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Care/of Is Your Key to Staying Healthy During the Holidays

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The holidays are the worst time of year to maintain a healthy routine.

Parties and the two most gluttonous days of the year make it a 1-2 punch below (and above) the belt.

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Through all of this madness, there is one thing that you can control – or even start: a vitamin regimen.

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Care/of, a brand new startup, is taking the guesswork and lack of transparency out of the vitamin aisle, making it easier than ever to get the extra nutritional push that so many of us lack throughout the year.

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The concept is relatively simple. Fill out an online questionnaire detailing your current habits, lifestyle and any allergies/current health conditions. Then, their algorithm sifts through more than a million different combinations and out pops a personalized vitamin regimen meant to bring nutritional balance to your life. If you like what they suggest, they’ll send you a monthly pack with a 30-day supply.

“The goal is building your personal vitamin pack that’s as scientifically appropriate as possible,” CEO Craig Elbert says.

The entire process comes backed by a number of top doctors, researchers and nutritional advisers. The startup has gathered experts from places like Harvard, Tufts and Northwestern to back all of the medical research and uses only peer-reviewed content on their online medical directory, which explains each of the vitamin recommendations in great detail.

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“Each of our experts brings something different to the table,” Elbert says. “It helps when we’re trying to break into an industry where the consumer has plenty of skepticism.”

Care/of is also committed to using vitamins and minerals harvested from clean & natural sources. Each product has high “bioavailability” meaning that because they’re fermented with whole foods, the vitamins and minerals are easier to digest. Elbert compares it to the way green tea is extracted through a cup of hot water.

Digestion (or lack of it) is something that tends to reappear every holiday season. Elbert has his own recommendation for those looking to find balance in the coming weeks. “Probiotics can help normalize your system in a time when we eat so much and our eating habits change from what they typically are,” he says.

So, stave off the winter sniffles and keep your gut going strong with personalized vitamin packs from Care/of. Pricing is contingent upon your personalized regimen, but they generally start at $20 per month. And for all packs costing $20 or more, free shipping is included.

Geoff Nudelman
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Geoff is a former contributor to The Manual. He's a native Oregonian who’s always up for a good challenge and a great hike…
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