Beards are in, my friends, and as long as Congress doesn’t reinstate the draft (which killed off our fury companions during World War I), they are likely here to stay—and for good reason. Beards make dumb people look smarter. They award grace and nobility to even the ugliest of faces, and if you’re lazy (like me), they save you those few precious morning minutes. Let’s say you spend five minutes a day shaving, a very conservative estimate, that’s over thirty hours a year, over 300 hours in ten years—over twelve days you could have spent sleeping, drinking more coffee, or making sweet, sweet morning love.
But how, you ask, is one supposed to get that morning affection when your beard smells like the porterhouse you gnawed on the night before? Two words: Beard Buddy. (We know, we know. We’ve mentioned Beard Buddy before, but this article has that new article smell. Mmmm…fresh, steamy beard article…) As a proud grower of a face muff for years, long before they were ironically cool, there have been times when I have struggled to keep my chin mop smelling and looking like the hair wonder it is. Thankfully, a couple of beard aficionados out of LA have stepped up to the plate. With their line of beard washes and oils packed full of organic goodness, my beard finally smells as good as it looks, and is so soft it puts the top locks to shame.
Personally, I’ve always had a hard time finding a wash that has the right balance of toughness to obliterate the grime but still gentle enough for that virgin skin hiding underneath. No longer. Beard Buddy Beard Wash doesn’t strip away your man oils like a run-of-the-mill face wash, nor does it leave you smelling like you fell face first into bucket of daisies. But don’t stop there. Massage in a couple of drops of the Beard Oil and watch out! With its silky smooth texture and all-man scent, doors will open, women will flock, and the beard gods will look down upon your curly waves of jawbristle and smile, for you are no longer just a man who grows one hell of a beard. You are a beard that has grown a man!