YOLK is the brainchild of a designer: SungUn Chang. The Korean company is actually headquartered in Chicago where Chang completed grad school. Her first foray into solar energy was the Solarade, which was the world’s smallest 5 Watt solar charger. It can charge an iPhone 5 in around an hour and half. You can still get this bad boy, but at roughly the size of an iPad, Solarade is not as easy as Solar Paper to take camping, hiking, sailing, picnicking– you name the outdoor activity.
Solar Paper, on the other hand, is aptly-named: it’s the world’s thinnest, lightest, coolest looking solar charger that is going to take your cellphone, tablet, e-reader, iPad, etc. from zero to hero. The use of solar power has been around a while now, but the idea of using it for our smaller gadgets is relatively new. The geniuses behind YOLK felt Kickstarter investors, who are usually on the early-adoption train, would be likely to embrace the idea of solar energy. They were right. Kickstarter flipped for it; Solar Paper was launched on the crowdfunding site in 2014 where YOLK raised over a million dollars.
The panels of Solar Paper fold up, creating a tiny 9 x 9 x 1.1 cm rectangle that weighs a mere five ounces. Did we mention it’s also water resistant and designed to easily add more panels if you need additional power. Solar Paper can charge your iPhone 6 in about two and half hours on a sunny day, which is comparable to your wall outlet except you don’t have to pay for the sun! Even on a cloudy day you’re looking at just five hours for a full charge. Solar Paper is also designed to be easily clipped onto your backpack so you can trek and charge at the same time.
A LCD amp meter keeps you fully informed about how much current is being transferred in the charge and it will automatically make adjustments as needed. You aren’t required to lift a finger, even if clouds try to ruin your charge: Solar Paper has what they call “Auto Comparison Technology,” which means the solar panels automatically resume charging your device once it’s back in full sun.
Lightweight, water-resistant, and powerful, Solar Paper is not only a cool gadget, it might literally be a lifesaver.