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Ridley Scott’s ‘Napoleon’ just got a new director’s cut on Apple TV+

The director's cut is now available to stream on Apple TV+.

Joaquin Phoenix in Napoleon.
Apple TV+

Almost a year after Napoleon hit theaters to a mixed critical response, director Ridley Scott has returned to announce that his 2023 film about the famous French dictator is now available in an entirely new version. Napoleon: The Director’s Cut features 48 minutes of never-before-seen footage, and that version of the film is now available on Apple TV+.

Based on the teaser that was released alongside the announcement, it seems like much of the extended runtime will be devoted to the battle sequences that were often cut short in the theatrical version. Those battle sequences were part of the movie’s calling card, and they’re something that Scott has become well-known for executing over the course of his long career.

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Regardless of which cut you watch, though, the story Napoleon tells is likely to be roughly the same. The movie follows the French emperor beginning in 1793 at the height of the French Revolution, and follows its titular character as he proves his acumen on the battlefield and finds himself appointed first as one of France’s rulers, and eventually as its emperor.

Scott puts particular focus on Napoleon’s marriage to Joséphine de Beauharnais and the ways she uses her power over him throughout their relationship. The film was positioned for awards but only received Oscar nominations in below-the-line categories, and faced a mixed reception from critics. There are those, though, who have defended the film since its release, and will undoubtedly be eager to dive into this extended edition to see which version is actually better.

Joe Allen
Joe Allen is a freelance culture writer based in upstate New York. His work has been published in The Washington Post, The…
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