“I tried building a few out of different molding, quite a few types, of concrete and wood, all sorts of things, and I finally came out of the idea of molding them out of plastic, because that would give me the ideal curvature — the shape of the horn — to amplify the sound,” explained Hill.
After a little more than two years, a dozen prototypes and a sound test called holographic laser speckle pattern interferometry, Hill, a former aeronautical engineer finally came up with the design he was looking for.
“We were getting a sound that sounded really life-like, as if the musicians were right there in front of you playing,” said Hill.
Not only does the Ferguson Hill FH009 Home Theatre System sound exactly like the action you’re viewing on your television, it also blends in perfectly with any home decor, thanks to the system’s translucent speakers. “Making it clear was an easy way out not to have to choose a color,” said Hill. “It really does it makes them less obtrusive, so they disappear into the room, they’re not forbidding as something that’s made of wood or concrete or plaster.”
Unfortunately the Ferguson Hill FHOO9 Home Theatre System is only available by special order from Europe at the moment, but that will soon change when these super sleek speakers make their stateside debut in the next month or so.
The Ferguson Hill FHOO9 Home Theatre System, £795 ($1,256), at fergusonhill.co.uk.