In addition to their performance goggles, they have a line of RX optical and sunglasses (which is why we’re writing about them on the first day of summer). And, more…every time you buy a pair, they donate lenses and frames to people in underserved communities across the globe. Their program is called “Charity for Clarity,” and they’ve teamed up with Physicians for Peace, an NGO with a program called “Seeing Clearly,” that helps improve much needed eye care in impoverished communities around the world. We don’t need to tell you how that lack of vision can only confound the problems associated with poverty.
If that all sounds vaguely familiar, that’s because it’s basically the same model as the one famously created by Warby Parker. We’re not normally into such blatant borrowing of style, but hey, this is about helping the less fortunate, not some trend-driven statement, so we’re cool with Vonzipper’s imitation. More businesses would do well to follow suit.
And besides, Vonzipper’s frames certainly do their own thing. They’re way more sport than sports coat. They add a bit of style sense to an athletic aesthetic and with frame-names like “Fluent in Sarcasm” and “Hotel Motel,” they’re also meant for having a little fun.