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This is How Many Exercises Per Muscle Group You Should Do

Working out can be a big undertaking for a lot of people. Unless you grew up in a weight room or played sports throughout school, it can seem like a daunting task. While the best piece of advice is to just start, where exactly to start can be a bit of a complicated question. 

Sure you could just decide to join a gym, buy some weights/bands/equipment, but then what? While doing something is going to be better than doing nothing, as time progresses, you want to start a plan of attack. This will help you maximize time spent working out and exercising and let you see the best results as fast as possible

Guy at a gym grabs a barbell to start a snatch exercise.
Victor Freitas / Unsplash

As you progress and start to build out your workouts, a commonly asked question arises: How many exercises should you do per muscle group? 

The answer. It’s a bit complicated.

How Many Exercises Should You Do Per Muscle Group?

Ultimately, this is going to vary depending on multiple factors:

  • Type of training you’re performing
  • Time availability such as session length and how many times per week you train
    • Session length
    • How many times per week you train
  • Goals
    • Sport/Performance
    • Size/Bodybuilding
    • Total Body Toning
  • Your current fitness level

All of these concepts will come into play once you start building out your workouts. Once you have answered those questions, then you can look a little further into the specifics of training volume. 

Guy in a gym performs a pull-up on a bar.

What is Training Volume?

In general, training volume refers to the number of exercises, sets, repetitions, and weight used during a given workout, more specifically, over a given amount of time (commonly a weekly basis). From here we can break down the workload even further. 

Considerations for Sets & Repetitions

To truly maximize exercises per muscle group, we need to break down sets and reps and define different schemes that have shown to be effective for specific goals.

Strength Training

  • 5 repetitions or lower
  • Generally higher rest between sets (2-5 minutes)  to allow full CNS (central nervous system) recovery
  • 5 sets or fewer on working sets (this does not include warm-up sets)
  • Weight should be near maximal

Bodybuilding and Size Training

  • 8-12 rep range is ideal for maximizing muscle hypertrophy (growth), with decent strength improvement
  • Moderate rest usually 45-90 seconds between sets
  • Moderate to heavy weight without sacrificing good form
  • 4-6 sets

Muscular Endurance Training

  • Generally working within the 15-20+ rep range
  • Weight is on the lighter side
  • 30-45 seconds rest between sets
  • 3-4 sets
Guy working out is performing a mountain climber on the ground.

Training Goals

Now that you have a better idea of the training volume needed to maximize the workouts, you need to figure out what your exact goals are. Once that is figured out, then you can plan out the workout split (how many times) for a given week.

Total Body Toning Training

  • A great starting point to maximize fat loss and build muscular endurance is through total body workouts
  • Perform them three (3) days per week – one (1) full rest day between sessions
    • Typical Total Body Splits
      • Monday, Wednesday, Friday
      • Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
  • Typically start with 1-2 exercises per muscle group with a total of 6-8 exercises per session

Sport/Performance Training

  • Typically to maximize this type of training goal, working out muscle groups 2-3 times per week is best
  • Typical splits: push/pull or upper/lower body days
    • Monday/Thursday:  Push or Upper body sessions
    • Tuesday/Friday:  Pull or Lower body sessions
    • All other days are rest days
  • Typically start with 2-4 exercises per muscle group per session

Bodybuilding & Size

  • A general rule of thumb to maximize muscle size and growth is to work out each muscle group 1-2 times per week
  • Sample Workout Split
    • Monday – Chest
    • Tuesday – Back
    • Wednesday – Rest
    • Thursday – Shoulders
    • Friday – Legs
    • Saturday – Abs
    • Sunday – Rest
  • Typically start with 6-8 exercises per muscle group per session
Runner running up a set of staris.
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Starting & Your Goals

The main goal is to figure out your starting point, given your current fitness level, your goals, then go from there. Once you know that you can start creating your workouts. Most people that do struggle with the question of how many exercises per muscle group, fall on the beginner side of things.

A great starting point would be total body workouts, three (3) times per week until you start to get your fitness level built up. Then as you progress, play around with the different workout splits to keep things interesting, and that way your workouts never get boring.

Jeff Turbett
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Jeff Turbett is a health and wellness coach with over three years of experience transforming clients lives and physical…
Every Massage Tool You Need for the Entire Body
Man using a massage gun.

No matter how you choose to exercise, recovery is always necessary. Whether you enjoy running outdoors or following a routine in the gym, your muscles are likely to be fatigued and sore after an effective workout. Soreness and tightness can even be accentuated when you sit at a desk all day and do not have a job that keeps you moving. We would all like to be able to book a weekly massage, but unfortunately, that is not realistic for most of us. Luckily, there is a range of self-massage tools that can serve as an affordable and effective alternative!

Using recovery tools like foam rollers, massage balls, Theraguns, and other great massage guns and massage sticks can help loosen tight muscles and stiff joints. Using the right massage tool helps increase range of motion and eases muscle soreness and pain after a workout. That said, it can be difficult to know which self-massage tool to use when and where on your body. To help you maximize workout recovery, loosen your muscles, and ease your aches and pains, we’ve shared our favorite massage tools and their best uses below.

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Beginner’s Guide to Trail Running and What You Need
Trail running shoes close-up

Even if you’re not a very outdoorsy person, you’ve probably heard of trail running. It’s a pastime that’s becoming more and more popular as people look to spend more time outside in nature while also getting in a healthy workout. If you’re interested in seeing if trail running is a good fit for you, here’s a great beginner’s guide to introduce you to this unique sport and teach you everything you need to know to become a trail runner. When you're ready to get started, put on your best trail running shoes and keep your feet steady.
What is Trail Running?
As the name suggests, trail running is a type of running that takes place outdoors, usually on wilderness trails. Generally, trail running involves more changes in elevation (with ascents and descents) and diverse terrain than road running, practiced on unpaved, gravel, or dirt tracks.

Is Trail Running Difficult?
It depends on the type of trail you’re running on, but generally yes, due to the alternating terrain and obstacles, trail running is more difficult than road running. This is why it’s important to take your time easing into this sport. Even if you’re an experienced runner, for your first trail runs you should start on flatter, better-groomed trails so you get accustomed to the difference in feel and difficulty from the running that you’re used to. After you’ve gotten into the swing of things, you can branch out to other trails that have more changes in elevation and aren’t as groomed or maintained, and may have obstacles like rocks, roots, uneven surfaces, and sharp changes in elevation. As you practice and run more, your stamina will improve.
How Do You Train for Trail Running?
Trail running is a whole different animal from road running in terms of form and physicality. In road running, you’d usually use longer strides to cover more ground faster, but in trail running, to maintain balance and traction with the uneven ground, you’ll want to practice taking shorter strides that keep your feet under your body. You should also swing your arms more to help with your balance.

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5 Physical Fitness Components You Need to Understand
Man running on street by a body of water.

Do you know the difference between muscle strength and muscle endurance? If not, this article will help you learn the difference, why they’re essential, and how to improve them. And these are just two of the five physical fitness components, with body composition, cardiovascular endurance, and flexibility being the other three. 

Whether you’re working out or bending over to pick up your child, it is important to know how to improve your overall body composition to make these tasks easier. Let's discover the best ways to grow your physical fitness expertise.  
What Are the 5 Components of Physical Fitness?
1. Body Composition
Body composition is a way of breaking the body down into its core elements. Our bodies are made up of minerals, protein, fat, and water. Using measurements showing your body fat percentage and how much lean muscle mass you carry more accurately depicts your overall body composition than the commonly used Body Mass Index (BMI) because it only goes off your height and weight.

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