil resulting in larger pores that can clog with dirt and oil more easily,” says Dermatologist Dr. Terrence Keaney, the Dove Men+Care Expert. “Men’s skin also has lower pH values, which can cause some cleansing products to have a more drying effect on skin. When men come into my office the first thing I recommend are cleansing products designed for them that will effectively remove dirt and excess oil while also hydrating their skin. Maintaining skin’s hydration levels is one of the most important ways to keep the skin healthy and strong.” The Dove Men+Care Hydration Balance Body Wash is made with MICROMOISTURE technology that activates on skin during lather to lock in the skin’s natural moisture and provide hydration for healthier, stronger skin.”

So there you have it — go book yourself a facial, and in between, moisturize your skin.

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Ann Binlot
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Ann Binlot is a New York-based freelance writer who contributes to publications like The Economist, Wallpaper*, Monocle…
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