- Barometer – provides information on local weather and atmospheric pressure.
- Earth Compass – displays the distance and direction to landmarks across the U.S. and abroad.
- Walking Counter – measures your total steps for the day, week or month.
- Tides – lets you know the current tide at various nautical locations.
- Thermometer – shows the current temperature, and can compare it to the temperatures of different cities.
- Sun / Moon – tracks the time of the next sunrise, sunset, moonrise and moonset.
- Star Gazer – displays the stars and constellation names.
An interesting feature is the Glove Mode, which lets you use the screen even when wearing gloves. Another plus: the cloud service LiveG helps you create your own personal outdoor map. Keep track of your favorite activities and trekking records. With the pre-loaded social media app G’z World, you can see the location of other G’zOne users and share photos. Be sure to check out the Commando website for more details on design and usability.